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Sports Betting App ( Members Shop Add-On ) ( Support Topic )


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2 minutes ago, Michael Yates said:

Yeah doing that from the modcp will make things easier. Thanks

might also add a way to add bets from the front too, and I been thinking about a way to maybe allow members to request a bet, Someone might get over excited and want odd's on a donkey in a horse race etc

Edited by TheJackal84
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8 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

might also add a way to add bets from the front too, and I been thinking about a way to maybe allow members to request a bet, Someone might get over excited and want odd's on a donkey in a horse race etc

hahaha yeah, that would be a good idea though giving the members the option to request bets. 

Oh I don't know if this is a bug, but I when I create a bet, I put the time as 15:00 but it changes it to 14:00. Same with other times it never puts the time the bet starts as the time I put in. Not sure if daylight saving has a part to play on this. Just thought i'd let you know.

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Just now, Michael Yates said:

hahaha yeah, that would be a good idea though giving the members the option to request bets. 

Oh I don't know if this is a bug, but I when I create a bet, I put the time as 15:00 but it changes it to 14:00. Same with other times it never puts the time the bet starts as the time I put in. Not sure if daylight saving has a part to play on this. Just thought i'd let you know.

that is sorted in the update, I noticed it myself today

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3 hours ago, Vanucci said:

Can settled and collected bets be removed from the mybets section, also have it is newest to last order as default too. 


2 hours ago, Michael Yates said:

yeah I agree with both of the above. Just clears up the mess in mybets section. 

there are filters what you can set for them already so if they didn't want the mess as you call it they can click filter and narrow them down


I won't remove them from the members logs of their bets, BUT I can maybe put a setting so you can select what will be the default one to show, I will check it out and see what I can do

Edited by TheJackal84
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22 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:


there are filters what you can set for them already so if they didn't want the mess as you call it they can click filter and narrow them down


I won't remove them from the members logs of their bets, BUT I can maybe put a setting so you can select what will be the default one to show, I will check it out and see what I can do

why cant you move them to a past bets section ? or a completed bets section ideally I would like them to be removed as who really needs to see a list of past bets that have been settled. It would be good to have it just default that way. 

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On 7/26/2018 at 8:25 PM, Vanucci said:

why cant you move them to a past bets section ? or a completed bets section ideally I would like them to be removed as who really needs to see a list of past bets that have been settled. It would be good to have it just default that way. 

If anything I can probably give you a manual patch so you can have it how you would want it.


I have been working on this update a bit longer then expected but there are good things coming, I rewrote the categories bit and you can now set the homepage of the betting shop to either be the tables with all the bet selections on like it is now, or you can choose for the betting shop homepage to be categories,


it works the same once you get to a category with bets inside then the list will show of the available bet selections, you can choose to add images to the categories as well to make them look a bit better, if there are no subcatgories and just selections in the category then it will show like the tennis one, it will just link directly to all the tennis bets etc

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Michael Yates said:

I'm looking forward to the update, keep up the good work ? 

just finishing it up making it look a bit nicer, I have added the mod panel bits you wanted where you can choose moderators to mark them won or lost, each time a moderator uses it, it will also log it in the moderator logs so you can see if there is any misuse by moderators and maybe them saying it weren't me etc,

also you can request a bet as well if you go to a empty category it will say there are no bets etc etc click here to request one, there is also a widget what is just a request button, I was going to add it to the page but a widget looks as good and you can place it in multiple places, or no where if you didnt want it


and a few more bits I can't actually remember lol but I will get it out before the premiership starts so you can get the bets up in time

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On 8/7/2018 at 3:57 PM, Michael Yates said:

Fantastic, thank you very much. 

Updated to 1.0.5

New Features

  • You can now choose to have a category listing or the betting selections as the landing page for the app
  • Updated the category listing to make it look a lot nicer
  • Added the ability to allow members to be able to request a bet
    • Added a new block to the ACP dashboard so you can see how many pending requests for bets there is
    • Added a new page to the ACP showing all requests with a quick function to add them
  • Added the ability to allow moderators to mark bets won / lost via the ModCP
    • Any moderator who marks a bet won / lost will log the information of the bet and the moderator who marked it in the moderator logs
    • There is a new permission setting in the moderator permissions so you can choose what moderators can use this feature
  • Updated the table view listings of the bets so it looks a lot nicer
  • Added friendly urls to the whole application
  • Removed the upload image setting in the ACP to show on the category / bet selection pages ( READ BELOW TO WHY )
    • You can use the editor to add any images you might want and you will have better placement of it
  • Fixed a few bugs that were reported
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On 8/10/2018 at 9:56 AM, TheJackal84 said:

Updated to 1.0.5

New Features

  • You can now choose to have a category listing or the betting selections as the landing page for the app
  • Updated the category listing to make it look a lot nicer
  • Added the ability to allow members to be able to request a bet
    • Added a new block to the ACP dashboard so you can see how many pending requests for bets there is
    • Added a new page to the ACP showing all requests with a quick function to add them
  • Added the ability to allow moderators to mark bets won / lost via the ModCP
    • Any moderator who marks a bet won / lost will log the information of the bet and the moderator who marked it in the moderator logs
    • There is a new permission setting in the moderator permissions so you can choose what moderators can use this feature
  • Updated the table view listings of the bets so it looks a lot nicer
  • Added friendly urls to the whole application
  • Removed the upload image setting in the ACP to show on the category / bet selection pages ( READ BELOW TO WHY )
    • You can use the editor to add any images you might want and you will have better placement of it
  • Fixed a few bugs that were reported

Fantastic work @TheJackal84

Just one question, have you try to add combo bet to this application ? I really need this addition before buying.

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A combo with a selection of outcomes? That's what I wanted but at present the only way to do it is to create a category or subcategory called something like Middlesbrough v Birmingham then create three or four bets in that such as Middlesbrough win , draw or Birmingham win. It takes a lot more time to do it compared to having a combination bet where you can put different outcomes with different odds. 

But other than that it's a great app. 

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3 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

maybe you will change your review to reflect that lol :biggrin:

remind me what you mean by combos, do you mean like accumulators etc

like some betting website, you can choose two bets and the odds is multiply, with this, you can reach a much bigger odds.

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3 minutes ago, boboss78 said:

like some betting website, you can choose two bets and the odds is multiply, with this, you can reach a much bigger odds.

yeah so you pick 3 teams 1st team is 2/1, 2nd team is 5/1, 3rd team is 10/1, you bet 10 points, the first one wins at 2/1 you now have 20 points going onto the 2nd team, now if they win at 5/1 you now have 100 points going on the 3rd team, if they win at 10/1 you won 1,000 points ( plus your 10 back depending what country and odds format you are using ), if any of them lose you will win nothing they all have to win in order of the payout, there is no cashout on them!!.

It is something I do have in my notes but it is a lot of work to do and a lot more new code will need to be written

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1 hour ago, TheJackal84 said:

yeah so you pick 3 teams 1st team is 2/1, 2nd team is 5/1, 3rd team is 10/1, you bet 10 points, the first one wins at 2/1 you now have 20 points going onto the 2nd team, now if they win at 5/1 you now have 100 points going on the 3rd team, if they win at 10/1 you won 1,000 points ( plus your 10 back depending what country and odds format you are using ), if any of them lose you will win nothing they all have to win in order of the payout, there is no cashout on them!!.

It is something I do have in my notes but it is a lot of work to do and a lot more new code will need to be written

yes for me it will be a great addition to this appli.

Just one bet is so basic and combo add more value to players

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Hi ive updated to the latest version and now when i go to the betting i get this error 


#0 /home/xxxx/public_html/revival.gg/applications/sportsbettingapp/modules/front/main/selections.php(106): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(0)
#1 /home/xxxx/public_html/revival.gg/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\sportsbettingapp\modules\front\main\_selections->category()
#2 /home/xxxxpublic_html/revival.gg/applications/sportsbettingapp/modules/front/main/selections.php(25): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#3 /home/xxxx/public_html/revival.gg/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\sportsbettingapp\modules\front\main\_selections->execute()
#4 /home/xxxx/public_html/revival.gg/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#5 {main}


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again

The app is very popular on my site. Just one problem. Well with me anyway, as I'm the only admin on my site and with me working away from home and not always able to check the site, I am missing members bet requests. 

Do you have any plans to allow admins and moderators to creat bets inside the actual betting app, rather than via the admin co. Or even from the modcp, just so my staff can create bets. 

Thanks again. 

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