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So many people have asked for this and IPS just says tell us why you want it.  Does it really matter?  People want it.  I'm surprised no one has made a mod for this yet.

I respectfully disagree.  

When you have thousands of members on your site, I do not expect any sensible person to view it page by page.   Actually that is not 100% true.  I do expect the type of user or bot with malicious intent to give it a thorough viewing.  But I do not expect your average person to ever need to review or have access to a complete list of every member on your site.

The members list also takes up a bit more resources.  If there was a way to prevent anyone from accessing  /search/?type=core_members I would surely apply it.

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Actually it matters very, very much why someone wants a feature. Knowing why someone wants something tells us us how to implement a feature. Otherwise you're just flying blind.

OK, this point I agree with.  Is this being considered as an option?  I've seen many posts where people gave very detailed examples of how they felt this was a useful option.

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To add to Charles comments about the 'why' a feature is needed - I used to work for a large communications company and we would regularly raise feature enhancement requests, on behalf of our customers, with our developers. Saying "We would like this" and not providing a use case (the why and how) for the feature would most of the time end up with a feature (if implemented) that wouldn't meet a customer's requirements at all. In addition, there was also an assumption sometimes that "oh, someone else has already requested it so I won't bother requesting it too"....this would also result in the use case being missed too.

I remember clearly one of our biggest customers requesting something and not providing much detail on the why and how - the feature was put in, and then the same customer came back and said that it didn't meet their requirements and they wanted this and that added to it......the final functionality eventually made it in, but it could have been so much quicker if the why and how was provided in detail at initial request time.

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Sounds like a perfect thing for a Marketplace submission :)

I think it could be even easier than writing an app for it. A simple hook to add the appropriate link (as posted above) into the bar so it sits alongside the others as it did previously.

As said a good thing for an MP submission. I guess said link could also be 'fed' to search bots if required too.

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Actually it matters very, very much why someone wants a feature. Knowing why someone wants something tells us us how to implement a feature. Otherwise you're just flying blind.

And I quote from one of my members: "Because I'm used to it."  

While I myself am truly indifferent to the inclusion of a dedicated member list (since I have one in the ACP), I did probe more deeply into why HE wants it back.  He uses the memberlist for an alphabetical listing to find specific members to send personal messages.  I've pointed out newer and different ways to identify the member, such as using the hover card or search, but he pointed out that 1) it shouldn't be his responsibility to scour through the website hoping to chance across the member's name, and 2) he wasn't aware of using "search" to find a member's name, which relies on him knowing the exact spelling of the name.   

I also had two great members on my v3 board who used the memberlist on a daily basis to craft incredibly detailed and highly-customized welcome messages to new members.  

In my view, it's not so much the listing of members that's important.  It's how you can 1) easily find and jump to members in a familiar and understandable manner and 2) quickly start a form of interactionwith those members.  

I also think that (and this is entirely a hypothetical) that if IPS moves in the direction of more social interaction such as social groups or enhanced profiles, the memberlist will take on more prominence since the people will start to become as important as their content, if that makes sense.


Flying blind ... Or EPIC SOARING?  


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Poor turtle. 

I am really passionate about this subject.  Since our community is free to join, there are those who have not so good intentions, perhaps hoping to not steal our members but send them a PM to support this or that cause or sign up for this or that event, even though our community does not support the event.  Yep, drama.

So I had the member list removed from our board and instead created a special script to search for members by various fields but only accessible to our premium members. That means they have to pay $x to gain access and it is our hope that this small financial barrier will impose some barriers to the unethical amongst us.

We also did this for another reason.  Almost our entire site is free to use and guess what, most people don't feel the need to support us by paying a small annual fee.  So we thought that this little feature would be one that people would have to pay to use.

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For those requesting such a feature, have you actually tried to use this ? I don't see a single use case mentioned that can't be accomplished using that page - maybe I'm missing something? 



As for quickly messaging - simply hovering over any name in the list brings up a hover card with "Message" 

We've had a lot of things that people have presented good use cases for that were reintroduced (perhaps in a different and better way) in IPS4 after feedback and consideration. Conversely, we've had quite a lot of "well I could do this in v3, that's why!" with no explanation beyond that. In reality, in many cases, you still can in IPS4 and this seems to be one of those examples. 

If there's a purpose for more than what the above page provides, please let us know and we can give it further consideration. 


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@Lindy: It seems the filter you took a pictures from does not work. Just choose a "Date Created" field and Click "Update Results". There are no hits. The reason seems to be the group[__EMPTY]=__EMPTY string in the URL.

As an example the URL is https://community.invisionpower.com/search/?type=core_members&start_after=week&group[__EMPTY]=__EMPTY when you want to show user registered within the last week (sadly the URL will show no results). But if you remove the string and change the URL to https://community.invisionpower.com/search/?type=core_members&start_after=week everything works as expected.

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@Lindy: It seems the filter you took a pictures from does not work. Just choose a "Date Created" field and Click "Update Results". There are no hits. The reason seems to be the group[__EMPTY]=__EMPTY string in the URL.

As an example the URL is https://community.invisionpower.com/search/?type=core_members&start_after=week&group[__EMPTY]=__EMPTY when you want to show user registered within the last week (sadly the URL will show no results). But if you remove the string and change the URL to https://community.invisionpower.com/search/?type=core_members&start_after=week everything works as expected.

That seems to be a bug.

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I think it could be even easier than writing an app for it. A simple hook to add the appropriate link (as posted above) into the bar so it sits alongside the others as it did previously.

As said a good thing for an MP submission. I guess said link could also be 'fed' to search bots if required too.


If you've got Pages you can just add a menu item to the main nav bar from the ACP. If not you could use this plugin from @Adriano Faria



i guess it will do it :)

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For those requesting such a feature, have you actually tried to use this ? I don't see a single use case mentioned that can't be accomplished using that page - maybe I'm missing something? 


If there's a purpose for more than what the above page provides, please let us know and we can give it further consideration. 


https://community.invisionpower.com/topic/407488-where-is-the-members-list/ Some were named in this topic.


The general feeling seem to be the lack of customization to the need of individual uses in the search. The user list on my old software was used by my users to see who registered last (which the current one severes sufficent enough) and to see who has how many post AND where am I compared to others (which it does not serve, because of a poor way of displaying the list) .

Another way of using it, out of my personal experience, if you don't know the name of someone for certain, you only remember he started with a c and had x post, it was quite easy to find him through the list (which is quite difficult with the current list).



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