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This week, the team have been discussing their very first computing memory. This will probably reveal a lot about the age of some of our team. We recently worked out that when Matt and Charles first met and started producing community software, some of the younger members of our team were still in primary school.

What is your first computing memory?
An easy question for tech-heads as we've all been toying with computers since our earliest days.

Brandon (Senior tech support and development)

971279_10151817351521153_847189448_n.jpg.99662d58ecf871558ef2dbe2a3ec042e.thumb.jpg.c9ede76cbb478d53dd0f405bfaef8ef3.jpgWe had a VIC20 and a Commodore128 growing up. In 6th grade I got into BASIC a little bit and wrote my own home-grown computer program for my school's science fair on the Commodore. It had a 'moon' and a rocket ship sprite, and the sprite flew around the screen and landed into the moon, ending with a quit or play again option. I won the science fair that year.


Mark H (Tech support)

MarkH.jpg.e74da5597645820c0705fb4982ed2ecb.jpgMy first "Computing Memory"...... that would be the mainframe I got to play with in 10th grade, one which some wealthy benefactor donated to my Junior High School, 1970. Magnetic core memory and drum memory, and not a transistor to be found within it..



Marc S (Tech Support)

marcs.jpg.56952e4c8cb28fc62ec5d6892a03b9f6.jpgFirst memory of an actual computer, rather than just a games console, would be the Atari 65XE. My parents got me one for Christmas, along with a few different books and games. My parents were expecting me to hit the games the second I got it, and instead I was copying out the code for making the computer 'Do things'. I guess that was my introduction to programming at the time. 


Rhett (Cloud Support)

rhett.png.14d063e80c4e4c4196e4a23f39bb6422.thumb.png.c469a119118a1da39d17782747aff4f3.png.31c1518e3f224f8a3811df9f91d2d533.thumb.png.381d399097ee1c58437db9475c05ab36.png"Learning "Basic" on an Apple II in College with 5 1/4 floppies! followed by building my first PC, a 386DX 40, then doing home banking via dial up and dos prompts"



Matt (Senior Developer)

13775584_10154032958017798_6235039191375454111_n.jpg.63ac0b5a363205c71126a98aa98c0d12.jpgThe BBC Micro. It was a computer developed for the classroom to encourage a nation of coders. My dad brought one home along with a magazine and we spent all night typing in a Star Trek game from the magazine and debugged it together. I still have nightmares over my brother reading it out and calling a full colon "a double dot". I loved that machine and often tinkered with it between playing games and using it for homework. I remember writing a Naughts and Crosses (tic-tac-toe) game in school that my teacher did not understand and assumed I had cheated. Special shout out to "Elite" the space trading game that stole most of my youth.


Ryan (Senior Developer)

ryan.png.57d04e6e0f74959b46991dd48f0198f8.thumb.png.136bc194882afa8a796b947d8621abb1.png.003d7129e5fce83a1014f17c9c0d043f.pngMy first real computing memory was on a Packard Bell running Windows 3.11. I performed my first "echo" at the MS-DOS Command Line, and it was all downhill from there. 



Andy (Senior tech support and development)

10494810_10154404752720319_3498719764777772876_n.jpg.47f14e7bbe6878502562a622cee393a0.jpg.2f67ebea1624e22601594dbc81611661.jpgMy first computing memory is probably playing Sim City on the BBC micro at school aged 6 or 7 but computers were a part of family life from before I was born so I must have had some interactions before this I can’t remember. My first Internet memories were getting home from school aged 10 helping dad build PC motherboards he designed from scratch. I would help place the components before they were soldered and then I would get to use the single machine set up in the corner which had the Mosaic browser and then later the first version of Netscape Navigator installed. I still have an original Internet Movie Database account from 1993. This was probably also my first “Job”. I’m still waiting for my first pay packet!


Jennifer (Designer)

ipspink.thumb.png.60c9f617f7fb273a7fbf13374171e833.png.961a3172effa9cd8ea83cead9c41d7ca.pngMy first really strong memory of computers in general was a Mac. It was Oregon Trails at school with those huge 5 1/2 floppy disks. I always remember how excited I would be to see that black and green screen with that 8 bit old west adventure. True facts. If there was a modern like Conan Exiles survival game that was Oregon Trail based I would most probably get it. If it exists don't tell me about it!


Daniel (Senior tech support and development)

daniel.png.90faabfcc41fb099187a38120cc8fcef.png.552338efcb44d455c8795c134a63addb.thumb.png.1f502a5214e3cbc97adf3bd5795febb8.png.9a5c5608359a79f669856ff92b191b27.pngMy first coding experience was in the school with really, really old DOS computers.. No Basic, No Pascal ... it was the famous TURTLE aka LOGO!


Stuart (Senior tech support and development)

ips-logo.png.0c9ee7c1c50d673105092adb07b097c9.thumb.png.78ac935d0ec7cd807639c71a63be0436.png.88bd532bf8fe0c2d936096f1c954aabd.pngMy first real computer related memory was having a Commodore 64 and an early Amiga with Theme Park. For some reason we also had an external drive for the Amiga that meant we could copy games. After that it was a steady progression of Windows based PCs and now I've got a "large" Laptop that everyone at IPS loves to joke about.


Edited by Matt