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Download: [HSC] Staff Picks


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it also changes the font size and boldness of the sidebar hooks and categories

Looks like 2 separate issues. I'm pretty sure I know the cause, but I need to confirm some things first.

1. Can you please post the values of your System Settings?
2. Can you post the full content of the first post that appears in your sidebar block? (If possible, put it into a code tag)

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uhm...you caught me here...i'm not quite sure how to get the values of the system settings or what you mean by the full content of the first post...or which block, sorry i am still learning :(

No problem. :)

You can find the System Settings in your ACP under System -> System Settings -> Hooks -> [HSC] Staff Picks.

To get the content of the first post in the block:
1. Go to your main forum page, to the block that says "Staff Picks"
2. Click on the first topic that appears in the list
3. Click "Edit" on the first post
4. Copy the full content of the post, then post it here inside a code tag
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Emiterea şi utilizarea lor sunt reglementate prin legi şi norme emise de Banca Naţională a României. Câţiva termeni de ştiut, pentru începătorii în vânzări:

TRĂGĂTORUL - persoana care dispune plata (cel care îţi dă documentul ex: clientul,firma)

TRASUL - cel care efectuează plata din dispoziţie (cel care îţi livreaza banii ex: banca)

BENEFICIARUL - cel in favoarea căruia trebuie făcută plată  (cel care încasează banii ex: tu-furnizorul)

GIRAREA - transmitere cu remitere a drepturilor rezultate din cec ("forwardarea" sumei de incasat-"promisiunii de încasare" către terţ de ex: clientul are de încasat de la un alt client de al lui, şi îţi dă ţie documentul acela, il completează la rubrica girat pentru tine ca să încasezi tu banii ăia)  

AVALIZAREA - angajamentul/garantarea extra pe documentul de plată în scris, de către terţ numit avalist ALTUL DECÂT TRAGĂTORUL - pentru toate indatoririle semnatarului documentului (ex: avalizat de administrator/ banca - ăla garantează efectuarea plăţii când ţi-l completează la rubrica respectivă, şi răspunde penal pentru plată in caz de refuz). 

SCADENŢA - Data, termenul la care trebuie făcută plata (ex - atunci când trebuie să îţi intre banii, altfel ai probleme cu neîncasatele :D )

DEBITORUL - Cel care are de plătit/trebuie să plătească

CREDITORUL - Cel care are de încasat/trebuie să încaseze

IBAN - International Bank Account Number (adică numarul/codul international de cont bancar, TREBUIE SĂ CORESPUNDĂ codurile de pe document, altfel banca nu îţi dă banii - respinge plata pe motiv tehnic)

       Denumire Bancă 	/     Codul BANCAR 

Banca Nationala a Romaniei 	NBOR

Alpha Bank Romania 	BUCU

Anglo-Romanian Bank Limited	ARBL

ATE Bank Romania 	MIND

Banca Comerciala Carpatica CARP

Bancpost	BPOS

Bank of Cyprus	BCYP

Banca Comerciala Romana	RNCB

BCR Banca pentru Locuinte	BCRL

BLOM Bank France Sucursala Bucuresti	BLOM

Banca Italo Romena	BITR

Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (B.R.D.-G.S.G.)	BRDE

Bank Leumi Romania S.A.	DAFB

Banca Romaneasca	BRMA

Banca Transilvania 	BTRL

C.R. Firenze Romania	DARO


Citibank Romania	CITI

Credit Europe Bank	FNNB

Emporiki Bank Romania	BSEA

Eximbank	EXIM

Fortis	FTSB

GarantiBank International NV	UGBI

HVB Banca pentru Locuinte	HVBL


Intesa Sanpaolo Romania	WBAN

la Caixa	CAIX

Libra Bank 	BREL

Marfin Bank 	EGNA

Millennium Bank	MILB

MKB Romexterra Bank	CRDZ

OTP Bank Romania 	OTPV

Piraeus Bank Romania 	PIRB

Porsche Bank Romania	PORL

ProCredit Bank 	MIRO

Raiffeisen Bank	RZBR

Raiffeisen Banca pentru Locuinte	RZBL

Romanian International Bank	ROIN

UniCredit Tiriac Bank	BACX

Volksbank Romania 	VBBU

this is the link to the stuff above:

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after i upload and press the install button i get this screen :

Fatal error: Call to a member function rebuildCache() on a non-object in /home/salesrep/public_html/hooks/install_hsc_staffpicks.php on line 24

then it seems to be working and when i set topic to staff picks :

Fatal error: Call to undefined method skin_boards_1::staffPicksSidebar() in /home/salesrep/public_html/hooks/staffPickSidebarDisplay_acf791c37026afc46e49a9774db2cede.php on line 25

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after i upload and press the install button i get this screen :

Fatal error: Call to a member function rebuildCache() on a non-object in /home/salesrep/public_html/hooks/install_hsc_staffpicks.php on line 24

then it seems to be working and when i set topic to staff picks :

Fatal error: Call to undefined method skin_boards_1::staffPicksSidebar() in /home/salesrep/public_html/hooks/staffPickSidebarDisplay_acf791c37026afc46e49a9774db2cede.php on line 25

Submission has been updated with a new installation XML. Both issues should be resolved.
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ok, the issues are solved now, but we are back to that error

i don't know why it does this, it's only one forum with many subforums, in some of them guests can post..dunno what's the catch here...

oh, and even if i select anyother user group, only moderators and admins can make the picks.

A new version has been uploaded. Please let me know if the issue persists.

Regarding the picks - the options to pick a topic are appended to the existing topic moderation options. This means that if a group can't see the moderation dropdown, they won't see the staff picks options either.
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A new version has been uploaded. Please let me know if the issue persists.

Regarding the picks - the options to pick a topic are appended to the existing topic moderation options. This means that if a group can't see the moderation dropdown, they won't see the staff picks options either.

Happy new year HeadStand!
First of all.
Second,it works GREAT!
Third, i would like to translate the name in the sideblock header "staff picks", how can i do that?
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Happy new year HeadStand!

First of all.

Second,it works GREAT!

Third, i would like to translate the name in the sideblock header "staff picks", how can i do that?

Thank you and thank you!

To change the language string, login to your ACP and go to Look & Feel -> Manage Languages -> Language -> Forums -> public_boards.
Look for "staff_picks".
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