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[CJ] Night Mode (Support Topic)

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Ok one more - Night Mode is by default enabled to all users. Which is no good. They asking as how to disable it etc. It should be disabled by default, only giving them option to enable it. Now all users that have other theme (not used by plugin) have enable this mode and set default them and can't change to another. And we have maaany messages from them. Please fix it :)

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8 hours ago, wegorz23 said:

Great app!

I have only 2 things:

- menu is not visible on mobiles? I see it only on desktop.

- it blocks switching skins. Some users are confused by that. Is there any option to make it better?

I experienced this too (the inability to switch skins) and it does not show on the user menu (for me or anybody else).

I think the idea behind this is users are supposed to choose two themes (one for bright, one for dark) and maybe that's why it doesn't allow theme switching (as that would conflict with the user's choices) to switch between for the light and dark modes.

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pushed an update.

disabled by default, user has to enable it.

added mobile menu item for it under "account"

if enabled, hides theme selector.

this is a basic app, its not meant to be all encompassing. a lot of the sites i have for clients, only have the one theme, and some expressed interest in having a "night mode" option. if you have a gazillion themes, and want to allow people to choose between those, then this app probably isn't intended for you, as i doubt i will be expanding it to allow users to choose what their sunrise and sunsets will be. another dev is more than welcomed to take this app, and do that with if they want as it is MIT licensed for such reason. 

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Thank you for update. I understand that is basic app but anyway, even with sites with 2 themes disabled by default should be better. Most sites have night mode and disabled by default. Thank you also for adding mobile support.

Anyway, I dont see update - still 1.0.0 at marketplace.

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