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Any way to cache images? Image optimization?

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Hey guys,

I'm just wondering if there is a plugin to optimize / cache posted images that are used as thumbnails in IP.Content. On my website http://jrnetwork.net/ it's slow to load due to big uploaded images that the thumbnails are just resized images not physically resizing the file. 

If someone could assist it would be handy as my site is slow to load one some connections due to this :/

Thanks guys!

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Hey guys,

I'm just wondering if there is a plugin to optimize / cache posted images that are used as thumbnails in IP.Content. On my website http://jrnetwork.net/ it's slow to load due to big uploaded images that the thumbnails are just resized images not physically resizing the file. 

If someone could assist it would be handy as my site is slow to load one some connections due to this :/

Thanks guys!

Right now the system only seems to support generating one thumbnail size for each content item. Which is super dumb if you have multiple views.

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Right now the system only seems to support generating one thumbnail size for each content item. Which is super dumb if you have multiple views.

I wouldn't mind that right now, but it doesn't seem to generate the size, it seems to resize from what I can see?!

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You need to activate the thumbnails per Pages database by setting a thumbnail size for record images. 

I'm confused fully with this: 

I have set this up:



While it seems to resize via html, it's killing my load times because it isn't a reduced image using imagemagik or other scripts... It's head wrecking. 

Any idea's? It's the thumbnails found on http://jrnetwork.net/ for each article I need optimizing automatically after any file is uploaded. Wordpress even has this functionality built in out of the box...

There's this topic from last year:


Didn't really have the answer I was looking for, for IP.Content... This is so confusing when it should be such an easy to find feature to use... Most software solutions have this as standard now.

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We have that too. That’s what the settings are for. 

While the thumbnail is automatically created, the default article listing template doesn’t seem to call it. I make a note for the developers to check it out. 

Will you please as it's causing issues and I'm so frustrated :/


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Will you please as it's causing issues and I'm so frustrated :/

If you are comfortable with changing templates, as a quick fix, you could change the Category Articles template and replace:

{file="$record->record_image" extension="cms_Records"}

with this

{file="$record->record_image_thumb" extension="cms_Records"}

This will force the use of the thumbnail image (if there is one). 

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If you are comfortable with changing templates, as a quick fix, you could change the Category Articles template and replace:

{file="$record->record_image" extension="cms_Records"}

with this

{file="$record->record_image_thumb" extension="cms_Records"}

This will force the use of the thumbnail image (if there is one). 

I can't seem to find that in the category articles index template??


<div class='ipsPageHeader ipsClearfix ipsSpacer_bottom'>
	{{if $database->use_categories}}
	<div class='ipsPos_right ipsResponsive_noFloat'>
		<a href="{$url->setQueryString('show', 'categories')}" class="ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_fullWidth ipsButton_link"><i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> {lang="cms_show_categories"}</a>
	<h1 class='ipsType_pageTitle'>{$database->_title}</h1>
	{{if $database->_description}}
		<div class='ipsPageHeader_info ipsType_light'>

{{if $database->can('add') or \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}}
	<ul class="ipsToolList ipsToolList_horizontal ipsClearfix ipsSpacer_both ipsResponsive_hidePhone">
		{{if $database->can('add')}}
			<li class='ipsToolList_primaryAction'>
				<a class="ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_important ipsButton_fullWidth" {{if $database->use_categories}}data-ipsDialog="1" data-ipsDialog-size="narrow" data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="cms_select_category"}"{{endif}} href="{$url->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'form', 'd' => \IPS\cms\Databases\Dispatcher::i()->databaseId ) )}">{lang="cms_add_new_record_button" sprintf="$database->recordWord( 1 )"}</a>

<hr class='ipsHr'>
<section class='ipsType_normal ipsSpacer_both'>
	{{if count($articles)}}
		{{foreach $articles as $id => $record}}
			{template="entry" app="cms" location="database" group="category_articles" params="$record, $database"}
{{if $database->featured_settings['pagination'] and ( $pagination['pages'] > 1 )}}
	{template="pagination" app="core" location="global" group="global" params="$url, $pagination['pages'], $pagination['page'], $database->featured_settings['perpage'], TRUE, 'page'"}

I did edit it in the record template and this does help on the actual display template but still the same on the category listing.

Any idea where this could be?


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I wouldn't recommend using a full-page image as a background, bad for design and bad for optimization/etc.

Also, I would suggest using CloudFlare(which offers a great server for free) as they will cache content such as the images on their servers which will guarantee a much more responsive loading time.

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JR, you're looking at the wrong templates, it's the templates section within the Pages app, not the Theme section of AdminCP.

DCCFoux, I read elsewhere that Cloudfare is no good for forums as the content is dynamic. Will have to read up more on Cloudfare as IPS4 is absolutely killing my shared hosting resource usage. 

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JR, you're looking at the wrong templates, it's the templates section within the Pages app, not the Theme section of AdminCP.

DCCFoux, I read elsewhere that Cloudfare is no good for forums as the content is dynamic. Will have to read up more on Cloudfare as IPS4 is absolutely killing my shared hosting resource usage. 

You serious?

..... No I am not, this is the template page within the pages app as you can see pages is selected on the left side...

I just do not have that template :/

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