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Increase Header Size

Maria Hill

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I hope this is the right place to ask this. I am new here. I have Pages And Forums and have added an image header. I am not using a logo so the forum moves up into the header space. I would like to change that by increasing the size of the header and could not find where to do that. I tried looking at ipsPageHeader and was not able to make any changes that worked. Since I am not too technical I would love some advice. Thanks!

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The code helped a little. This image should not have a logo because I deleted it but it seems that when I switched themes the styling of the last theme remained even after I deleted the theme. Do you know how I fix this? Thanks for helping.

Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 10.07.06 AM.png

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Two suggestions:

1. I would actually discourage you from pushing down the forums from the header.  The vast majority of web traffic is through mobile, and by pushing down the forums you are increasing the amount of mobile scroll until clients reach 'useful' information.  IPS already forces menu items on mobile on their default theme, and adding more padding to the header will only augment the unnecessary header space.  Every website will have a different audiences and different device usage, but I've seen firsthand how my website's mobile traffic (based upon Google Analytics) has exploded from 15% to 60%.  As such, every admin should intelligently design for mobile first and PC second.  

2.  Your logo "Sensitive Evolution" looks nice.  Make sure you save the logo as a PNG with a transparent background.  This will allow you to have the logo without the white background.


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