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ips_CacheRegistry -> getCache/_loadCaches


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I am in the process of converting the global shoutbox and I've come across an issue with the caches.

In IPB 2.3 was possible to use init_load_cache to load an array of caches at once but now in IPB 3 this is not possible anymore, the only way is to use $this->cache->getCache('cache_name') but in this way I need to use 3 different queries to load 3 caches.

A quick solution would be to change the function _loadCache from private to public so everyone can access it or update the function getCache to support an array of caches.

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I was hoping that you implement this small change for 3.0.0 :(

Actually I have already rewritten the function on my own just for fun lol

    static public function getCache( $keys )


          if ( is_string( $keys ) )


              if ( ! in_array( $keys, array_keys( self::$data_store ) ) )


                  self::_loadCaches( array( $keys ) );


              return self::$data_store[ $keys ];


          elseif ( is_array( $keys ) && count( $keys ) )


              $toLoad = array();

              foreach( $keys as $key )


                  if ( ! in_array( $key, array_keys( self::$data_store ) ) )


                      $toLoad[] = $key;



              self::_loadCaches( $toLoad );

              return TRUE;


          return FALSE;

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