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"New content" on mobile

Kjell Iver Johansen

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26 minutes ago, day_ said:

How small is that phone screen? Ok, don’t see as many as before but doesn’t look too bad on the 11 Pro

My IPhone Xr are on repair again (terrible phone!), so at the moment I use my sons IPhone SE. I think that is a standard screensize for many members also.

How many users need Condensed/Expanded and how many need to alter Stream Options. There must be better way of doing this. I think it is a setback from the version we are on now, and I hope there will be a setting so that we easily can skip that stuff. Most of my members don't care about this functionality - they just need to see activity.


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I 100% agree, which is why I privately commissioned a plug-in "Compact Streams" from @Spanner over a year ago. He can probably privately sell for a very modest price.  

I killed all of that junk on mobile.  No stream title, no stream description, no stream option, no stream filter, no condensed or expanded. Five lines of junk, junk, junk.  


Communities that are 50%+ mobile should be auditing all of their top pages on mobile to evaluate the user experience.  

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