Reputation Activity
Orioni reacted to opentype in Drum roll please… announcing Achievements!Probably because Badges have a dedicated “Storage Location”. They are handled separately.
Orioni reacted to Chris Anderson in Drum roll please… announcing Achievements!Adding an new entry under Applications for "Achievements" would provide consistency and allow a member to toggle between "Disabled" and "Enabled". Disabled should be the default setting to allow an admin to decide when they are ready to implement Achievements for their site. Many site owners will choose to spend months planning, waiting on graphic designers to create a personalized set of badges or wait for Achievements to mature to a point that it fully meets their needs.
Orioni reacted to Feneroin in Drum roll please… announcing Achievements!weeks...Jordan has said so in my opinion at the end of May maybe or i think it'll be released in June...
Orioni reacted to ahc in Welcome to Invision Community 4.5Godspeed to all of the third party developers in the next couple of months.
Good stuff, Matt. When I started using Pages it took me a while to get to grips with it. A video like this will come in very handy for other new users, I'm sure.
My main site's still under development and has quite a bit of Pages powering it. I don't want to link to it whilst it's still not ready but here's an example: a pronunciation database for language learners, powered by Pages:
Nice done, it looks like you could do this even in 4 minutes . Please more examples of pages usage and include more ready to use templates like @opentype is offering.
On my site the pages app is a large part of my community, use it for reviews, as a link directory, for model sedcards, article magazine, quote database by @opentype .
Orioni got a reaction from Matt in QOTW: What was your first computing memory?Playing Commander Keen, but not knowing how the controls worked. Suddenly he made a jump. It took months before we figured out how to shoot his lazer blaster. And then there was the pogo stick!