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Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. Another error just now while editing an event: IP PM'ed. 403 ERROR The request could not be satisfied. Request blocked. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation. Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront) Request ID: lV--y1z764eyZvPiUwpa7AfrRMUPVDqPd6zjMXoCAt8WMkZ1uBkm5w==
  2. Now I click Create Event > Select Calendar > Continue -> hourglass forever. It works until the Create > Event > Select Calendar... fine but when clicked on Continue, it hangs. Tried multiple times. After struggling for a long time and getting nowhere, it works now but slow to load. After submitting the event, it took a long time to come back. PM'ed IP. Happened again yesterday This community is temporarily unavailable Please wait a few minutes and try again. 502
  3. Now... The link could not be embedded because of an unexpected error: error: This community is temporarily unavailable Please wait a few minutes and try again.
  4. Was just posting a comment on an existing topic and got this repeatedly. You could see the details in the error log. Sending my IP addresses through PM. Please advise... The link could not be embedded because of an unexpected error: error: 403 ERROR The request could not be satisfied. Request blocked. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation. Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront) Request ID: 9yETSJ-rqmX6f3GQ_UvD6F83Wjc6X_EJhrcPUc-YMV8bhWzllTlUAg==
  5. Currently, Link Filters have options to only Block and Moderate but no option to Replace with something like ****. Blocking displays the link as text which other users can still copy and paste into a browser (eg: affiliate links, solicitations, etc). Please provide an option to Replace prohibited links (displayed text as well as underlying link) with specified text. Also, please sort Link Filters in alpha order (currently not sorted). Can we enter params text like *tag=* in Link Filters or does it need valid domain with extension like amazon.com/?tag=... ?
  6. If and when this is implemented, please also provide an option in the ACP to add our own niche synonyms for niche forums (in addition to thesaurus dB for synonyms).
  7. https://www.google.com/search?q=emojis+in+urls+seo Google is featuring this result on the top of 1st page for a reason with highlighted text - Avoid using emojis in URLs as it is generally not recommended and creates indexing problems and SEO issues. Search engines depend on the information containing text to index web pages and those text that has emojis are considered non-standard characters. URL address - however, it’s not the best place. The website address should be clear and user-friendly. It’s also important to mention that the search engine doesn’t have an obligation to show the emoji and may not be rendered or in color on some O/S's. If it doesn’t display it, you’ll simply see a chain of characters instead which won’t look attractive. Punycode Google Bing (it only shows the first emoji but the unknown character box for the other two) https://www.google.com/search?q="emojis+in+urls+for+seo" Most search engines will show no results when using emoticons. So make sure you only use emoji in your page title and meta description, and not emoticons. Finally, Google only shows emoji in its organic search results and not in its Text and Shopping Ads. So don't try to put emoji in your ads. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-says-emojis-wont-hurt-or-help-seo/436079/ About emojis in titles/meta - there’s no guarantee Google will show them in search results. Google rewrites a majority of titles as it is, but even if it chooses to display the title you’ve written it may disregard the emojis. you’re probably better off writing titles and descriptions in plain text. Emojis are allowed, but it’s highly unlikely Google will display them. There’s no SEO advantage to using them, either Avoid Using Emojis or Special Characters https://susodigital.com/blog/optimising-url-slugs-for-seo Google’s official guidelines are clear about this: you should not use non-ASCII characters in your URL, if you want it to be as well-optimised as possible. This includes emojis, as well as characters from all languages that do not use the Latin alphabet, even if your page is written in one of them. For search engines, this is mainly important before your page is indexed, but when it comes to user-friendliness, using emojis and special characters in your URL slug can pose more serious issues to your viewers. In many instances, non-ASCII characters will not display correctly on people’s screens, making it impossible to copy-paste, or type out your link. ✅ User-friendly URL: www.susodigital.com/blog/what-is-a-url-slug ❌ User-hostile URL: www.susodigital.com/blog/URL-蛞蝓-是-什么 Similar issues Xenforo - https://xenforo.com/community/threads/remove-emoji-from-url.159250/ Discourse - https://meta.discourse.org/t/thinking-dont-put-emoji-name-in-topic-slugs/76595/26 https://mangools.com/blog/seo-emojis/ What google does or not with emojis has changed over years many times, there is still no guarantee google would include them in ranking and there are instances where google truncated important keywords due to emojis thereby reducing the page ranks. If the title contains just emojis and users want to search by Title only, not many users are tech savvy to grab emojis from the internet to paste into the search field. Title should always contain some word(s) for searchability (even if it contains emojis). URLs should work by just the ID without needing to input the optional title text in the slug so if there are any emojis in the URL, it won't be difficult to query by just ID (if users know the topic/article ID). Also there should be an option to search by topic ID, article ID, etc: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/470924 When "emojis" exist in the url and we click in the address bar, the cursor is not visible while using left/right arrow keys which is a bad UX. The aspect of including emojis in the URLs or not can be implemented as a configurable switch in the ACP with a default value of ON so it works as it does now (if at all emojis are excluded from URLs, it should be implemented as a switch in ACP). Those who want to continue including emojis in the urls don't have to do any config due to its default value.
  8. The superfluous traditional chars that get eliminated from URLs are not in any particular range like the space, hyphen, underscore, percent, star, etc. It may be a matter of adding the Unicode values to a table and cache the result to eliminate matching ones. If we address the available/known emojis, that would be a big start. You could use public databases of emoji-unicode mapping online as below and import into a table (no need to build the list laboriously). As new emojis get introduced, they could be imported into the table without having to change any code. https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html https://unicode.org/Public/emoji/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71404081/how-to-obtain-a-full-list-of-unicode-emojis-from-the-unicode-website Emojis can stay in the Titles for amusement but should be eliminated from the URLs that are formed from titles to keep them clean as IC's URLs are not simple ID-based like https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/470924 This partial URL works - https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/470924-e and it would be a challenge to manage URLs with emojis like https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/470924-emoji-in-seotitle-unfriendly-url-🔥😅😲💛🤩🤮😊/ cooking-with-cats-🐈%E2%80%8D⬛🐈%E2%80%8D⬛ as they cannot be typed easily and the only way to use them is by copy/pasting them. Emojis serve no purpose in URLs (just like some chars that get eliminated from URLs) and they are not even good for SEO https://www.google.com/search?q=emojis+in+urls
  9. It's not giving errors or slowing down all the time but got a few error pages and slowdowns today. While saving pages and assigning tags to content, it was taking too long since last night. I had to refresh the page as tag assignments were not finishing, taking too long and refreshing page would fail to complete the process of tag assignments needing to redo it. Not sure how this can be resolved because by the time we report it and you look into it, the issue subsides and the whole time, the status.ic.com shows uptime of 100% and it's not clear which of the servers in the cloud were having downtimes to affect our site.
  10. Hello Team, Any update on this issue? Our site has been too slow today and running into errors even for choosing a forum or theme from the popups 403 ERROR The request could not be satisfied. Request blocked. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation. Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront) Request ID: YEgo2WjZpOF9gzwwSGgS1rxw-agCEQoBpta400ZyXcTv6wLYT_ZZWw==
  11. 🥚 🐈‍⬛ Please check the emojis in the title with strange chars around them that are messing up the URL (see this topic's URL). The invisible chars can be deleted by doing a backspace around the egg emoji and (make its URL part clean) - egg-recipes-🥚🥚🥚 but not completely clean for the cat (was able to delete some invisible chars) - cooking-with-cats-🐈%E2%80%8D⬛🐈%E2%80%8D⬛ I copy/pasted the emojis from the editor into the title field and get these invisible chars. Here is the cat emoji from iPhone with strange chars after some cleanup around them - it is not possible to place the cursor between the cat and the leftover square as they both together seem to be a single char.
  12. PHP Stemming class + Thesaurus dB for synonyms => poor man's full text search for free 😀 Most sites are small-mid size and don't really need ElasticSearch
  13. Why is Elasticsearch not included on CiC managed hosting? I understand the web, database, auth, APIs, load-balancing, media, caching, search, etc. can be hosted on separate servers but not including ElasticSearch on CiC and locating it on an external server does not make it managed. It requires self-hosting + maintenance that cost $$$ or paying subscription $100+ per month separately. Instead of each CiC client setting up EC separately, it could be setup on CiC. Those who wish to use it could just switch to it inside ACP. The current search without stemming, synonyms, plurals, etc. is limited and sub-optimal.
  14. It may be true but it was working with svg extension ever since it was uploaded in Jan (you can see the upload date) and the issue started just yesterday (it now works with ico extension). Since Jan, I cleared my browser cache many times and it still worked until yesterday using svg ext. It may have something to do with this error which surfaced yesterday - 1011.../:4393 Access to font at '...woff2.svg' from origin '...com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. 258adbb6e4f3e83cd3b355f84e3fa002_custom.css.gz:1 Anyways, I created a Feedback topic to allow uploading font files like woff2. We are not allowing users to upload any font files for security reasons (we are uploading them ourselves). We are using just one same licensed font file for decades with no security issues. For instance, Google fonts and a few other sources are safe.
  15. Please allow to upload font files (woff2, woff, otf, ttf...) in Media as there is currently no way to upload custom font files. These are not unsafe.
  16. Those are simple font files with renamed extensions for upload to work as woff types are not allowed. No conversion is involved or necessary if the same file name is used in font definition in the CSS and it was working and rendering fine all these days. I just uploaded the font file with ico extension and it works (no worries). ICO is listed twice in these file types: js, css, txt, ico, gif, jpg, jpe, jpeg, png, mp4, 3gp, mov, ogg, ogv, mp3, mpg, mpeg, ico, flv, webm, wmv, avi, m4v, webp, m4a, wav, pdf, svg ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some policy changed on your side yesterday as per the console errors - 1011.../:4393 Access to font at '...woff2.svg' from origin '...com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. 258adbb6e4f3e83cd3b355f84e3fa002_custom.css.gz:1 GET https://...-woff2.svg net::ERR_FAILED 200 (OK)
  17. If we define "x.com" for example as a word filter to Replace with "****" matching Loosely, it only replaces the displayed text but not the underlying URL in the link if the user entered https://x.com (it still results in a clickable link as https://**** that is pointing to x.com). If the user manually inserted a link text x.com with the URL as https://x.com using HyperLink popup, the same issue manifests and results in a clickable link. This should actually result in an invalid/broken link (actually plain text due to **** in the URL) as per the filter definition and as expected behavior. Block Submission type works the same as above. Hold for Moderator Approval does not work at all as the link or word filter gets submitted immediately skipping the moderation step. Please replace the filtered words in the displayed text as well as the underling URL because without it, Word Filters are not much of use. Also provide a Notes field to record reasons for each word filter to indicate what they are for internal reference.
  18. It is just a font file uploaded into Articles > Media and defined in CSS that worked fine for months but stopped working since yesterday. It also works on my another PHP app hosted elsewhere. Until yesterday it was working fine on just one chrome profile but when I cleared its browsing data/cache, it stopped loading the font on that profile too (so it was just loading the font from the cache). This is obviously an issue with CiC downloading files while rendering web pages as the font file exists in the media.
  19. On some Chrome profiles, my custom fonts are not loading with CSS/themes but loading on just one chrome profile. Other browser apps are manifesting the same issue and not loading fonts. This issue is happening frequently today (never happened before) and clearing cache/browsing data ain't fixing it. Please advise...
  20. I saw that already which is meant for large, high-traffic sites. I made the suggestion for smaller sites with some basic stemming and synonyms for a wider search coverage (vs exact word match search which is limiting and not user-friendly).
  21. Obviously, IC does not use full-text search but also lacks the basic stemming, synonyms, plurals in search. If we search for the word "consist" and there also exist words like consists, consistent, consistently, etc. these additional words are not matched in the search which does an exact word match search only making the search far from accurate. As you are aware, stemming works by using the derived variations of the word's root in the search. Searched word: manage Root: manag Stems: manage, manager, managers, manages, management, managerial, managing... Now we can use these root words with wild cards in search logic for a knock-out search. Plurals are covered by stemming (wildcard on root). https://www.roscripts.com/php_search_engine-119/ https://github.com/hugsbrugs/php-synonym https://www.google.com/search?q=download+thesaurus+database https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2475045/php-script-to-find-synonyms https://github.com/jmagnone/codeigniter-googlesearch-api https://www.hitbullseye.com/Vocab/List-of-Synonyms.php https://github.com/markfullmer/porter2 https://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer https://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/php.txt https://www.javatpoint.com/stemming-words-using-python https://www.phpclasses.org/package/12888-PHP-PHP-extension-to-implement-the-Porter-stemmer.html https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-to-stemming/ https://pecl.php.net/package/stem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stemming Soundex - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/string-functions.html#function_soundex (maybe implemented using an optional "Sounds Like" checkbox on the Search page) Please implement stemming and synonyms in search logic.
  22. It's happening again now! Please look into it before it resolves itself. This needs to be resolved as it is giving a very bad UX that is not manifest in self-hosted environments. I click +Create, select a forum and click Continue and... 403 ERROR The request could not be satisfied. Request blocked. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation. Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront) Request ID: KYEHH03mT6JfQ6Nl3UL_f18kH31cIlLJRB1-tcl5uWn43z9fox1aVg==
  23. Since you mentioned firewall rules and that we could run into the issue again, hope you are looking into and reviewing what might have caused these issues for extended period.
  24. It was working fine with "3 lines" but with some articles when it started posting only 1 line in the crossposted topic, I tried changing it to 5 lines, 10 lines and 12 lines - but they are all displaying just 1 line in the crossposted topic. I know the content has HTML but nothing much to comprise 12 lines of HTML for just 1st line of content that is getting crossposted (it is crossposting only 1 line as in the following topic) <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-size="12 lines" data-ipsTruncate-type="remove">{value}</div> Navigating Video Game Ratings: A Guide for Every Gamer Any pointers how to resolve this? When the topic page loads, it loads the entire article in a flicker switches to 1 line. If we quickly press Esc while refreshing the page, the entire article body is rendered and also visible in Inspecgtor (without Esc it goes on to keep just 1 line and hides the rest which is not visible in Inspector)
  25. It resolved itself after a few hours. I did not do anything to resolve it as I'm on CiC and not much is in my control as far as hosting is concerned.
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