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[Suggestion] Star rating field and better URL field

Sinistra Sensei

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So looking through the all the fields you can create for your database is alot and I am not complaining about them one bit. but there are some missing. I would like to see  a say I can use the star rating system in the fields. Lets take my Anime Review of Sword Art Online. as you can see I have a rating system based on audio video and voice actor quality. but I am having to use 1/5 system. It would be nice to see the option to use the star raging system for new fields we create in our database. 

As for a URL suggestion  I have not seen a way to add custom text. Lets take my site for example. I am going to reset my domain when I can but the URL doesn't match the name so say I put http://www.otakusquare.com but want o use the site name as a source for an article I can use the site name to cloak the URL so the URL would look like Anime Online

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