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Warn Log

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1 minute ago, NeedCoffee said:

but it doesn't create a thread or post for bans via the back-end admin area

Sure. As described, it creates the topics/posts when someone is warned. You have the option to BAN via warn, but still.... a warn. In ACP you don’t warn, you ban directly. So no, the plugin doesn’t work when you ban someone from ACP.

4 minutes ago, NeedCoffee said:

Is this possible please?

Not with this plugin.

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/13/2019 at 8:23 PM, NeedCoffee said:

Is it possible to get {date} to respect the locale set in IPB? We noticed that we're seeing MM/DD/YY instead of DD/MM/YY as we use here. Thanks @Adriano Faria

Just checked and it is using \IPS\DateTime::ts( $date );, which means it has to respect the date format. See 2 tests I just made:

- Localhost, which uses English date format:


- Online board: first post using ENGLISH language and the second using Brazilian Portuguese (PT-Br):



It's working as expected.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey Adriano!

Just been wondering if it is possile for you to add an option to edit a warning (only ones with permissions to do so).
For example, if a member and I want to edit the points given - it will be possible. or the date it expires, etc.

What I do for now is delete the current warning and giving a new one, easier to edit.

P.S - if it`s being edited from the ACP the member gets minus points when it expires.

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2 minutes ago, DarkClaWz said:

Hey Adriano!

Just been wondering if it is possile for you to add an option to edit a warning (only ones with permissions to do so).
For example, if a member and I want to edit the points given - it will be possible. or the date it expires, etc.

What I do for now is delete the current warning and giving a new one, easier to edit.

P.S - if it`s being edited from the ACP the member gets minus points when it expires.

Sorry, this is not the goal of this resource.  This resource simply logs the warnings. 

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  • 1 year later...

An issue was identified in this plugins upgrade code.


You're iterating over almost all member rows in the step2 upgrade step which of course won't work on medium & big boards resulting in issues.

foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_members', array( 'warnLogs_tid>?', 0 ) ) as $row )
				\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'warnlog_membersdata', array(
					'member_id'		=> $row['member_id'],
					'topic_id'		=> $row['warnLogs_tid']
				) );


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