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Posts posted by stoo2000

  1. 1.4.2 is now in the Marketplace.

    What's New in Version 1.4.2 (See full changelog)

    • Enhancement: Setting to prevent users from leaving more than one Feedback per deal
    • Enhancement: Feedback data now part of the User Hover Card
    • Enhancement: Removed app copyright
    • Enhancement: SMF Trader 1.6 Converter (Beta - Needs testing)
    • Enhancement: Clicking 'leave feedback' from a classifieds item now pre-fills the Feedback form
    • Bugfix: Fixed a few language strings
  2. I noticed that and removed my previous message...

    Thanks for the prompt reply, and thank you for your hard work.

    I have a couple of suggestions, if I may.

    1. On the user profile, on the table that list all transactions, each message ("note") has a link to the original topic that relates to the transaction. This is great. However, the link uses the regular index.php?showtopic=xxxxx format; I'd change that to include SEO, which is pretty easy to implement.

    This can happen if you have rows for classifieds, but it isn't installed or active.

    {parse url="showtopic={$f['link']}" seotitle="{$f['title_seo']}" template="showtopic" base="public"}

    2. When you click on the "leave feedback" button on the classifieds page of a given product, you need to enter the link of the product manually on the form that shows up on the next page. Why the system simply doesn't carry over the item number and fills this field automatically for me? (I am using the Classifieds app and I am assuming the user will leave feedback to that particular product/transaction).

    Once again, thank you very much.


    I should be able to add something to take care of that.

  3. Typo:

    Your feedback has been left on the users profile.
    Should be:
    Your feedback has been left on the user's profile.


    Hi, found a word that may be hardcoded in the source code.

    * The word "N/A" at the user's profile

    Please refer to the attached file.

    Please let me know the files and lines to edit. Thanks.


    Kudos for having the iTrader converter in place. This saved me a lot of time, as I didn't have to write my own converter!

    However, the user profile rebuild was hardcoded to 50 profiles per batch. With a forum with almost 450,000 users, that would take us days to finish. Edited modules_admin/tools/rebuild.php and changed:

    public $perCycle = 50;


    public $perCycle = 500;

    Suggestion for the next verion: this value to be configurable from inside the ACP.

    Thanks for the great work.

    For the amount of data to process in a loop, we need to consider underpowered systems, we want to avoid timing out. - Some converters also have a query per item that connects to a remote database.

    Just noticed you were actually on about the rebuild process, however it's quite similar we're avoiding a timeout.

    Re: N/A

    Hardcoded in:


    and in:

    xml/feedback_root_templates.xml (3 times, i.e., profilePage, topMembers, and userPaneFeedback templates)

    Also, on the same XML file the following words are hardcoded, also three times, on the same templates:




    I fixed here by creating these words and replacing their hardcoded versions with the correct variable.


    positive/neutral/negative are class names, don't change those.

    It's due for a minor maintenance release, I'll update soon.

  4. unanswered questions:

    • I upgraded to Member Map 2.0.0 Beta 2 and now as Board Admin I am not able to delete user's locations... In Member Map Permissions Mask I set the permission to delete locations for Admin... Is it norma?
    • As you can see here under Antartic there is a big blank space... How can I remove it to show map in fullscreen?

    • [Admin] Delete functionality will return in a near-future version, users are currently able to remove their own markers. - If you need to do this you can manually delete the data from the member_map table and then rebuild the cache for the app.
    • The blank space is because the map is zoomed all of the way out, this is caused by the marker that is placed in Antarctica.

    new question (issue):

    • user's profile links broken in my member map after upgrading to v2.0 were ok but not the lost a slash in url... How can I fix it?

    http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/306966-member-map/page-87#entry2479824 (this is literally 3 posts before this one :sad: )

  5. I've downloaded the file and uploaded the contents to the server, overwriting the existing ones. But then what? It still shows 1.1.0. Can't find an update instruction in the pdf either.

    Upgrading is pretty much identical to installation, except you'll be sent to the upgrader when you login to your ACP.

    It sounds like you have uploaded the files to the wrong place, you should be prompted to overwrite existing files.


  6. Sounds fine!

    I do wonder what other custom rejected emails could be, but as long as 'manually blacklisted' is one of them I'm happy :smile:.

    Ideally what you would do is send your mail via Mandrill, any bounces originating from your mailing list would be reported to IP.Board too.

    I have added this as a configuration option that is disabled by default.

  7. The thing is: I have a mailing list with over 50,000 receipients. About 5,000 of them have been blacklisted. To prevent negative impact on my reputation I've blacklisted those in Mandrill too. I do want this add-on to act though, so that our users get the "please update your email" popup.

    I do have an idea of how this can be added as an option, so you would have an option for the action to take for 'custom' rejected emails

    1. None (default)
    2. Hard Bounce
    3. Soft Bounce
  8. I am getting a small bug: when at the member map, when clicking on the name of a member it gets me this address:

    -> for the user bassman-1001, for example:


    This is a malformed URL (at least missing a slash) which redirects to the homepage. The right URL should be:


    - or -


    I believe this can be easily fixed at the code. Where can i change this? Thank you for your help!


    Change line 169 from

             'url'   => $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildSeoUrl('showuser='.$members[$id]['member_id'], 'public', $members[$id]['members_seo_name'], 'showuser'),


             'url'   => $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildSeoUrl($this->settings['board_url'] . '/index.php?showuser='.$members[$id]['member_id'], 'none', $members[$id]['members_seo_name'], 'showuser'),
  9. When there is a hard bounce and spam complaint the App change the member status to Validating or do not change the member group?

    The app doesn't change any member groups.

    I've added a list of mail addresses to black list at Mandrill via [options, rejection blacklist] a couple of hours ago. This list is based on bounce info I gathered with other software earlier.

    Since these addresses are being rejected now, I also expected those to appear in the add-on under "emails disabled". But they don't. Thus those members won't get the "please update your mail address" notification on the forums.

    Is there a way I can arrange for this?

    Items manually added to the blacklist don't have a 'reason' that we act on (hard-bounce / soft-bounce / spam).

    In reality, if you're already getting bounces for those users on another system, if you're sending emails to them Mandrill will notice that pretty quickly too.

  10. stoo - can you advise re my outstanding question ?

    I don't have an answer yet, this part of the code is subject to change.

    Hi - we are getting this error from a user:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function mapTemplate() on a non-object in /home/runetime/public_html/admin/applications_addon/other/membermap/modules_public/membermap/map.php on line 77

    They are using a Mac.. but no one else seems to have a problem (from a PC).

    Any ideas? Thanks!

    Follow the first part of this: http://www.invisionpower.com/support/kb/_/manually-rebuild-skins-and-languages-from-xml-r42

  11. I see plenty of text/javascript...but no trailing numbers for the older version inside the global template.

    Try asking SkinBox for instructions to update jQuery, they'll be able to give you an answer.

  12. I had to revert as it wouldnt update my location. Here is what the file looks like: Where would I insert that script to make it function properly?

    You won't insert anything, you need to change the existing reference to jQuery, which is probably in globalTemplate.

    Think of this as completely separate to member map.

  13. Thanks for your assistance...this is for the bing version so it was a matter of just changing the following.

    needed to add this: ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.7.min.js

    Use the latest of the chosen branch, so use 1.7.2.

    Update your existing script tag though, don't just needlessly load another version of jQuery on the same page

  14. www.legionofhonorclan.com/

    you wont be able to see anything other than what is allowed and the membermap is not allowed..is there something i can do to check?

    when i use my console I get this: so I guess its 1.6.4?

    /*! jQuery v1.6.4 http://jquery.com/ | http://jquery.org/license */

    Yep, if you change the code reference to 1.7.2 (most likely in globalTemplate), so it would read...

    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
  15. For some reason it will not let me change my location or let my membership add their locations. ANy ideas? The buttons are there, but when they get clicked, nothing happens.

    The most likely scenario is that you already have jQuery included on the page, but it is an old version.

    Updating jQuery to 1.7.2 or newer 1.x will provide the required functionality.

  16. Still a little lost here - mapinfo contains this info currently

    So all of that needs to be removed and replaced with the code you advised ?

    You certainly should revert your member map template customisations from 1.0.9, they won't work at all with 2.0

    If you do add any extra content to the template, it will be available to every visitor regardless of any setting for viewing signatures etc.

  17. Sorry - which template needs to be edited ???


    Hi all.

    Nice addon overall, users generally like it. I've installed it, everything works good except one thing: When user adds his/her location, the infobox popup shows null string instead of user's name. But this null can be clicked (it's inside A tag) and it points to the user's profile. Only one user (from moderator group) has his name displayed properly. All permissions are set.

    How can I fix this issue? After quick look it seems like s.display_name (in jq.membermap.js) containts wrong value.

    I've seen it on a few installs so far, a number of them seem to rectify themselves. Haven't tracked down the cause for it yet. Theoretically it shouldn't be possible.

  18. Hey Stuart,

    So please remember I am helpless hopeless clueless and useless.... Wondering a few things.

    First if I switch to the latest version of the membermap will I loose the custom markers I have in the files on my Server. I know they will no longer show on the map. But when you get the new version of MemberMap ready I am assuming the custom markers will be retrieveable.

    Second is if I switch to the latest version will I need to get a new api from bing? I will not be able to use the one from google? I think as I have been reading this is the case.

    If I get the new map from bing and my members list thier location on the new map will those pins transfer to the new map version when you are done?

    Will I need to get a new Google APIv3?

    Sorry I am so clueless. Thanks as always for being so forgiving and helpful with me.


    Hi Jeff, forget about Google, this app doesn't use their services any more. Custom markers will work again when that functionality returns, existing data will not be lost in an upgrade. Yes you'll need o get a Bing API key.

    How do I do this/fix this?

    Upload the files from the Zip again, make sure you upload the 'public' folder

  19. Where do we go look in our AdmincCP to see the statistics for how many bounces the addon has recorded and how many accounts it has affected?

    Specifically, I'd like to take those hard bounces and move them to a certain usergroup but all I can tell so far is that Mandrill is reporting the bounces to IPB but where can I see what it's doing with them?

    ACP > Other Apps > Bouncer > View > Disabled Emails

    This was just added in 1.1.0, so make sure you're upto date if you don't see it.

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