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Log In As...

Ocean West

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Admins can of course log in as some member to check things out particular to their account. 

I would like to see a feature that allows an Admin to Log in As <group> so that once in that state in you can see the site with these permissions, vs having to have a set of "test accounts"

I staged a category and forum but only visible to me after a week i was wondering why there was no traffic or responses I realized that I forgot to make it visible to members.


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5 minutes ago, Ocean West said:

I would like to see a feature that allows an Admin to Log in As <group>

Groups doesn't log in on a forum; users do. It's just log as a user of each group.

You can probably create a test user from each group or even change the group from a unique member to test various configurations.

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11 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

You can probably create a test user from each group or even change the group from a unique member to test various configurations.

Would agree with @Adriano Faria. As there is the possibility to have several groups on a user with primary and secondary member groups, it would always be suggested to have a test user to test these exact scenarios. May be a little time consuming to initially setup test users but ultimately get you the most accurate results.

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By the way: One test user can easily be enough. I usually just keep the ACP open as admin in one browser tab and then test with the test account in a separate tab. To perform various checks, I just change the test user’s groups in the ACP tab. That’s as fast as it can get. 

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