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Remove all reputation given by member


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This is a functionality I believe would be especially useful for boards using the positive/negative reputation system.

Say you get a member who decides to abuse reputation over an extended period of time. When you find out, you want to go and remove any reputation the member has given to others, right?

But there's no sane way to do this.

How about adding an option under "Delete All Member's Posts..." to delete all the reputation given and/or received by the member.

An option to disable the reputation system on a per-account basis may be useful as well.

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:) Except you would have to rebuild all the reputation afterwards and you can't really run that kind of request after clicking a remove all reputation given button on a big board. There is a reputation rebuild option though...so atm you can run a query and then rebuild if necessary. :)

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smile.png Except you would have to rebuild all the reputation afterwards and you can't really run that kind of request after clicking a remove all reputation given button on a big board. There is a reputation rebuild option though...so atm you can run a query and then rebuild if necessary. smile.png

I considered that.. but removing reputation from the database end can be a bit of a hassle from what I remember pinch.png.

You could just automatically subtract/add to the reputation levels of members from the script itself, I don't think you'd have to rebuild everything.

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  • 4 months later...

I am here because I was searching for a similar thing. My board uses the positive/negative reputation system and I've had some clown give negative reputation scores to another member unnecessarily. It kind of takes away the meaning of the positive/negative reputation system because in its current form it is highly open to abuse.

Possibly an improvement could be considered in IP.Board 4.0 release?


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