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Unread Content Read

Steph Jensen

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I have been messing with the layout of the theme that i am using, and suddentlyi notice the "Unread Cotnent" feed (i usually just use the activity feed).

Is there a way to "mark all read" in the unread content feed? I don't see it anywhere on that page (just a "load more" link)

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20 minutes ago, Steph Jensen said:

does not exist on my site.. maybe this is the problem?

try with index.php?/


PS your website link is still in your post if you clicked it all you done was hide the text of it not the URL inside


@opentype is right though you need to speak to the theme author and ask where it is or why it is not added

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3 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

try with index.php?/

That seemed to go to that page, but it tells me that CSRF protection key did not match, which makes sense..
I'll have a talk with the theme designer.

LOL! with the URL!
Never mind though.. i just changed the **** to not be misunderstood as trying to pull in traffic..

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<a data-action="markSiteRead" class='ipsType_light' data-controller="core.front.core.markRead" href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=markread" seoTemplate="mark_site_as_read" csrf="true"}' title='{lang="mark_site_read"}' data-ipsTooltip><i class='fa fa-check'></i> {lang="mark_site_read_button"}</a>

would be the proper code to add the link:)

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So far, i have noticed that my theme has a setting called advanced breadcrumb.
When this is turn on, the mark site as read, disapears, but when it is off, it's there.
Waiting for the theme designer to get back to me. Thanks for your help though!


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