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Nofication Key Issue/bug?


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When updating an application, have been having issues with Notifications being displayed while in development mode.

I would get this error while trying to view Notifications from the  "View All Notifications" in the frontend of the forum.


RuntimeException:  (0)
#0 E:\wamp64\www\invisiondev4.6\system\Notification\Table.php(108): IPS\Notification\_Inline->getData()
#1 E:\wamp64\www\invisiondev4.6\applications\core\modules\front\system\notifications.php(57): IPS\Notification\_Table->getRows()
#2 E:\wamp64\www\invisiondev4.6\system\Dispatcher\Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_notifications->manage()
#3 E:\wamp64\www\invisiondev4.6\system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#4 E:\wamp64\www\invisiondev4.6\index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#5 {main}

And the spinning wheel of death:


If there is a saved Notification within the 'core_notifications' database with a notification_key in the table which does not have a notification_parse function, you will get the above error. This only happens when in developer mode.

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5 hours ago, Stuart Silvester said:

This exception suggests you have notification data in your database for a notification that no longer exists (or the application no longer exists)

No, this is a notification which exists in the database, but the Notification parse function does not exist. I haven't checked, but I would suspect that there is no check to see if the actual function exists when trying to parse the information (In developer mode).

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9 hours ago, Emediate said:

We're also getting this almost every minute @TDBF - it only started yesterday but after we moved our forum to a new domain URL.

Did you manage to resolve it?

Yes, it was due to the notification key being different in the database from the parse function. When I was updating my code for applications, I changed the Notification parse function and I had to either change the keys in the database or revert the name change on the parse method. I choose the later.

Not sure in your case. Could it be that you have corrupt files or database? I would suggest that you put in a ticket to support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out this was caused by @DawPis DP45) Mod Action Notify Enabled plugin which was creating custom notifications which were associated with the core application. So once the plugin was disabled, the 3rd party notifications were still loaded because they were associated to the core application but the parse method was missing because of the disabled plugin.

We're going to catch the error on the frontend, but this will also result in a guideline change, any future submissions which need own notification types will have to be a proper application with an own notification extension.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/20/2021 at 8:14 PM, Daniel F said:

Turns out this was caused by @DawPis DP45) Mod Action Notify Enabled plugin which was creating custom notifications which were associated with the core application. So once the plugin was disabled, the 3rd party notifications were still loaded because they were associated to the core application but the parse method was missing because of the disabled plugin.

We're going to catch the error on the frontend, but this will also result in a guideline change, any future submissions which need own notification types will have to be a proper application with an own notification extension.

So it should be ported to an application with own Notification class, right?

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