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(NB41) My Football

newbie LAC

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did not quite understand what you said in your first sentence.
In terms of counting points, it's simple. You have all the data on hand. You know the start and end date of a league. Your table must retrieve in the database the matches that have a date in this interval. Obviously this would concern only those games that have a score filed.

Edited by Archimed
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  • 3 weeks later...


We are starting to setup leagues now and wondered if there is a way to have a normal sidebar to the right where we can remove the current teams widget and add some advertising there instead like the normal site sidebar?

Also we have had to put the main league table situated above fixtures list into the announcements field, but guess that will not cause any problems?



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15 minutes ago, Unlucky said:

We are starting to setup leagues now and wondered if there is a way to have a normal sidebar to the right where we can remove the current teams widget and add some advertising there instead like the normal site sidebar?

"Teams block". I can add global setting to disable it.

You can add widgets under "Teams block". Or do you want a widget with advert per league?

22 minutes ago, Unlucky said:

Also we have had to put the main league table situated above fixtures list into the announcements field, but guess that will not cause any problems?

Not sure what you mean. What's the problem? You can put "Tables widget" anywhere.

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2 minutes ago, Unlucky said:

I'll add global setting to show/hide that block.

Currently you can edit applications/football/modules/front/main/league.php

find and comment

\IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['contextual'] = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'main' )->leagueContextual($league);


Edited by newbie LAC
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Just noticed and wondered if this could also be fixed?


--------------------------------First Question--------------------------------------

I have added The Greater Manchester Walking Football League Division 1 table to this page


However we have more than 1 league and on each league page we have the The Greater Manchester Walking Football League Division 1 table appear,




It's only the table that keeps appearing - all of the other info like league fixtures, league descriptions only appear on the relevant page they are supposed to.



--------------------------------Second Question--------------------------------------

How is the hierarchy of this page built:


Is the league with the latest update at the top of the page? or are all leagues in a fixed order?




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14 hours ago, Unlucky said:

However we have more than 1 league and on each league page we have the The Greater Manchester Walking Football League Division 1 table appear,

I also don't like this.

The problem is block is cached and display depends on location. I have some ideas how to fix this.

14 hours ago, Unlucky said:

How is the hierarchy of this page built:

How did you reorder them (leagues) in ACP.

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