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(NB43) Captcha On Login Form

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Works well, though a little confusing since I don't use captcha for user registration - so my captcha is off.  I use cleantalk which handles all the heavy lifting.

But I guess the plugin reads from the Spam settings regardless if they're on or not.  Plugin seems to work with the info entered in the Spam settings from when I use to use captcha.

Edited by Bluto
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8 minutes ago, Bluto said:

I don't use captcha for user registration - so my captcha is off.

This doesn't affect on my plugin.

On the plugin settings you can select captcha type.

On the spam page you should setup other settings for selected captcha.



The captcha also uses for posting. Not only for registration

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On your plugin settings, I selected the captcha type.  For me I decided to go with reCaptcha v2.

On my Spam Prevention -> CAPTCHA I have it set to 'none' since I'm not using captcha for registrations.  My understanding was that if one of the captchas is enabled in the Spam Settings -> CAPTCHA it would be active on the signup form.

If this is the incorrect way to set it up, let me know.

Otherwise, what I was trying to say was that it might be confusing to someone who doesn't know where to enter the key from captcha for whatever captcha if they have 'none' selected in spam settings.

Edited by Bluto
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  • 5 months later...
23 hours ago, newbie LAC said:


Don't use this plugin on 4.4.3

There was a bug in the core.

The bug has been fixed for an upcoming release.


Thanks for the heads up! I was just coming here to post this doesn't seem to work with 4.4.3 but you were faster 🙂

Edited by DiggityDaV
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  • 1 month later...

@newbie LAC would it possible to add the check to the "Post Before Registering" box? 

I'm getting slammed by spammers who are posting garbage.  Normally I wouldn't care because the garbage is deleted after a week and never appears on the site.  The issue I'm having is that they are using bogus email addresses and I'm getting a ton of bounces which isn't good for my email reputation.  Having a captcha box will prevent them from automating the process of posting.  Yesterday, I had over 3000 guests posts made, so some automation must be happening.

Looking into this more, it appears that there already is a captcha on the "Post Before Registering" box.  But since I use Cleantalk I don't have captcha on.  Your plugin provides the extra layer of protection where cleantalk doesn't.  Might have to contact cleantalk about this.


Edited by Bluto
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Hey.  Not sure if you saw my edit, but I don't have captcha on because I use cleantalk and cleantalk isn't protecting that box from what I can tell.  Instructions for cleantalk are that I'm not supposed to use captcha with their plugin (which works great on my community).  Captcha, even though I have it off, still appears for the login box using your plugin because I have the reCaptcha V2 keys entered and then turn captcha off (None).

I wrote cleantalk to see what to do.

Edited by Bluto
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