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Database entry titles


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I'm using a Pages database to integrate with CloudFlare so our clients can make simple edits to their DNS. All of that is working great.

Right now I have the title field hidden from all groups. It defaults to "DNS update in progress" so that the user doesn't need to enter anything when creating an entry, and I'm updating that title field with data I get from the CloudFlare API response (to something like [A] record.domain.com =>

My problem is that the URL slug doesn't update when the title updates, so it's always something like /dns-update-in-progres-r15/... Which looks sketchy to the client. Is there a way to have this particular database ONLY use the entry ID in the URL? Is there a better way to set the title up so that it pulls the content of the other fields right away rather than waiting for the API to provide the response that triggers the entry update?

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