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Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. It allows me to add a relative/absolute links to the web-root like this <a href="/">Site.com</a> and saves but the page does not display the link in the footer. Maybe because our Footer Line has some JS to use current year value?
  2. You are right. It was modified with some CSS to offset the margins but did not know it would be used for TITLE. Thanks!
  3. While editing an article, it says, "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator" but it gets saved without going to moderation. A user could submit a clean article first and once it gets approved, he could edit it later to add some affiliate links into it and save it silently and no one may notice it with the above issue as articles are not as monitored as the forum posts.
  4. I was incorrect. It is a hash of affiliateId + productId combo after amzn.to (amzn.to/hash) so this cannot be reformatted as I suggested above. If both Word Filter and Link restrictions are set for the same substring in the ACP, what is their precedence? Which one gets processed first? In any case, we spend literally thousands of dollars in marketing the site and it doesn't make sense to allow some random spammer to come and post their affiliate links on a clean site for free and make easy money which will also be frowned upon by other users. You are already removing the restricted "tag=" substring from the URL (apparently it is Word Filter that is doing this) and the link gets posted with the restricted substring intact in the underlying link (it displays the link without the substring but goes to the underlying link on clicking it). The same substring should be removed from the underlying link as well to resolve this issue (because moderators will not be tech savvy to figure out what is blocking the post in the cryptic URL) and it will not break the URL if the substring parameter key is removed. Can Word Filters and Link restrictions be combined into one functionality? if it is a Link, it should work similar to Word Filter and replace the substring in both the display text and underlying link (in addition to "hold for approval" option). I've seen in the past when a restricted substring in the link existed in the posted content, it goes to moderation. But even after the user removes the objectionable substring and re-submits (before moderation), the post remains in moderation and only a moderator can get it posted (approving the post that was already cleansed by user).
  5. Copyright Line under General Configuration does not allow HTML to add links (however, it does allow JavaScript). Copyright Line is not editable by users and so, HTML may be allowed.
  6. WebCMS

    Menu issues

    Menu items cannot take - relativeURLs. Eg - /site.com/terms element ID. Eg - /site.com/?#id JavaScript/jQuery URLs like triggering click to popup the Themes menu in the footer. Eg - javascript:window.location.href=... or $('element').click() Menu items are not editable by users and so, relative URLs, element IDs and JS may be allowed. Menu items with external links (self site links) don’t get the CSS .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li > a[data-navdefault] marked up when clicked and become current to style/highlight them as current (similar to how they get the above CSS marked up when menu item is pointing to a page).
  7. Title of the Terms page is rendering HTML - <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title><div class="ipsPageHeader sm:ipsPadding:half ipsClearfix ipsMargin_bottom sm:ipsMargin_bottom:half ipsType_center" style="margin-bottom: 0px !important"> <h1 class="ipsType_veryLarge" style="margin-bottom: 0px !important">Terms of Use</h1> </div> - Site.com</title> ... ...
  8. I'm trying to create a ticket in Jira when a new topic is posted into a particular subforum only. Apparently it allowing to trigger the event for all topics in all forums. Help
  9. With Zapier, how to limit actions to trigger only when new posts are made in a particular subforum? I don't see subforum limiting option.
  10. Hi @Jim M Will this change make into the next update for Fluid View along with the last posted username display in tablet mode? Icons on the right of the last commented user are more changing and dynamic as opposed to icons on the left of the original poster which are fixed and static.
  11. My page takes 20 seconds to load afresh (due to multiple widgets) when cache expires. Once their data gets cached from page load, subsequent page loads take 2-3 seconds if loaded in 2 minutes from last page load. But after 5 minutes, it takes the same 20 seconds which is a sure indication it is doing a full fetch of all widgets not respecting the cache lifetime. As per the config of widgets, it should load the page from cache for at least 60 minutes within 2-3 seconds because that is the minimum cache lifetime I used on all widgets (some of them are set to 12 hours, 24 hours, etc) but most of them are set to 60 minutes. Guest users also have the same issue of cache expiring in 5 minutes. But it loads the page really fast for guests like under 1 second when cached (apparently, the entire page is cached as a single HTML string for guests but each widget can have different cache lifetimes). @Jim M I'm not able to PM you the link as messaging is disabled on your profile. Is there a way to send you the link? If others seeing this topic visit the page and refresh its cache, you may not be able to test or see what I'm seeing.
  12. I suspect there may be some computation error with cache lifetime of rss imports. I created a page with some of these widgets and set their cache lifetime to a minimum of 60 minutes (some of them have 720 minutes, 1440 minutes, etc) and none of them have below 60 minutes. After loading the page once, the widgets are supposed to cache their data without making calls to the rss services for subsequent page loads for at least 60 minutes. But that never happens as the page seem to take the same amount of real time to load after just a few minutes from last page load. A couple of widgets may not matter much even if they re-fetch data but with multiple widgets, this is a bummer as it takes more time frequently! The page loads within a couple of seconds from cached data fine for more than 2 minutes from last page load but trying after 5 minutes re-fetches the data of all widgets on the page taking more time. The cache never lasts for at least 60 minutes as configured. Another issue I notice is that the cached data should be global that should be reused by all users. It may affect one random user once in a while when the cache expires that would take real time to load the page for him and after that, all users should get to reuse the cached data until cache expires, affecting some random user again. I tried with multiple user accounts and multiple browsers and it seems like the data for each user is loaded afresh and cached (pre-cached data by another user is not getting reused by other users). Even with guest users, it is the same issue as the page loads in real time every few minutes. Once the page is loaded and widget data is cached, it should reuse the cached data during subsequent page loads for all users until cache expires. Is cached data stored in a table or disk files? How can I make cache last for the configured number of minutes on CiC? Please advise...
  13. Tags added to topics are not used properly. This is just one example (there may be other such instances). https://www.telugus.com/search/?q=robot THE WILD ROBOT | Official Trailer -> in the results but no tag in the results (other items in the list have tags) Click on the above topic and you'll see "hollywood" tag assigned to the topic. Click on the "hollywood" tag -> 5 pages of results that have "hollywood" tag but the above topic is not listed in the results - https://www.telugus.com/tags/hollywood/ Tags are required to render Similar Content wizard (no tags -> no Similar Content wizard on the topic -> other similar topics not discoverable) which means the above movie is not listed in this widget of other movies using "hollywood" tag. When we add/remove a tag, it may take some time to sync for it to render or appear in Similar Content of other topics but the above topic tag from March never sync'ed so far.
  14. Even though both the article and the comment are posted by a user, the comment is showing as "Comment by ADMINISTRATOR" on the Articles page /articles/ Shows comment by Admin incorrectly: https://www.telugus.com/articles/why-the-united-states-of-america-is-the-best-country-in-the-world-🇺🇸-r77 https://www.telugus.com/articles/how-to-install-windows-11-on-macos-with-free-vmware-fusion-player-135-in-2024-r75 /articles/z-category-security-r111 Shows comment by user correctly: /articles/chicken-vs-egg-which-one-has-more-protein-and-which-one-is-better-r105
  15. You are right. Turning off that switch suppresses the meta tag.
  16. We see similar meta tags for events which are perfectly fine as they are facet kind of URLs. But for movies, no matter how many movies we add, they won't get indexed apparently.
  17. This has nothing to do with getting more traffic - we are not advertising anything and couldn't care less about traffic. We thought the meta tag is rendered by IC core (conditionally for /movies/movie/..., etc). We don't know as we are on CiC and don't have source code. Where is the meta tag in the <head> section (noindex,nofollow) coming from?
  18. Here is the dev's response - https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/forums/topic/1279-movies/#comment-16287
  19. Developer confirmed that there are no occurrences of "noindex" in his app. However, I found this meta tag for movie pages' source which are homepages to individual movies - <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow"> The above tag is apparently rendered from IC source code. If you surf to the following URLs, you would see the above noindex meta tag rendered in the page's source. Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag as per Google Analytics /movies/movie/46-divergent/ /movies/movie/47-insurgent/ /movies/movie/48-allegiant/ Google is not crawling movie pages due to the above noindex meta tag which please resolve. Related topic -
  20. CORRECTION: The AJAX Chat apps work and scale fine but the IC cloud hosting has limitations on how many requests can be made per second and results in blocked requests and page load errors. AJAX Chat apps work fine on self-hosted environments without any issues. Please consider adding a Live Chat module (at least for Cloud clients).
  21. Here is the best implementation of emoji dropdown list by Gmail that has ALL the emojis with category icon links/tabs on the top that serve as jump links to jump to its category on clicking them. We can still scroll to the next/previous categories and the category icons on the top highlight automatically (2-way) as we scroll. No need to hide any categories as the jump links can quickly jump to a category and scrolling still works as usual. Please try it out in your Gmail and its better UX and consider implementing the category links/tabs in emoji dropdown.
  22. At times, the browser on a tablet displays this text on the top of the homepage - <iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-<ID>" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> Refreshing the page makes it disappear (but reappears sometime on later page loads).
  23. In the link, do=... is blocked by robots.txt which is why Google is not able to crawl it: /{url="app=movies&module=movies&controller=nowplaying&do=getPersonDetail&personid=3292 These are not in the robots.txt but not sure why they are excluded by noindex tag and hence not crawled- Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag /movies/movie/46-divergent/ /movies/movie/47-insurgent/
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