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How to upgrade third party app in 4.5

Saurabh Jain

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  1. I upgraded to 4.5 in CIC
  2. all third party apps disabled
  3. In market place there is no option to download  : It says install from admin panel
  4. In admin panel  - on clicking upgrade  >   it says upload file  - but above point 3 says you cannot download 

IPS support says - ask third party developers 

I need the process so i can upgrade


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@Saurabh Jain there is also a known issue where available updates will not appear immediately depending on the number of things you have installed from marketplace. You may need to go to ACP > Settings > Applications and click the "Check for updates" a number of times before available updates appear (we had to click it 8-9 times in testing for our installs). Once they're available, you'll see the counter on the application/plugin area increment and show that updates are available, and a link next to the application/plugin that says "Upgrade" which you can click to begin the upgrade process.

We don't use themes from the marketplace, so I'm not sure if the same applies there.

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