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1 hour ago, Adriano Faria said:

Are you having any issues with the app itself? Is there anything not working? Copied from a MS template:

{{if !$file->isPaid() AND $file->ms_points AND $member->member_id != $file->submitter}} {$file->ms_points} {$pointsName}{{endif}}

Anything different that's what is there, is customization, and not supported.

App is working perfectly.  It is just how the points show up...

I am going to try the the template you posted

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1 hour ago, Adriano Faria said:

Are you having any issues with the app itself? Is there anything not working? Copied from a MS template:

{{if !$file->isPaid() AND $file->ms_points AND $member->member_id != $file->submitter}} {$file->ms_points} {$pointsName}{{endif}}

Anything different that's what is there, is customization, and not supported.

Nope that did the same thing.  I further tried to simplify that for just what I needed to limit the variables and see if that helped using

<span class="cFilePrice ipsType_medium">
	{{if $file->ms_points}} 
		{$file->ms_points} {$pointsName}

This did not work either....however again the If loop is using the "else" block instead.  Long story short I am thinking the system is not recognizing ms_points or $pointsName and I am not sure where these variables would exist.

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On 10/28/2021 at 4:56 PM, Tripp★ said:

Bank Interest doesn't seem to work for anyone other than users with Administrator permissions. It seems to give some user groups interest, but not others - despite having these settings set in their usergroup settings. So I set up to accounts, one with admin privileges (ACP -> Staff -> Administrators) and one without. I then fired the interest task manually tasks and sure enough the one with Administrator privileges got interest, the one without didn't.

Bank Interest still doesn't seem to work and it's been a problem now for over two years. Will it ever be addressed?

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