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4.4.5 release, and mobile speed up?

Fast Lane!

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Do we know when 4.4.5 will be released? I've been tracking many comments by IPB staff that mention upgrades to improve mobile page speed. At least for me, my mobile performance is abismal compared to desktop. Too many uneeded JavaScript and stylesheets being loaded. Also just a DOM heavy pageload. Small things like the notification sound Js/audio loading when it doesn't need to. 

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The mobile version can become very fast if IPS changes the concept of CSS rules.
If CSS basic rules are created for mobile version, the responsive design  only contains changes to the desktop, for example ...

.ipsRule {....}
@media screen and (min-width:768px) {.ipsRule {...}}
@media screen and (min-width:980px) {.ipsRule {...}}
@media screen and (min-width:1280px) {.ipsRule {...}}
@media screen and (min-width:1440px) {.ipsRule {...}}

using a media query with only min-width will shorten the volume of CSS and improve the performance of browsers while processing CSS rules.
But, in this version 4.5, I think this will not be done.

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  • 4 months later...
On 7/2/2019 at 2:48 AM, Fast Lane! said:

Do we know when 4.4.5 will be released? I've been tracking many comments by IPB staff that mention upgrades to improve mobile page speed. At least for me, my mobile performance is abismal compared to desktop. Too many uneeded JavaScript and stylesheets being loaded. Also just a DOM heavy pageload. Small things like the notification sound Js/audio loading when it doesn't need to. 

old school yes GIF

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  • 3 months later...
27 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

We profile and refine our code for major releases, 4.5 is no exception and does contain performance related changes.

Awesome, because since the launch of the last update, my board is loading slower and not completely. Driving me a tad bit insane.

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31 minutes ago, MNOfficial said:

Awesome, because since the launch of the last update, my board is loading slower and not completely. Driving me a tad bit insane.

You're welcome to submit a ticket if you think there's a platform performance issue that's causing problems for you.

However, I would also recommend seeing if you can reproduce the issue without any 3rd party themes, plugins or applications to rule those out as causing the issue.

I did take a brief look at your site, which was loading fairly quickly (and complete) as a guest, your custom theme was adding more overhead with the effects. One thing that you can implement quickly to improve performance is a cache policy for your static files (such as images, javascript, css). This is something that is controlled at the server level, you can (if you're using Apache) use a .htaccess file with mod_expires rules to control this. There's a good example of relevant rules here: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/449164-how-to-speed-up-ipb-sites/?do=findComment&comment=2766078

However, since this is moving more from 'feedback' to technical support, I would recommend either submitting a ticket if there's a reproducable issue we can look at otherwise you may want to post in the peer-to-peer section of our community and other members (@adlago!) can give you some tips

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54 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

We profile and refine our code for major releases, 4.5 is no exception and does contain performance related changes.

Can you be more specific please.
Here is the performance test of this forum now


Do you envisage a reduction in the css package for mobile, which is now a measurement parameter for unused css.?

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14 minutes ago, Adlago said:

Can you be more specific please.
Here is the performance test of this forum now


Do you envisage a reduction in the css package for mobile, which is now a measurement parameter for unused css.?

There are changes that encompass both the front-end code and the back-end code, you will be able to profile this when we start the beta process.

Lighthouse is explicitly pointing out that framework.css has unused CSS, which is expected with how we currently use and structure CSS. There are rules that won't get used on an index page for example, but will get used on a content page and of course this greatly varies depending on which widgets you have on the page, whether you use a Pages page with your own customisations, whether you use 3rd party plugins or applications etc.

It isn't always feasible in this kind of (customisable) software package to thin out things as much as possible depending on what we're expecting. If we did, it may end up that each page has a different CSS requirement resulting in more HTTP requests being sent (which also isn't good for performance).

Rest assured, we're always looking at and implementing performance improvements and we'll continue to do so.

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5 hours ago, Stuart Silvester said:

We profile and refine our code for major releases, 4.5 is no exception and does contain performance related changes.

Very good news! CSS and JS are the major concerns:




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