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Any Way To Make View New Content Default To Forums

Kevin Frenzel

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Just curious, this throws off our users pretty bad because it goes to another location by default.  We would like to set that default to improve the user experience.



​It's been discussed and suggested before that the point of originations may alter what's initially selected in VNC.  For example, if you start in the forums, then VNC will show forum topics.  This will make VNC 'smarter' in showing what's relevant to the user.

I've argued the opposite, however, that the point of originations does NOT necessarily determine the point of destination.  

I also think that it heavily depends upon the mix of activity and content in your community.  Mine tends to be balanced between IP.Gallery, IP.Board, and IP.Downloads whereas your predominant activity may only be in IP.Board, so you may only want to show the activity in IP.Board whereas I care about all content from my entire community.  

As the suite grows in complexity, I think it's important that IPS thinks about and implements options to account for all the potential iterations so that each community can be customized to the needs of the customers.  Otherwise, we're ALL forced to follow the built-in policy of the suite that's dictated by IPS rather than the 'bespoke' community that we desire.

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I would like it to be multi-select actually so you could choose, for example, Topics and Blogs, and leave out Gallery, or how you see fit.

I do like how All Activity spurs more activity on the site. Viewing Topics only will decrease app activity, but as a default setting in admin I would welcome it, so admins could choose their own default. 


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​Sadly I failed to install this.  Tried installing as a hook and browsing to xml file, get the following errors:


Warning: Illegal string offset 'hook_php_version_min' in /home/pnwmasin/public_html/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/hooks.php on line 3360

Warning: Illegal string offset 'hook_php_version_max' in /home/pnwmasin/public_html/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/hooks.php on line 3360

Warning: Illegal string offset 'required_applications' in /home/pnwmasin/public_html/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/hooks.php on line 3374

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​Sadly I failed to install this.  Tried installing as a hook and browsing to xml file, get the following errors:


Warning: Illegal string offset 'hook_php_version_min' in /home/pnwmasin/public_html/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/hooks.php on line 3360

Warning: Illegal string offset 'hook_php_version_max' in /home/pnwmasin/public_html/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/hooks.php on line 3360

Warning: Illegal string offset 'required_applications' in /home/pnwmasin/public_html/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/hooks.php on line 3374

Thsi is for IPS4!

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Adriano - Free of charge or chargeable? :)

Ralf - Just visited your site (looks good) , ref your 'Latest Forum Topics | see more…' block are you willing to share the design, been looking to get that sort of list tied to topics and I've not been able to achieve it? That is a last topics list with just a title and reply count (well I'll look to add a mini-thumbnail too), but.... ?

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I'm not aware of such setting. Where is it?

You can set which groups have access to the Activity Feed. If no group has, it should disappear from the menu. 

Ralf - Just visited your site (looks good) , ref your 'Latest Forum Topics | see more…' block are you willing to share the design, been looking to get that sort of list tied to topics and I've not been able to achieve it? That is a last topics list with just a title and reply count (well I'll look to add a mini-thumbnail too), but.... ?

​That’s the default custom block template for forum feeds. I think I just stripped some parts from it. Nothing else. No additional code or CSS styling.  

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