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IP 4.0 & Live Site


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This may be a silly question but I can't find a specific answer. Should I install IP4.0 RC1 on a live site or wait for final?

I know RC is supported but I am not sure if I should be running full swing with this yet. Please advise.

Thank you

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You can run RC1 on a live forum but you may run into the bugs that will be solved before the final release...waiting until the final release will mean these bugs are cured, but obviously that's in the future, depends if you want to wait and get it stable or get it now and see if it affects you :)

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Most major bugs seem to have been fixed by now, I have not encountered any.

I have only encountered smaller bugs that are just mildly annoying.

Of course, people tend to have different experiences, so if you want to be safe and want your forums to have minimal annoyances, you may want to wait, but I very much doubt you'll run into any major issues by now :D

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