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Everything posted by stoo2000

  1. Click the arrow on the right, goto edit task, Change Enable Task to No. Then click the blue circle to run the task.
  2. It's looking like it is a bug in IPB 3.0.4, I've filed a bug report in the tracker (http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-19824-buildseourl-broken-in-tasks/). It may be an idea to disable the task running automatically for now and run it manually every couple of days. Not ideal I know.
  3. Could you PM me a link to your forum please.
  4. I love when people reply to old threads. :lol:
  5. There's always a hope :) If IP.Board can handle the language in FURLS, then the task should be able to, since it uses internal functions. I'll update the thread if I have any updated for you.
  6. Just as a quick note, your forumsitemap.xml.gz shows the old style urls, and the following code is used for generating the urls. ipsRegistry::getClass('output')->buildSEOUrl( $this->settings['board_url'] . '/index.php?showtopic=' . $r['tid'], 'none', $r['title_seo'], 'showtopic' )
  7. Hmm, I suspect then it's something to do with the language in the furls..... Leave it with me, I'll have a look
  8. The task uses built in IP.B functions to come up with the FURL, do you have any other SEO mods installed ?
  9. They're also IP.B 2.3.6, but even if you look at this forum theres around 600 users online. This forum is hosted on a single VPS.
  10. Not that I can give you an exact answer, but IP.Board should be able to cope with that no problem, IPs have many large clients that use Ip.Board such as NBC and nVidia. I think Charles may be able to give some idea of what kind of hardware is needed to support that many users.
  11. Nope that doesn't matter at all, obviously you would want two Google Analytics accounts so you can track forum and website traffic.
  12. Yep the indexsitemap.xml.gz is just a location to let search engines know about the different sitemaps that are generated. The XML Sitemaps are intended for Search engines, you won't get any benefits by linking to it, since it informs search engines when it has been generated :)
  13. You only need to chmod the xml/xml.gz files. Make sure you select the forums you want to put in the sitemap (in the sitemap task settings)
  14. That's one reason why it's also limited to 50,000 items, I do want to look in the future at indexing over time, and not at once. You could try adding set_time_limit(30) into the topic loop, that may prevent the time out, but it will still take a small while to construct the XML file.
  15. Looks like it is a Bug/Feature in PHP that replaces . with , in integers depending on your locale, Will correct it and send you a copy to test.
  16. Could you PM me some examples please, and link me to your topicsitemap file, I've had this version live on one of my own forums for a few days, without any Google reported issues.
  17. I'm not so sure that is related to the sitemap generator, Have a quick search for 504 error online, it seems it could be an issue with an upstream provider i.e your web hosting.
  18. Post in the Peer to peer section, or send a ticket to IPS please. This forum is for feedback only.
  19. There is already a promotion on going if you look in Customer News
  20. There is no 'API' as such, the way IP.Board is designed you can easily call their objects & methods... developer docs: http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/articles.html?category=29
  21. Have you looked at the Developer Documentation in the Customer Resources section? (link at the top of the page)
  22. Can I make a feature request? Can we have the ability to ban Bold bbcode for certain users? And for the record, Articles are a fantastic way for other users to help users, I have re-written a couple of articles myself in the developer section, adding more useful information as I come across it.
  23. <ifmodule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript application/javascript </ifmodule> That should do the job for now, reduced page output by about 150-200kb, you need Apache 2.x with mod_deflate enabled.
  24. File Name: XML Sitemap Generator Task v1.0.5 File Submitter: stoo2000 File Submitted: 04 Aug 2009 File Updated: 23 Jul 2010 File Category: Miscellaneous XML Files IP.Board 3 Sitemap Generator Task v1.0.5 About the Sitemap Generator Task This task was originally updated to accommodate my own forums, due to the demand and the fact that no one has made a new task to address the demand I have decided to enhance this task and release it for use. This task uses built in IP.Board methods for generating FURLS, this means that this task is compatible with custom FURL templates. The task is Improved and built on Google Sitemap Generator for IPB 2.2 by CheetahShrk. Version 1.0.5 Fixes Corrected minor typo in gzip process. Version 1.0.4 Enhancements Added option to ping ASK! with sitemaps. Version 1.0.3 Fixes Localisation bug introduced in 1.0.2 - affects locales that use , as a number seperator. Version 1.0.2 Fixes Removed use of old class_XML.php to use the new IP.Board 3, classXML.php method. Version 1.0.1 Fixes Fixed an issue where URLS with no SEO Title generated would put old style URLS in sitemap, and not use FURLS. Version 1 Fixes [*]Now uses the database class correctly
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