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Server Move

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So we have been on a real lousy server and just got a dedicated one on a new host. But now comes the fun part... moving a 40k+ post site. :/

Looking for advice on the best way to approach this, to move the databases etc. Possibly even looking for a wee bit of help so I keep my sanity :P

Been trying to export the database but the file keeps failing - so yaaaa.... any tips are much appreciated!

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Usually mysqldump is the best option, if you are running into issue's importing the sqlfile due to file size, increase your max_post_size php directive.

backup: # mysqldump -u root -p[root_password] [database_name] > dumpfilename.sql

restore:# mysql -u root -p[root_password] [database_name] < dumpfilename.sql

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Depending on OS.. but I'm a Windows guy and have found that the best way for me to move a database is to install Navicat on the new machine then use it's "Data Transfer" method to move over all the data.


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so - moved it on my own and logins and posts etc all working. Even the blogs and galleries.

Only thing that is not is the content - am getting this error:

Error: Could not load template 'template_basicsintro' from group ''

the template it is referencing is there - and all the pages are loaded as well... but not a single page is showing... every grouping gives the above error with a different template referenced.

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can you access acp?

on one move I had similar error (not same) and had to reimport application hooks, then rebuild master skin data (checking everything) and then recache all skins. the rebuild/recache skins is something I have always had to do, the reimporting hooks was new that time.

then I also as habit recache furls/global/all in that order.

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I believe so - its marked IPS Content in my ACP... where all the pages and articles are.

Driving me nuts... tried to even reimport a template to see if I could get it to work. Still getting same error.

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no was hoping would get the answer here :) but doing that now because I have exhausted my knowledge of things to do to fix... everything else works fine, the blogs, the galleries, the nexus..... but not the actual content of pages.

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