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Seems to be a problem relating to the profile link

only affects members that have uploaded a video to the video section.

If you use the mouse to hover over a members name you get the pop profile when you click it its a blank page you get.

All other members are fine apart from mine and the other member that uploaded other videos.

The profile tab does, however, work if its clicked in a section related to the video box like the top posters wedge.


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Seems to be a problem relating to the profile link

only affects members that have uploaded a video to the video section.

If you use the mouse to hover over a members name you get the pop profile when you click it its a blank page you get.

All other members are fine apart from mine and the other member that uploaded other videos.

The profile tab does, however, work if its clicked in a section related to the video box like the top posters wedge.


I can not reproduce this issue, I need the url. 

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V1.0.13 has a bug in profile if user posted a review . I will fixed this bug in the next version. But you can fix it by going ACP -> Customization -> Themes -> click </> to edit theme -> videobox -> front -> global -> snippet


{{if $activity instanceof \IPS\videobox\Video\Comment}}

Replace by

{{if $activity instanceof \IPS\videobox\Video\Comment or $activity instanceof \IPS\videobox\Video\Review}}


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What's New in Version 1.0.14  

  • Add uploading video feature, support mp4, m4v, flv. ( Add/Edit servers -> Choose From -> Upload to enable it). Upload multiple videos.
  • Include posting video url or uploading in posting/editting video page. The old 'Video Online management' page is now 'Subtitles' to manage subtitles.
  • Option to enable/disable subtitle system (Settings -> video -> Subtitles).
  • Fix bug that can not view profiles.
  • Embeddable video link. When you paste a videobox link to almost any kind of content, whether it's a forum topic, calendar event, gallery album or more, it will automatically embed a small preview of the video included thumbnail, submitter, title & description.


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I am having a problem after the upgrade to 1.0.15 on 4.0.8.  The video landing and category pages won't display.  I can however open a video page from a sidebar link. Has anyone else had any issues with 1.0.15?

Please send me 2 files /uploads/logs/latest.cgi & /uploads/logs/latest_sql.cgi or give me ACP access so I can take a look.

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Hi, just wondering if you have thought about adding an option to allow member groups only so many allowed views per day.. Or alternatively, having an option to set a daily guest view limit which will ask them to log in once they use up there views as a guest. So could have like 5 video views per day, per guest... 10 for members, etc.

Or an alternate idea could be setting the video watch server to be for certain member groups.. maybe Server 1 is 480p quality that anyone can view, and Server 2 is 1080p quality that only members that are logged in can view or maybe the vip group if your forum has something like that, etc?

Either/Both functionality would be a welcome addition!


What's the difference between collection and category? Does category = genre? and Collection is like.. a group of shows that maybe go together (like a tv series or something)

Edited by TravelingPasserby
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Hi, just wondering if you have thought about adding an option to allow member groups only so many allowed views per day.. Or alternatively, having an option to set a daily guest view limit which will ask them to log in once they use up there views as a guest. So could have like 5 video views per day, per guest... 10 for members, etc.

Or an alternate idea could be setting the video watch server to be for certain member groups.. maybe Server 1 is 480p quality that anyone can view, and Server 2 is 1080p quality that only members that are logged in can view or maybe the vip group if your forum has something like that, etc?

Either/Both functionality would be a welcome addition!


What's the difference between collection and category? Does category = genre? and Collection is like.. a group of shows that maybe go together (like a tv series or something)

I like your ideas :sorcerer:  I will think more about them.

What's the difference between collection and category? Does category = genre? and Collection is like.. a group of shows that maybe go together (like a tv series or something)

You're right, Categories maybe genre. Collections help you create tv series, top movies, valentines movies, collections of Tom Cruise.... bla bla...

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