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I haven't looked but if the Site Name doesn't work - which it should - then see the template header to determine whether there is a variable being added for each IPS module and delete it. It's pretty funny to see what the title of this topic is:

<title>Title? - Technical Support - Invision Power Services</title>

This leads me to believe that there may not be a variable, just topic name followed by site name.  I think @GrooveOnBeat has it.

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1) In General Configurations, check to see if "Add a custom link to navigation bar?" is enabled.

2) @ASkyscraper  If you have Calendar does it show up as "Calendar - site.com"?

Another possibility is that somewhere inside the <body> tag of globalTemplates, {$title} was added in. Doing that will cause the title to list the current page and the site name (current page - site.com). The pageHeader seems to keep that under control and only lists the current page as title.


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I am referring to the title of the image below:


My site is only forum-based, so there is no need to the "Forums -" in the main page. Link to my forum: link

@GrooveOnBeat "Add a custom link to navigation bar" is disabled. Calendar also disabled.

Already edited: applications\forums\modules\front\forums\index.php


\IPS\Output::i()->title = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( '__app_forums' );

Changed to:

//\IPS\Output::i()->title = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( '__app_forums' );

(thanks do Adriano from SOS Invision)

The problem is that the title looked like this: " - MySite.com "

So, edited: \system\Output\Output.php

		/* Add the site name to the title */
		if( \IPS\Settings::i()->board_name )
			$this->title .= ' - ' . \IPS\Settings::i()->board_name;

Changed to:

		/* Add the site name to the title */
		if( \IPS\Settings::i()->board_name )
			$this->title .= \IPS\Settings::i()->board_name;

Now the problem is that registration page (and some others) becomes like this: RegistrationMySite.com

There is a way to force the archive MySite.com/index.php to show a customized title, leaving all the other pages as originally were? Or a way to make the " - " does not appear when accessing the main Index page?

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Hmmm... looking at the IPS forumhome here - which is the only page we're talking about... it looks like this is going on:

<head><title>Forums - Invision Power Services</title>

<meta property="og:site_name" content="Invision Power Services">

Using the stock install it also adds a prefix to the home page if Pages is used as a default:

Index - Site Name

Gallery - Site Name

Month Year - Site Name

Downloads - Site Name

Store - Site Name

The only way to change this is to launch the Settings >> Site Promotion >> SEO >> Live Meta Tag Editor and then navigate to the page you want to change (I was on the Pages home and then clicked Forum). You can edit the title and the software will do it for you. This is one of the brilliant parts of IPS4, tbh, very powerful. A little complicated but worth the learning curve.

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@trunkadelic  and @esquire  were on to something. :smile:

Yeah. You shouldn't have to edit any PHP file to get the effect.  A change in the globalTemplate template should do the trick, unless something is overriding it.

What happens when you change the code between <title> tags, to your site name, in globalTemplate?

<title>{expression="output.getTitle( $title )"}</title>
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This will do it without editing PHP files, as per my answer above in post number.... whatever. Go to your CP:

 Settings >> Site Promotion >> SEO >> Live Meta Tag Editor

Navigate to the page you want to change (I was on the Pages home and then clicked Forum, for you it might just be the home page so you are there).

Edit the Title tag which is probably empty. Put in whatever you want. Save and exit. Refresh your forumhome and see if it worked. 

My test site which may be the home of something cool, don't know, maybe an SEO forum


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This will do it without editing PHP files, as per my answer above in post number.... whatever. Go to your CP:

 Settings >> Site Promotion >> SEO >> Live Meta Tag Editor

Navigate to the page you want to change (I was on the Pages home and then clicked Forum, for you it might just be the home page so you are there).

Edit the Title tag which is probably empty. Put in whatever you want. Save and exit. Refresh your forumhome and see if it worked.

My test site which may be the home of something cool, don't know, maybe an SEO forum:

Although <title> has the priority in browser and search engines, the meta tag may work too. I'm not sure if the PHP edits that ASkyscraper did will interfere with the changes though.

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This will do it without editing PHP files, as per my answer above in post number.... whatever. Go to your CP:

 Settings >> Site Promotion >> SEO >> Live Meta Tag Editor

Navigate to the page you want to change (I was on the Pages home and then clicked Forum, for you it might just be the home page so you are there).

Edit the Title tag which is probably empty. Put in whatever you want. Save and exit. Refresh your forumhome and see if it worked. 

My test site which may be the home of something cool, don't know, maybe an SEO forum


Very nice! Without any PHP file edit, working perfectly!

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