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Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic


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9 hours ago, Blisslandia said:

I need some help! Trophies are not applying for specific groups that members are in. It just doesn't update. Can you help? Let me know what you need.

Have you tried the criteria debug tools? Are they reporting that the members should get the trophy?
Have the members logged in in the meanwhile?

Trophies are awarded when a member logs in and also via a cron job which can take a while to iterate over all members on boards with many members and/or trophies.

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I created a trophy where if a user uploaded an avatar, they get a trophy (Face To A Name).  However, it seems like everybody is getting the trophy, even if they don't have an avatar.  Is there a different setting I'm missing?

I had to delete the Trophy before it goes through my entire user database.





Edited by rayzir
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On 20.3.2018 at 11:59 PM, rayzir said:

I created a trophy where if a user uploaded an avatar, they get a trophy (Face To A Name).  However, it seems like everybody is getting the trophy, even if they don't have an avatar.  Is there a different setting I'm missing?

I had to delete the Trophy before it goes through my entire user database.





Have you run the criteria checker? Did it give a false positive result?

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10 hours ago, rayzir said:

Where do I find the criteria checker?  I created a trophy as shown.  When I clicked save, it started going through my database and awarding everybody the trophy.

On the ACP page where you manage the trophies (next to the edit, delete links)
If you want, just drop me a PM with the ACP credentials and I'll take a look:)

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On 3/6/2018 at 1:32 PM, emttim said:

I have a curious bug I found... I have a fresh install of 1.3.2 as of today. Under the "Award this trophy if" tab, I am unable to save the variable under "User gave at least X reactions" all others will save. When I hit "Save and Reload" it states "save" at the top, but once reloaded, it is set to '0'. 

Like I said, all others save correctly. Thanks for your input. 


On 3/7/2018 at 1:39 PM, Fosters said:

Can you let us know what version of php you have?

What version of IPS are you using?  

Did you run the support tool to clear cache?  

If none of those above options work, please send us a PM with SUBJ: "SUPPORT: Trophies & Medals" and reference this post.  



Can confirm, also happening to me on latest version of T&M. IPS Cloud Hosting, so I don't know the specific details.

Any time you edit a trophy with criteria set for "user gave at least x reactions" it resets to zero. :D

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On 4/10/2018 at 5:37 PM, Mousie said:

Any time you edit a trophy with criteria set for "user gave at least x reactions" it resets to zero

This is small bug in \applications\trophies\extensions\trophies\TrophyCriteria\Core.php :smile:

line #95

$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'trophy_repgiven', isset( $trophy->id, $trophy->crdata['trophy_repgiven'] ) ? $trophy->crdata['trophy_repgiven'] : NULL ) );

should be:

$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'trophy_repgiven', isset( $trophy->id, $trophy->crdata['repgiven'] ) ? $trophy->crdata['repgiven'] : NULL ) );


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Hi.  I logged into my dashboard and I see around 68 of these background processes.  I noticed it yesterday morning and has been going on for at least 24 hours.  If I refresh, some of the percentages change, so there is some movement.  Is each of these for each trophy?  Or should there be only 1?  How long should it take?  I'm not sure if it's stuck in a loop.  Between yesterday and today, it added 8 more processes.  It seems to be chewing up my CPU load on my server.




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As of this AM, there are 82 of these processes.  I think I only have maybe 60 trophies, so I think something is going wrong.  I disabled the application and waited for the background processes to clear out and then reactivated the application.  We'll see if that works.

How many of these instances should show up in the Background Processes?

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I'm sorry to see that you're facing problems.  how many members and trophies do you have? We have made some improvements to our delete old content app which had a similar issue, once we get some feedback from the people, we'll implement this changes to trophies app too 

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On 4/17/2018 at 12:22 PM, MIXOH said:

This is small bug in \applications\trophies\extensions\trophies\TrophyCriteria\Core.php :smile:

line #95

$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'trophy_repgiven', isset( $trophy->id, $trophy->crdata['trophy_repgiven'] ) ? $trophy->crdata['trophy_repgiven'] : NULL ) );

should be:

$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'trophy_repgiven', isset( $trophy->id, $trophy->crdata['repgiven'] ) ? $trophy->crdata['repgiven'] : NULL ) );


Thanks, fixed for next release which is scheduled for today. Just want to wait for @rayzirs feedback

Edited by Fosters
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On 4/21/2018 at 3:50 AM, Fosters said:

I'm sorry to see that you're facing problems.  how many members and trophies do you have? We have made some improvements to our delete old content app which had a similar issue, once we get some feedback from the people, we'll implement this changes to trophies app too 


We have about 17000 members.  Around 60 or so trophies.  


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A new version was released to fix some compatibility issues with IPS 4.3.0

2 hours ago, rayzir said:


We have about 17000 members.  Around 60 or so trophies.  


Are you on IPS 4.3.0? If yes, could you please try the new version. Please upgrade, then remove all existing trophy queue items and let me know if it improved.

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15 hours ago, jair101 said:

Now that IPS supports emojis natively, I want to make a suggestion to include the possibility to create trophies and medals with emojis ?

Interesting idea.

On 4/25/2018 at 12:02 PM, Vladimir Orendarchuk said:


First sorry about my bad English


1. When I award the user a second time with the same Medal, I get an error


2. And question. One and the same medal can be issued for various reasons. I would like to indicate at the award for which the medal was given and see it in the profile



thats indeed not possible , but it wasn’t often requested so we’ll try to include this into the next release ? 

On 4/24/2018 at 10:26 PM, Ezaco said:

Quoting to ask again.. seems to have been missed.

Sorry, I missed this indeed, but it should be answered now ?

On 4/22/2018 at 5:43 PM, rayzir said:


We have about 17000 members.  Around 60 or so trophies.  


Is it better with the recent release ?

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Hi, any idea why this is happening? Running latest plugin version on IPS 4.3.1 ! Thanks.


Something went wrong. Please try again.

Error code: EX0

This error was probably caused by application Trophies & Medals.
If the issue persists, disable it and contact the author for further assistance.

OutOfRangeException:  (0)
#0 /srv/http/applications/trophies/sources/Trophy/MemberTrophy.php(86): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(14)
#1 /srv/http/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(307): IPS\trophies\Trophy\_MemberTrophy->get_item()
#2 /srv/http/applications/trophies/extensions/core/StreamItems/Award.php(53): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__get('item')
#3 /srv/http/system/Content/Search/Results.php(646): IPS\trophies\extensions\core\StreamItems\_Award->extraItems(Object(IPS\Member), 1516665033, NULL)
#4 /srv/http/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(237): IPS\Content\Search\_Results->addExtraItems(Array, Object(IPS\Member))
#5 /srv/http/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->manage()
#6 /srv/http/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(65): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#7 /srv/http/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute()
#8 /srv/http/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#9 {main}

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@Fosters when I add a trophy with the contingency of being a part of a user group, it doesn’t provide the award to the user.

The group was made first and the user was added next. Then the award was made. Any suggestions (this is a trophy and not a medal). Debugging shows it should work and testing it validates that the user should receive the award.

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2 hours ago, Agent Shark said:

@Fosters when I add a trophy with the contingency of being a part of a user group, it doesn’t provide the award to the user.

The group was made first and the user was added next. Then the award was made. Any suggestions (this is a trophy and not a medal). Debugging shows it should work and testing it validates that the user should receive the award.

Then just wait till the user logs in or till the cronjob runs and awards the trophy.

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