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(DP45) Cleanup Members


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Love this!  Greatly needed.  

My question however is that when I choose to cleanup from the main member page, both options spin and spin and spin, never coming to a completion.Could contain: Text, Page

I've checked some conversations.... Appears, deleted member replies are gone... but...

Not sure how to phrase this, but I would expect the task to complete, error, stop... something... ?



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19 hours ago, SMen said:

Love this!  Greatly needed.  

My question however is that when I choose to cleanup from the main member page, both options spin and spin and spin, never coming to a completion.Could contain: Text, Page

I've checked some conversations.... Appears, deleted member replies are gone... but...

Not sure how to phrase this, but I would expect the task to complete, error, stop... something... ?



I ran this also and it ran and ran without ever seeming to end the task until I navigated away to another page.  Perhaps it could go into background tasks where we might see a percentage complete?


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2 hours ago, DawPi said:

It should appeared, it works with a wizard 25 items per loop:

 \IPS\Output::i()->output = new \IPS\Helpers\MultipleRedirect(


The function appears to work.  The issue is that it never comes to a completion.  It just continues on and on until the site itself times out.

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3 minutes ago, DawPi said:

So maybe your server isn't too powerfull? I may provide a way to decrease the cycle loop number.

LOL... no.

I have a E5-2690v2 with 24 cores, 16 gb ram, SSD drives and a very well tuned SQL server.  And my IPS forum is the only site with decent traffic on it.

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