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Where Gallery SHARE links???


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BBCode is deprecated.

No one actually uses the HTML link.

Use the share links to share the image elsewhere. Right click the image to get a link to it. Otherwise, just post and link to the image and..

Automagic formatting on your forum. No BBCode / share code necessary.

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  • 1 month later...

​and BBcode works on ALL boards! 

and we need it!

Is clicking the "Insert image" button in another forums editor really so difficult if you want to directly embed the image into your post?

This is what you do for every single other image on the internet that you wish to embed.

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I need send 50-100 images to 2-3 diff forums at time

and copy&paste only BBcodes - very fast and good way

Can't you just link to an album on your forum on those two other forums, instead of embedding 50-100 individual images in your posts?

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Can't you just link to an album on your forum on those two other forums, instead of embedding 50-100 individual images in your posts?

​Agree. Why are you uploading to a Gallery just to share on other forums? It seems backwards to copy/paste that many images when you have a gallery/album system for just this reason.

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