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Adding Database to Club?

Vegan Gaymer

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3 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Pages isn't integrated to Clubs.

Just curious IPS and marketplace programmers, what are the technical difficulties of implementing this functionality from a programming point of view?  Can these difficulties be programatically overcome?  If it is a problem with scaling can we at least have the functionality on a couple of clubs at least?

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5 hours ago, Vegan Gaymer said:

Is there a way to assign a database to a Club so that people can submit recipes, for example, or we can build a library of documents, etc.? Invision says there is no way to do this at the moment, but I could swear that I once had a database in one of my clubs. Thanks!

It's possible in Group Collaboration, a third party app.  But it's never been possible in vanilla IPS.  

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