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Some Quick reply options

Guest Sinistra

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Here are some options I think the Qhick Reply need to make posting more flexible to the members and posting alike..

1. BBCode box for the full text editer
2. "Add Quoted Posts to Quick Reply" option at the bottom of the quick reply to add multiquoted posts or a single post to your reply Via the QR.
3. Add Poll link maybe a popup with the poll posting abiliites or a box like in the full post editor.

there is one option I think would be nice but not really needed like some of the featuers listed above..

1. Quick New Topic. this would be a button on the forum view and would drop down a thing likt the quic reply. it will give you the topic title, disctription and the posting box.

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Fair enough but what about at least adding a add quoted posts to quick reply. I mean click the add reply button. "waits for another page to load" post your reply "wait for the redirect to load and finish" what about 10 mins or 10 depending on the length of your post?

you could cut postint time in half if you had atleast some fucntionality in the fas reply.

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See, you're missing the point of a fast reply, though. If you want to quote something quick and on the fly, you can.

Select some text, hover over the textarea, click the button.

you could cut postint time in half if you had atleast some fucntionality in the fas reply.

If you're going to take the time to reply to a slew of multi-quotes you're spending a lot of time doing it, so why not do it on the traditional add reply page? :/

I don't see a feasible way to add more functionality to the fast reply area without totally bloating it and killing it's usability like vB.

I really hope that the people developing IPB feel the same way.
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I think the quick reply should stay as it is -- not even any basic formatting buttons. Why? It just adds to the loading time and clutter of each page. If you really wanted to format your post, you can do it manually or just hit "Add Reply" in the first place.

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I think the quick reply should stay as it is -- not even any basic formatting buttons. Why? It just

adds to the loading time

and clutter of each page. If you really wanted to format your post, you can do it manually or just hit "Add Reply" in the first place.

Dialup modem there bud? :lol:

Basic formatting would be nice. There's a mod for that already though.
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I like the fast reply as is, since I am using it now. The benifit of using it is so you make a FAST REPLY. Its not that hard to key in a 'B' tag and to little brackets.

I see your point, because sometimes you don't want the AddReply box to load and stuff, but if they made it a feature where you could change them in the My Controls or have a option set for a board default, and members can change it. That would be nice, like the Post Screen. Standard or what ever the other one is.

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I like the fast reply as is, since I am using it now. The benifit of using it is so you make a


. Its not that hard to key in a 'B' tag and to little brackets.

<SNIP> <-- I don't agree with that.

I believe you hit the nail on the head with that. Fast Reply is supposed to be a really quick FAST way to write something...


It seems that the control buttons work again... I tried Bold and Italics... I like that. CTRL->B That is nifty.

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^^lol. Yea, thats plain alright.

I would think its more a personal preference. I added a mod to my board that has everything "Lord Katsuhito" is talking about. I love it. Its very handy.

My view on the fast reply is simply more of a "not needing to load up a whole nother page just to say a few things with some smiles and some formatting". I never use the "add reply", just because its just that. Takes time to load up a whole page again just for that. After I added that mod, nothing at all slowed down. It was still the exact same speed, so that cannot be used as an excuse. All it did was ADD convience. Fast rely can mean two things: 1. to quickly say something. 2. to reply w/out reloading the whole page.

So I dont see the big deal about "not" adding those options.

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^^lol. Yea, thats plain alright.

I would think its more a personal preference. I added a mod to my board that has everything "Lord Katsuhito" is talking about. I love it. Its very handy.

My view on the fast reply is simply more of a "not needing to load up a whole nother page just to say a few things with some smiles and some formatting". I never use the "add reply", just because its just that. Takes time to load up a whole page again just for that. After I added that mod, nothing at all slowed down. It was still the exact same speed, so that cannot be used as an excuse. All it did was ADD convience. Fast rely can mean two things: 1. to quickly say something. 2. to reply w/out reloading the whole page.

So I dont see the big deal about "not" adding those options.

Ok then, by your logic, IPB might as well just get rid of the add reply screen and add it to the quick reply.
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