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PM search time


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  • 6 months later...
On 8/7/2018 at 5:39 AM, Sergey_SV said:

Is there a way to change this setting somwhere in the code/files?

Open applications\core\modules\front\messaging\messenger.php and find:

		if ( \IPS\Request::i()->q )
			/* Limit result set to prevent time outs */
			$where[] = array( 'core_message_topic_user_map.map_last_topic_reply > ?', \IPS\DateTime::ts( time() )->sub( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y' ) )->getTimeStamp() );	

You comment that line by adding // before $where[] or even change P1Y to P3Y, for example....


There's a reason why it is limited:


/* Limit result set to prevent time outs */


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5 hours ago, Sergey_SV said:

@bfarber As far as I see, this is not yet impleneted in 4.4.1 (or may be I am missing this)

is this still on agenda? I would really like to have the full time search option in PM

I raised the request internally, but it doesn't mean it will be fulfilled necessarily. Development direction is not a one-person show so the request will be vetted, discussed, etc. but I can't say whether it will be picked up (and when) or not.

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I'd also like to vote for this--we have almost 20 years of PM history in our forum, so being able to search back further than one year is absolutely mandatory.  Plus there's a long history of multi-user development projects using PMs for private discussion (yes, we have private forums as well for that sort of thing), and only being able to search back a year is a bit crippling from this perspective.  I need to search my PM history frequently to find old conversations.  I have nearly 30,000 conversations stored in my personal account. 

I'm about to (finally) upgrade my 3.4.x forum to 4.4.x, and I wasn't aware this was an issue.  I don't want any restrictions on how far back people can search PMs. 

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9 minutes ago, bfarber said:

I raised the request internally, but it doesn't mean it will be fulfilled necessarily. Development direction is not a one-person show so the request will be vetted, discussed, etc. but I can't say whether it will be picked up (and when) or not.

Thank you for the info. I hope it will fly, because community is all about the data. At it is looking strange to artifically deny access to this data. For example I have some times 1 year advertisement agreement with my members in PM. And if I am 1 day later then this info is gone, because then the only chise is to scroll back 100+ pages (since there is no pagination anymore), or go to the date in the mobile version, where pagination still exist.

It would be really cool if the same rules apply tothe whole search from the ACP

2 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Open applications\core\modules\front\messaging\messenger.php and find:

		if ( \IPS\Request::i()->q )
			/* Limit result set to prevent time outs */
			$where[] = array( 'core_message_topic_user_map.map_last_topic_reply > ?', \IPS\DateTime::ts( time() )->sub( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y' ) )->getTimeStamp() );	

You comment that line by adding // before $where[] or even change P1Y to P3Y, for example....


There's a reason why it is limited:


thank you! I will try this

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