Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,501 topics in this forum
Ability to export Invision to Flat HTML?
by Guest Blake- 1 reply
I currently run an old 1.3 board (yes, it was registered, and I also have another 2.x registered board). However, I need to move servers and have run in to SQL issues and found it just easier to switch to a new software. Unfortunately, I can't import the data, but need to keep it available for reference. Is there a way to export a 1.3 database to a flat HTML structure that I could just take from server to server for reference? Thanks!
Last reply by bfarber, -
Problems with PM block list
by Guest bpn- 5 replies
Some of our members report that they have entries in their block list which they are absolutely sure are not entered by them. Are there any known problems with the block list function?
Last reply by bfarber, -
Ability to organize custom profile fields
by Guest eLounge- 1 reply
I have added a few custom profile fields, but I don't know of a way to organize them. This is extremely annoying, as I want them grouped by type. The ability to rearrange them would be nice. - eLounge Admin. Resovolt
Last reply by bfarber, -
[Suggestion] Java-applet Captcha
by Guest W13- 15 replies
An option to use a Java-based CAPTCHA will be great. I'm sure all IPB users can say they've suffered from spam attacks and/or scamming PMs/emails... and ban-evaders (people that just DHCP a new IP). Benefits of using Java applet based CAPTCHA - Real IP (proxies won't work) - Machine number (aka. MAC address) banning - Animated CAPTCHA that's very difficult (impossible) for auto-captcha-solving mechanisms to solve ... and EVERYBODY has Java... there's Java on my cell phone even! :-P
Last reply by Louis M., -
[Suggestion] IPS Product Installer
by Guest AndyF- 0 replies
I noticed this today... I was thinking that adding IPSBeyond to the list of useful links would not be a bad idea :)
Last reply by AndyF, -
Image Resize
by Guest kirov- 1 reply
At this stage, when you enter a topic where it's a big image it distors the forum until all the images are loaded, can it be made so that it won't distort the board at all?
Last reply by stoo2000, -
[cosmetic] Empty space beside poll questions
by Guest W13- 0 replies
There's tons of extra space next to poll questions, yet the actual poll questions' text is broken and wrapped:
Last reply by W13, -
Bounce detection
by Guest Ian P. Christian- 8 replies
Is there really still no email bounce detection in IPB? With a user base in the 10's of thousands, it's impractical to manage this manually.
Last reply by Michael P, -
2.3.2-2.3.3 changes
by Guest Alex- 2 replies
I dont like to be a pain, but in the beta versions of a new component, the javascript works really cool on all versions below 2.3.3, however, on 2.3.3, most of the javascript doesnt work, to be more specific, its the hiding of divs. I am really confused to why this is happening, and was requesting if I could have a changelog please :) (I couldnt find one :D)
Last reply by Alex, -
[Suggestion] Reply without bump
by Guest Luke- 7 replies
When posting have the ability to not bump the topic. Of course you wouldn't want someone to reply to a topic with spam and not be caught, so for moderators that topic would be bumped with an indicator saying that it was not bumped (if date varies between bumped and last post), and for members it would not be bumped. And last, naturally, have a group permission to what groups can use this feature.
Last reply by BryanH, -
A little enhancement on the Search System
by Guest Root0101- 0 replies
Hi, I thought if this feature could be useful. Can you insert some sort of search system that is able to search for specific member's post in a topic? I don't think the current version can do that.
Last reply by Root0101, -
Praise for Tech Support
by Guest rheaton- 2 replies
This may be in the wrong area, but I felt it needed to be said. I read forums all the time and the one thing you always hear about is how horrible the tech support or customer support for this company or that company is. Well, I'd like to put out a POSITIVE tech support story. So,a very big thank you to Josh and Keith here at IPS who helped me with a very frustrating problem over the past couple of days. Even when I couldn't give them all the info and access they needed, they managed to help me get the issues I was having resolved. Even when I got a little snippy out of frustration. Best of all, I rarely waited more than an hour for a reply if it was during busines…
Last reply by wickedfpoop, -
[Suggestion] merge topics
by Guest andaril- 1 reply
Add feature to merge form. When field name and discription are blank, they'll be get from topic with that you merge.
Last reply by Will L., -
To have [ALL] the e-mail options of the member on the administration
by Guest Fred6937- 5 replies
Hello has all, I am Belgian and I employment a translator to speak to you because I do not include/understand English well! I have to contact by ticket ipb which my known as to make my request here thus I makes my request
Last reply by Will L., -
manual upgrade from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3
by Guest cinek- 9 replies
is it possible to do a manual upgrade from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3? I mean just follow some readme file, and do the edits?
Last reply by atomicknight, -
Lo-fi Version
by Guest Lindsey_- 1 reply
Hi there How safe is the Lo-fi version on Ipb Ive heard some hackers can hack through that way if so how can i stop being hacked NO I HAVE NOT BEEN HACKED
Last reply by bfarber, -
Changed Files from 2.3.2 -> 2.3.3 ?
by Guest W13- 1 reply
Which files were changed from 2.3.2 -> 2.3.3 ?
Last reply by sunrisecc, -
Thanks Post with Ajax 1 2
by Guest 41 replies
it would be awsome if u guys creat such that mod for IPB ... ! dont let Vbulletin creat something better than u ! something like this for IPB !
Last reply by SinaMiandashti, -
Average ticket reply times
by Guest Lindsey_- 2 replies
Ok my fastest reply for a ticket to the sales team was like about 50 seconds A ticket to the Tech team the fastest reply was around 4 minutes what are the fastest ticket reply times do you have
Last reply by Lindsey_, -
Installed 2.3.3 and ....
by Guest Iced- 1 reply
and the text size decreased on my site :(
Last reply by Keith J. Kacin, -
Beyond down?
by Guest Genestoy- 5 replies
Is it just me or is IPS Beyond down today or just having server problems? Works sometimes then not (mostly not)?
Last reply by Lindy, -
[Suggestion] Mass-multi-moderation from Forum view
by Guest W13- 2 replies
It'd be great to be able to check-box several topics in Forum view, and then apply a multi-moderation on them all at the same time. It'd save a HUGE amount of time for my moderators.
Last reply by W13, -
by Guest Jason H- 10 replies
Do we need to/should we go through these for the next version? I just had a question about Macros, and when i went in to pull the code for one as an example, the first one I pulled was for the "Add Poll" button.. Which has been deprecated. It's probably a smallish number of them.. But.. Just something to think about.
Last reply by Lindsey_, -
Members area on
by Guest Lindsey_- 5 replies
Is it me or when you add a reply to a ticket on the page the theme is different and the main page of the members ares ia like out of whack
Last reply by Lindsey_, -
IP Board
by Guest skyleong- 17 replies
I would like to know what other things that I need to buy after purchasing the 149.99 package. I saw the requirement stated that I need PHP and mySQL. Do I need to install these two in order to run the forum? And how do I get the url for my forum? Thanks in advance
Last reply by nakisha,