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Upgrading from 4.3 to 4.6. Index outside of main folder

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Hi guys,

I'm will be upgrading from 4.3 to 4.6 soon. I moved to a new server and now planning to do a test install first to ensure all is ok.

Few questions guys:

1. I checked the Upgrade Guide and it says:


Checking URL's and storage paths prior to upgrading
It's important to check your urls and upload paths in your admincp on 3.x prior to upgrading, for example if you have more than one url parked on your hosting configuration, the upload paths and urls should only match your current url of the site.

Can you please clarify where I should doublecheck this?
I checked conf_global.php and also Admin -> Advanced Configuration -> Data Storage
Both seems to be ok. Any other URLs or Storage Paths that I need to check to ensure a smooth upgrade?



If you have more than one url parked on your hosting configuration, the upload paths and urls should only match your current url of the site.

I do not understand this to be honest

2. As I understand after upgrading to 4.6 the language translation will be totally lost and I will need to translate from scratch again. Is this correct?

3. My tables collation is utf8_general_ci. All tables are the same collation as well. Would that still require an upgrade?


UTF8 Requirements

Invision Community requires UTF8 when upgrading, if your current database is not UTF8, during the first steps of the upgrade process, you will be prompted to run a UTF8 conversion, this is all built into the upgrader and works very well. Once this step is completed, you will be taken back to the upgrade routine.

4.  I should re-build / resave ALL pages + blocks built with ip.Content? I have plenty. And if not, they will not work?


IP.content > Pages
Upgrading ip.content to pages will upgrade your ip.content database, and content to the new Pages Application, however all blocks and templates will need to be re-created in IPS4 after the upgrade.

5. My forum now is in a subfolder and I use ip.content with .htaccess to show a homepage outside of the forum folder, index page. I will be able to keep that after the upgrade, right?

6. Anything else I should know about (besides the requirements checker and making files/db backup) before upgrading from 4.3 to 4.6?

Edited by estan
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1 - You are checking the version 3 to version 4 section there, so you dont have that, as you arent on version 3.

2 - You should obtain an updated version of your language pack from the author, or update any changed translations yourself if you have manually translated.

3 - If this is needed, the upgrader will walk you through that process

4 - You are not upgrading from content to pages. As mentioned above, you are looking at version 3 to version 4. Thats not the process you are running. You are already on version 4 (you're on 4.3)

5 - This is not something that is available any longer. If you wish to use pages at root, you would move your site to root and set pages as the default application. You can see how to do this here


6 - You will need to check any 3rd party items you have on your site are compatible

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@Marc Stridgen thank you for your reply! Yeah, it seems that I misread the guide. It is from 3 to 4.x. Thank you anyway!


5 - This is not something that is available any longer. If you wish to use pages at root, you would move your site to root and set pages as the default application. You can see how to do this here

Can you clarify further this point please?

Now I have the following setup.
- IPS is installed in /board/
- using pages, I have / - index page simulated/loading in root
- using pages, I haver /articles - also loading outside of board
- using pages, I have multiple other databases

Are you saying that after the upgrade, it will not be possibly any more to have index page outside of /board/?
And also that I will not be able to have /articles? 

What would I have instead? Would it be: board/articles and board/index.php?
No any workaround about this to have it as it was before in previous versions?

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Instead of having all of the files under /board/ you would move everything to /.

Once there, that will have all the pages, databases, etc all show up correctly.  By default, forums would change to /forums/ path instead of /board/.  It's easy to edit that however.  If you want it to be /board/, from the AdminCP, just search for "Customize Friendly URLs".  Search for any mentions of forums/ and change it to board/. (There are 2-3, so it's a simple quick edit.)

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10 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Instead of having all of the files under /board/ you would move everything to /.

Once there, that will have all the pages, databases, etc all show up correctly.  By default, forums would change to /forums/ path instead of /board/.  It's easy to edit that however.  If you want it to be /board/, from the AdminCP, just search for "Customize Friendly URLs".  Search for any mentions of forums/ and change it to board/. (There are 2-3, so it's a simple quick edit.)

What Randy mentioned, apart from, root FURLs cannot be customized. It would be better to 301 redirect via your server board to forums.

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23 minutes ago, Jim M said:

What Randy mentioned, apart from, root FURLs cannot be customized. It would be better to 301 redirect via your server board to forums.

Correct.  That's why I suggested the root be left in the root of the site.  According to the OP, the forums themselves are what are in the special path, which can be modified via the FURL edit.  🙂  The others would match what he has today and not need to be changed.  

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4 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Correct.  That's why I suggested the root be left in the root of the site.  According to the OP, the forums themselves are what are in the special path, which can be modified via the FURL edit.  🙂  The others would match what he has today and not need to be changed.  

Believe there is a misunderstanding in what I mentioned. Root FURLs like /forums, cannot be altered in the FURL system, I'm afraid. 

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4 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Believe there is a misunderstanding in what I mentioned. Root FURLs like /forums, cannot be altered in the FURL system, I'm afraid. 

Yes.  Sorry, I was testing the actual sub-generated URLs...  


https://www.mydomain.com/forum/id-?? https://www.mydomain.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&controller=forums&id=123

In the above, change the forum reference on the left to board.  At that point, as I navigate the site, I can browse like normal for /board/id-forum-name.

In order to handle /board itself, .htaccess could be leveraged to create the redirect.  Sorry...  did not think that fully through.  

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7 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Yes.  Sorry, I was testing the actual sub-generated URLs...  


https://www.mydomain.com/forum/id-?? https://www.mydomain.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&controller=forums&id=123

In the above, change the forum reference on the left to board.  At that point, as I navigate the site, I can browse like normal for /board/id-forum-name.

In order to handle /board itself, .htaccess could be leveraged to create the redirect.  Sorry...  did not think that fully through.  

No worries 🙂 . Yeah, due to this complexity, it would probably be recommended for those who do not know .htaccess to simply have their server redirect all requests to /board to /forums. Simplifies things down a bit 😉 .

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4 minutes ago, estan said:

What about if I do not want to move the files to the /  ? What are my options then to still keep index page, articles etc?

Everything would be contained in /board. Whatever application you choose to be your default application then would show up at /board. Say you chose to keep the Forums application as your default, then you would then have your index page and articles at /board/{page-name}/  (where {page-name} is the name of your page or page's URL). If you chose to set the Pages application as your default, then your index page would be at /board/ and your articles would be at /board/{page-name} and then the Forums application would be at /board/forums/

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Thank you! This is helpful. However, this is not most probably how I will proceed for now. Most probably I will keep the board/ at least for now.

But if at some point in the future I want to move everything to / , I just move the files & folders from /board/ and then change conf_global.php and Data Storage path in admin panel. Anything else needed?

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Also, if I go with the /board/ option and now I have the tunneling outside of board for index + articles + others, during/after the upgrade any recommendations? What should I do or not do? Should I change some settings or files (like .htaccess in /) before the upgrade? Or what I should do after the upgrade? 

Any specific instructions, tips or recommendations?
@Jim M or anyone else maybe?

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I did the upgrade and all seems to be fine. 
Index outside of /board/ is still ok. So, page index from Pages is still loading from / instead of /board/. Actually it loads from both, but that is fine.
/articles is now redirected to /board/articles; same for other DBs.  While not ideal, it is ok

Thank you!

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