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Forum Stopped Working HTTP ERROR 500


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I am hosted on the IPS Cloud and my board was down this morning with the 500 Error. I've been in touch via Ticket with Support and apparently a lot of boards went down. It came back for most of morning but just went down again. Checked my client area and there is a posted Notice that support is working on problems with boards/sites on Cloud Host service and they may be down for awhile.

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One of my two CiC sites was down yesterday for a time but I had to go to work for a few hours and couldn't do anything about it. By the time I came home all was back to normal as near as I could tell.

This morning one of my users was reporting a firefox error (related to OCSP and SSL somehow) and I was looking at my support history I saw the notice.  Sounds like they're on the case so I trust all will be sorted in the end. 


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My board (IPS Cloud) had the same problem and they had to restore from a backup snapshot so we lost 18.5 hours worth of data.  So far it hasn't happened again.  I am guessing they migrated us from Dreamhost to Amazon and that's what caused it.  Obviously Amazon is better than Dreamhost for the long term but something probably just went wrong with the migration process.  I must stress that what I just said is just pure speculation on my part.

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