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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. I was referring to clubs widget not showing and not listing Public and Open clubs to guests. The entire sidebar is not rendered on /clubs page but sidebar (and public/open clubs in widget) is visible on other pages to guests. If you go to the Stocks club while logged out, sidebar is visible https://h328096.invisionservice.com/forum/3-topics/ I’m not sure why sidebar is not visible on /clubs page https://h328096.invisionservice.com/clubs/ i think the sidebar and the clubs widget should display public/open clubs to guests (unless I’m doing something wrong) HTH
  2. There is a sidebar block that displays when logged in but disappears when logged out for /clubs. Clicking on a club card while logged out, the Clubs widget disappears from the sidebar. URL PM'ed.
  3. When logged out, clicking on Clubs menu item (/clubs), the sidebar is gone. When logged out, clicking on a Club card, the club widget is gone from the sidebar.
  4. I'm not sure but asked ChatGPT for JavaScript embed code IG reels like this - will I be able to use this code in any way? Does Facebook embed videos have the same issue? It would be great if these work as many users ask for embedded content to play on-page for better UX. To embed an Instagram reel using JavaScript, you can dynamically generate the necessary HTML code and insert it into your webpage's DOM (Document Object Model). Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this: Create an HTML Container: Start by adding an empty HTML container element (e.g., a <div>) to your webpage where you want the Instagram reel to appear. Give this container an id attribute so you can target it with JavaScript. <div id="instagramReelContainer"></div> Write JavaScript Code: Now, you'll need to write JavaScript code to fetch the Instagram embed code and insert it into the container. You can use the Instagram API or the oEmbed API for this purpose. In this example, we'll use the oEmbed API, which doesn't require authentication. <script> // Replace 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_REEL_URL' with the URL of the Instagram reel you want to embed. const instagramReelURL = 'https://www.instagram.com/p/your_instagram_reel_url/'; // Make a request to the Instagram oEmbed API. fetch(`https://api.instagram.com/oembed/?url=${encodeURIComponent(instagramReelURL)}`) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { // Extract the HTML code from the response. const instagramEmbedCode = data.html; // Get the container element by its ID. const container = document.getElementById('instagramReelContainer'); // Insert the Instagram embed code into the container. container.innerHTML = instagramEmbedCode; }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error fetching Instagram data:', error); }); </script> Replace 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_REEL_URL': In the JavaScript code above, replace 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_REEL_URL' with the actual URL of the Instagram reel you want to embed. Include the JavaScript: Make sure to include this JavaScript code in the <script> tags within the <head> or before the closing </body> tag of your HTML document. Test Your Page: Load your HTML page in a web browser, and the Instagram reel should be embedded within the designated container.
  5. Yeah, I understand clubs are like micro-forums. Forum widgets display on all pages but Clubs widgets don't which is inconsistent. I've added a menu item but that does not display the widget on the sidebar along with forum widgets. Hovering on a club card shows /clubs/2-general but clicking on it takes me to /forum/2-general. It would be nice to have /clubs/2-general in the URL that was shown on the club cards. If the URL is showing /forum/... why do we call it a club? The path could be made configurable if necessary (/clubs/ or /forums/). Clubs is not the default module on my site. Clicking on a Club card does not show the breadcrumb (missing). But clicking on a topic inside the club shows the the full breadcrumb. HTH
  6. 1) It would be nice display Clubs in the widget on all pages which would be consistent. On my trial site, I have just one forum and no chance of going to list of forums to see the Clubs widget. 2) I understand clubs are just forums behind the scenes. But on hovering over a club card on Clubs page, it displays /club/2-General but on clicking the card, it displays /forum/... (I guess it was displaying /club/ in earlier version). Why not have /club/ in the URL which makes it look better? Or make the path configurable. 3) Breadcrumb missing on clicking on a Club card. 4) Forums and Blogs have Ratings. Clubs and Articles would be great with Ratings. 5) On hovering over Ratings stars, the stars get unhilighted and don't restore (even if we don't click on them). The only way to restore the stars is to refresh the page. 6) When all clubs are displayed in a widget, it should show a checkmark on the club names where the user is a member of as a visual cue. Or make it configurable to show checkmark or not to save some SQL queries and load on the dB.
  7. Haven't created a FB app yet. If embed service is set up on FB app, will it embed FB and Insta reels on the post itself (or not)?
  8. Prolly, you made a typo and I could not understand what you said. "if facebooks embed service is set up, it will not embed reels unfortunately." Please clarify... I see that Facebook links have the same issue - https://www.facebook.com/colm.cahill.77/videos/1017591468687131 Instagram links are shared more than Facebook links and is very important. It would be great if you can get these embedding woking so they can be played right in the post/comment. YouTube and Twitter embed fine.
  9. ACP lists 24 sites from which links can be embedded including Instagram which doesn't work - see below (it should embed and be playable right here): https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs4Gc1kgolN Please advise...
  10. Also, under Club Settings, when I turn ON - "Show Club Content Areas" (o) Throughout the community (Users will see content areas from Clubs they can view in the applications throughout the community, alongside regular content) the content from the clubs I joined is not displayed in forums. This is not the expected behavior.
  11. I created Public, Open and Private clubs. But none of these are displayed to guest users who are not logged in and says - The page you are trying to access is not available to guests, but may be available if you sign in. How can I make at least the Public and Open clubs visible to all?
  12. Is it enough to rename them under Staff and Groups?
  13. Will it mess up anything if I rename the restricted moderators to Sub Moderators and the new unrestricted one to Moderators? I guess they have numeric IDs behind the scenes and these are just display values
  14. I customized the Moderators group to reduce the permissions but now want to have another Moderators group with all the default permissions. How do I create a new Moderators group with default permissions? TIA
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