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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. It's doesn't work 100% as expected. If we surf to the page using invalid params like - site.com/?forumId= site.com/?forumId=0 site.com/?forumId=null the param with invalid value stays in the address bar even if we refresh the browser. Instead, if you just clear the invalid value (because it serves no purpose) and redirect to just site.com/, it would resolve 2 issues - clearing the invalid param/value clearing any active filters Hope you consider this suggestion as it would help users on forums where there are dozens of subforums in Fluid View and scrolling through them to clear all the selected filters manually (one at a time) would pose a bad UX. Once the above is implemented, we can place a hyperlink using an invalid param/value at our end to clear all filters with just one click.
  2. Verified to be working as expected Thanks
  3. I see on the 4.7.15 Release Notes: Fixed an issue with the fluid view, where invalid forum ids would remain "forever" in the address bar. But if I surf to /?forumId= or /?forumId=0 or /?forumId=null, the address bar still has these invalid params. I was expecting by using one of these invalid params, to go to the site root / so any active filters are cleared out but it doesn't work as expected. Is there a URL to use for clearing all the filters in FluidView mode so we could use the URL in a hyperlink to clear all filters with one click? I guess when an invalid param is used, if it redirects to site-root "/" clearing the invalid filter and also any active filters, it would resolve the issue gracefully so we could use it as a one-click shortcut to clear all filters (instead of having to locate all checked filter boxes to uncheck them one by one manually). Please provide the URL to clear all filters... (there must exist one already)
  4. Got it. Thanks. Installed the first plugin ever 😀
  5. It downloaded in XML format. When I tar it on macOS and try to install - 1C133/K The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it.
  6. One of our custom Reactions icon was also lost in the past and we had to re-upload it. FYI
  7. Uploaded some PNGs as custom emoji flags in a new Politics category but they are getting misplaced after a few days repeatedly even after re-uploading them. All that is left in the emoji dropdown is texts like :emoji-party: and such. In the topics these emojis were posted, they are left as the same text :emoji-party:. The custom emojis uploaded into another category (Emoticons) are intact so far. On CiC. Please advise...
  8. Hi Jim, I'm not understanding this 😐 Creating a child theme is just a regular theme and assigning the Parent1 theme as its parent (that's what I understood so far). Now Lavender2 is listed as Parent1's child under Themes: I'm not dealing with any CSS "files" as my hosting is on IC cloud (maybe the custom CSS gets written to disk files after editing in the editor for caching and performance). I'm not modifying any templates. For themes, there is a Theme > CSS > custom.css editor where we can type our custom CSS. It is commented on the top of the editor - * This file is for your custom CSS. * This file is not modified or overwritten during upgrades. For testing purposes, I added most of the CSS in Parent1 theme's custom.css and added some minor overrides in Lavender2 theme's custom.css (all other themes have full CSS in their custom.css with no parent and their custom.css approach works fine). The issue is when I assign one theme as the parent of another theme to consolidate all the custom CSS into Parent theme's custom.css - it doesn't render Parent1 theme's custom.css (renders only the child theme's custom.css). As far as I know, custom CSS should get marked up at the end of all other CSS in the <head> like so - <link href="parent.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="child.css" rel="stylesheet"> Since child.css was marked up at the end, whatever is defined in it should take precedence and override the same CSS if it exists in the parent.css that was marked up before. Am I correct in using the custom.css and this approach? Your documentation on themes does not cover on how to use parent-child custom CSS and I'm lost. Please advise...
  9. Blew off Parent2 theme. Assigned Parent1 as parent of Lavender2. Loaded Lavender2 in the frontend but the Parent's CSS is not getting used. For instance, the FluidFilters widget should be 600px max-height with a scrollbar. The topic list and all other lists should have a row highlight on mouse hover. Menu highlight colors are messed up. There are many more properties in the Parent2 theme but these 3 are just examples. These don't render even though the CSS for these properties is in Parent1's theme but don't get used. I'm not even looking at "overriding" logic right now because the Parent1's CSS doesn't even render where it is not overridden. For instance, these are not overriding each other and Parent theme's CSS should render - Parent theme CSS: .someElement {font-weight: bold} Child theme CSS: .someElement {color: red} I don't think overriding logic will be a problem because the Lavender2's CSS is getting loaded properly (if we can make the Parent1's CSS load properly). Loading up any other theme in the frontend works fine because all the CSS is contained within them and don't have any parent theme.
  10. Parent2 is currently assigned as Lavender2's parent and these themes are created for testing purposes. Most of the code from Lavender2 is moved into Parent2. There is also a Parent1 theme for testing purposes that can be assigned to Lavender2's parent (still doesn't work). Both Parent1 and Parent2 have identical CSS. Parent2 is Easy Mode created from scratch and renders the page garbled when loaded/switched in the frontend.
  11. Validated the CSS of Parent2 theme here and it shows no errors https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator.html.en#validate_by_input All themes work in Easy Mode and Manual Mode on their own except Parent2. Regarding Lavender2, I moved most of its code into Parent2 but Parent2 doesn't work on its own (garbled, CSS not used) which may be the reason its child Lavender2 does does not use Parent2's CSS. There is a Parent theme which works fine on its own but we assign this as the parent of Lavender2, it still does not use Parent's CSS Parent is Manual Mode while Parent2 is Easy Mode and their CSS is identical. parent-child relationship doesn't seem to work as expected using either Parent and Parent2.
  12. My site is on IC cloud and System > Files are all set to S3 including Theme Resources (CSS, JS, images). Under Configurations, it says, "STORAGE METHOD File System: /var/www/html/107724/uploads Files cannot be stored on the filesystem for Community In The Cloud clients" Is there any other setting I should be looking at?
  13. Parent theme has most of the CSS (more than 95%). Not sure why it is not working even when the CSS that is not overridden by the child theme is not loaded from the Parent. Only the child theme's CSS is getting rendered. Somebody from the IC Team, please look into this. Parent (copied from another theme) or Parent2 (created from scratch) and Lavender2 for child. Even though the CSS in Parent and Parent2 is the same, loading up Parent theme in the frontend loads its CSS but loading up Parent2 theme does not load "any" CSS and the page is all garbled. Maybe file-write permission issues? Loading up Lavender2 child (after assigning its parent theme) uses the CSS only from the Lavender2 child but does not use the CSS from its Parent.
  14. Are there any plans on the roadmap to provide moderators the option to approve new members and ban existing "members" in the ModCP to keep them out of ACP? If your code is reusable, it is a matter of calling it for mods from ModCP. For a site like ic.com the existing functionality might work but most general purpose forum sites use moderators who are online, anonymous and volunteers from around the world who work for free and they are not known to admins personally. There is usually a single Admin for a site and it is difficult when he is not available and new members are awaiting approval of their accounts. The site would become virtually DEAD as far as growth is concerned during the non-availability of the Admin which is a big bummer! If approving of new accounts can be delegated to mods, it would resolve the issue. If the new registrations are set to require member to confirm their registration before approval, mods should be made to wait for that step to finish, then receive a mod notification before they can a approve new account. Mods should be able to view the email address before approving the new account. For a complex software like IC, I guess this is an outstanding issue.
  15. EXAMPLE Master theme CSS: .someElement {font-weight: bold} Child theme CSS: .someElement {color: red} Master is assigned to child theme. When child theme is switched in the frontend, someElement is red but not bold. When Child theme is chosen in the frontend, none of the custom CSS from the Master is rendered. Tried with both Manual Mode and Easy Mode themes for both Master and Child and also made Master theme accessible to users but none worked. It only renders what's in the child theme CSS and what's in the child theme's Button Colors, Front-end Colors, Text, etc. tabs (but nothing from Master theme). TIA
  16. Yes, I've seen that. But a directory of apps with developers' web addresses would be more intuitive to navigate (like an AppStore).
  17. Is there a page listing all the IC apps and the developers' website addresses?
  18. I second this as I was gonna post this request. When using forums along with clubs in a FluidView display, forums in the FluidView filter list renders fine grouped under their categories properly but the clubs is just a single list added at end end of the filter list with no grouping. It doesn't work as expected as there is no way to group clubs. Please provide categories for club forums.
  19. I've tried creating a master theme with custom CSS and assigning the master theme as the parent of another/child theme but it doesn't work and does not use the custom CSS from the parent theme when the frontend is loaded up with the child theme. Basically it has to markup the parent CSS followed by child CSS in the HTML but apparently, it doesn't markup parent CSS as none of the parent's CSS is rendered while using child theme. Please advise...
  20. Restricted Moderators: MOD1, MOD2, MOD3 (no Ban button on their detail pages) Default Moderator: MANAGER (Ban button rendered on this moderator's detail page when logged in using above IDs)
  21. Tried to PM you access details but it says you cannot receive messages. I saw this issue of "cannot receive messages" with some users on other IC forums. Under what circumstances is messaging disabled for some users only while other users can receive PMs? Is it disabled by the user himself or admin for some users?
  22. Restricted moderators are given access to ACP to approve pending members in the absence of Admin. I understand they are restricted admins. The inconsistent behavior is in point # 3 below
  23. Only one user at a time and then switch back to Admin before logging in as another user (it does not allow to login as multiple users).
  24. Setting up a test case - Creator a moderator with default privileges (DMOD). Creator 2 moderators with restricted privileges (RMOD1, RMOD2). Log into ACP using restricted moderator account RMOD1. 1) You would see the restricted moderator RMOD1 is not able to ban self, other restricted moderators (RMOD2) and admin (expected behavior). 2) Restricted moderator RMOD1 is able to ban members (expected behavior). 3) But the restricted moderator RMOD1 is able to ban moderator with default privileges (DMOD). There is a Ban button on the DMOD's detail page in ACP and RMOD1 is able to ban DMOD. HTH
  25. I was pointing out the inconsistent behavior. Restricted moderator is not being allowed to ban self, other restricted moderators and admins (expected behavior) but is able to ban default moderators.
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