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Posts posted by stoo2000

  1. Is it easy to setup? How does the ACP Part look.

    The ACP is fairly boring, It's really a self-managing app. You shouldn't need to do anything to it.

    This is a screenshot of the page that lists bounces, there is another page that lists users that have reported your emails as spam. The tools page contains a tool to remove restrictions on an account.


    Providing that your forum is already configured to use Mandrill, the app will do the rest the first time you visit the ACP Dashboard after installing.

  2. I am having a very similar problem with 1.4.2. Any help would be appreciated.

    1.0.0 was a completely different product really, it was rewritten from the ground up when I acquired the app.

    Please submit a support ticket as detailed on the Marketplace page, please include an ACP login so I can check the configuration.

  3. I have the same problem as stated here. I have reverted one red point in the template manager. Re-uploaded, recached everything - I still have this message over the map saying that Bing is invalid credentials.

    I have also tried different settings in Bing: Basic / Not-for-profit and Basic / Public website

    Any suggestions: My map here http://www.fjellforum.no/membermap/

    Your problem is that the API key isn't valid, re-copy it from your Bing Portal. You should use a "Basic / Public Website" key.

  4. Is there anywhere a Demo of the MemberMap on Facebook?

    I dont unterstand how the Integration on Facebook is working? I think it es because https://developers.facebook.com/ have a new design and my english is too bad sad.png

    Is there anywhere a step by step for dummies? smile.png

    Facebook have changed a lot of things recently, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't work properly.

    Just to let you know that this is now resolved. Apparently the MIME the was not setup for JSON on the server.

    Thanks for looking into this for me, you're ongoing support for this is much appreciated.

    Thanks for letting me know :)

    Well Poo.

    I have a glitch. I found a new balloon event that I listed on my calendar. I then went to put a custom marker pin in my Member Map and it tells me that I have not filled out a required field. Tried it over 4 times and same result. I can not see any other fields and the ones I can see are filled out.

    Any Ideas what is going on?

    Here Watch.


    All the best.


    Did you paste the address into the box?

    Click into the address box and press a button on your keyboard (can be shift, ctrl, space etc) you should see the map zoom in and place the marker.

  5. Hi,

    I am just getting red blocks aswell - all files were uploaded OK.

    And where do my members select a custom marker when adding / editing their map entry?


    Stoo any help on this please?

    Thank you smile.png

    I'll need to look via FTP, please PM me your details.

  6. Hi, looked for the answer, but was unable to find it sad.png

    I have installed 2.0.0 beta 2 (upgraded from 1.09) and entered the bing API key, but the application shows:

    'The specified credentials are invalid. You can sign up for a free developer account at http://www.bingmapsportal.com'.

    How to fix this?


    I'm obviuosly not the only one having this problem.

    A google search finds serveral forums using Member Map and having the same problem...

    You have to revert your template modifications, your template HTML is for 1.0.9. You can do this in the template manager, look for the Member Map templates that have a red dot next to them, open them and then click 'revert'.

    As a side note, 2.0.0 is the latest version, not 2.0.0 beta 2.

  7. Great app. Got it working in the end.
    I had only setup SMTP to use Mandrill and not enabled the Mandrill Community Enhancement.
    So I had a few minutes of problem seeking. smile.png

    Setup not super-easy.
    Maybe improve the PDF instructions a bit?

    This part of the setup is part of the IP.Board > Mandrill integration, the app uses this after it is setup. However, there is a ticket system, please do feel free to use it if required.

    How often does the Mandrill app send rejection list to IPB?

    After a bit of testing only one member gets messages about needing to update email.

    Data is sent after an email bounces, an easy way to trigger this is to send a bulk mail out, that will display messages rather quickly to those who have old email addresses.

    Am now using this great app with gusto, however I think that if someone unsubscribes or even marks the email as spam, i.e. they get onto the rejection list locally then emails are not sent for anything else, such as password reminder, notifications and third party apps.

    I appreciate that if the email is on mandrill's rejection list nothing will go, but sure these other emails should be sent even if the email is only the local rejection list?

    Really we should only see admin newsletter emails blocked and not any other email, ideally this should also apply to the Mandrill held list.

    This is already taken into account, if the email is triggered from the register / lost pass / email address change pages, it should not be blocked.

  8. I have upgraded to 2.0.0, put in my API, checked skins and css and rebuilt all of the caches but still cannot get any markers to appear on the main map. Any suggestions please?



    The cached marker files do not exist on your server, make sure that /cache and every folder inside is writable, once that has been done, recache both of the MemberMap caches.

  9. Is there a way to change the background color when you click on a member marker? Is there a way to display certain member profile info too? Right now it just displays the member name and membership group.


    In the current version this is controlled by the 'Bing Theme' that's used, the next release removes this theme and has plain white info boxes. I want to style these a little nicer in future versions.

    And as a general note for everyone, 2.0.0 has been undergoing QA for a few days, with a new build being tested today. Release isn't far away.

  10. A few questions..

    1) How do I change the name of the preset Roles that someone sees when they add feedback for a member? Currently the dropdown field says Buyer, Seller, Trader. We want to change the word Buyer to Customer, Seller to Breeder and we want to get rid of Trader entirely. Our Pet Breeding community doesn't have Traders.

    2) We're using Classifieds, if someone is looking at an Advert in Classifieds and someone clicks on "Leave Feedback", you're taken to the Feedback Form. The link is always http://ourdomainname.com/index.php - Is there a way to have your app automatically use the URL of the Classifieds Advert the person was just looking at? Otherwise, the user has to click the back button, copy the URL, click on Leave Feedback again then paste in the URL. Some of our users are not very tech savvy.

    3) We need to change the name of the tab from the main menu section of IPB (Topic view) from Feedback to Reviews - how would we do that?



    These types of questions are suitable for a support ticket, since you've already sent me a PM, I'll reply to that.


  11. Very cool - would it be possible for me to test a version with custom markers on?



    Not at the moment, The management interface for managing markers isn't quite ready yet (there isn't a way of actually moving/setting the marker location). the upgrader also needs a little more testing, I don't believe it is working 100% correct.

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