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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. CORRECTION: The AJAX Chat apps work and scale fine but the IC cloud hosting has limitations on how many requests can be made per second and results in blocked requests and page load errors. AJAX Chat apps work fine on self-hosted environments without any issues. Please consider adding a Live Chat module (at least for Cloud clients).
  2. Here is the best implementation of emoji dropdown list by Gmail that has ALL the emojis with category icon links/tabs on the top that serve as jump links to jump to its category on clicking them. We can still scroll to the next/previous categories and the category icons on the top highlight automatically (2-way) as we scroll. No need to hide any categories as the jump links can quickly jump to a category and scrolling still works as usual. Please try it out in your Gmail and its better UX and consider implementing the category links/tabs in emoji dropdown.
  3. At times, the browser on a tablet displays this text on the top of the homepage - <iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-<ID>" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> Refreshing the page makes it disappear (but reappears sometime on later page loads).
  4. In the link, do=... is blocked by robots.txt which is why Google is not able to crawl it: /{url="app=movies&module=movies&controller=nowplaying&do=getPersonDetail&personid=3292 These are not in the robots.txt but not sure why they are excluded by noindex tag and hence not crawled- Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag /movies/movie/46-divergent/ /movies/movie/47-insurgent/
  5. Hi @Adriano Faria @Matt Any feedback on these issues? Not found (404) /{url="app=movies&module=movies&controller=nowplaying&do=getPersonDetail&personid=3686772 /{url="app=movies&module=movies&controller=nowplaying&do=getPersonDetail&personid=3292 Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag /movies/movie/46-divergent/ /movies/movie/47-insurgent/ Blocked due to other 4xx issue: /{url="app=movies&module=movies&controller=nowplaying&do=getPersonDetail&personid=2120814
  6. Please provide a config setting in ACP to display user icons in topic listing on right or left regardless of Fluid View (some sites may like icons on the left). Also in tablet mode, username who posted the last comment is not displayed on the right even though there is enough room above the date field that is a wasted space.
  7. Assuming the dimensions/width of the user icon are the same with or without fluid view, is there a reason why they are displayed on the left in fluid view only instead of default right? Ideally, there could be a config setting in ACP to display icons on right or left with a minor change in the template (some sites may like icons on the left). In tablet mode, the last posted username is not rendered on the right even though there is enough room that is wasted. Themes as we know are just colors in the front end using CSS which cannot relocate elements across tables/divs. What modifies the frontend layout is called Skin (messy terminology, color of a person's skin does not modify his physical structure/layout) using server side language templates (or maybe JS). There are no custom skins installed on our site. Just plain CSS to tweak colors that does not modify the structural layout of pages.
  8. Even while using the Default theme, user icons are displayed on the left. The Default theme should display the default layout right? Please check our Default theme. We have not modified any topic listing templates either.
  9. We are not using any custom themes/skins other than some CSS for colors. From the beginning, our user icons are displayed on the left most column in topic listing. Even while using the Default theme, user icons are displayed on the left. Please clarify how come every IC forum has user icons displayed on the right in topic listing but not our’s and how to make them display on the right.
  10. If you see this forum - https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/505-general-questions/ user icons are placed in the right column but on our forum they are placed at the left most (except Articles). How to move the user icons in forum listings to the right column?
  11. Similar to this forum - https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/505-general-questions/ Every IC forum I saw so far has user icons on the right. Any ACP setting?
  12. No, the widget is intact from the beginning. If it got deleted, I would guess its associated data in the cms_pages_widget_areas would be deleted as well but the data is there.
  13. I see the filled-in text in our last backup taken on June 8 in cms_page_widget_areas table but it shows empty in the frontend.
  14. Yes, we were using the widget from the beginning and it was displaying for guests our custom text that we filled it out until the last version. After updating to the latest, the above issue manifests.
  15. The text content in the widget is empty/lost while editing the widget in Admin mode in the frontend. Anything related to this? Using 4.7.17 on CiC
  16. For a handful of events like the dozen US Holidays, this may be practicable. However, I'm talking about literally hundreds of events every year that can have different dates each year because the cultural calendars don't sync with the Gregorian calendar.
  17. Recurring events should be enhanced to be edited/saved with different dates for each year. This will allow us to just change the dates of some events for any year without having to create them from scratch laboriously which can also save a history of recurring events for each year with different dates for past/future reference. If I'm not mistaken, it overwrites the date of a recurring event when we modify its date for any year. For instance, if I create a list of events for the entire year in 2024, I should be able to edit some of their dates in 2025 while keeping the dates of 2024 events intact. In 2026, I would see recurring events for 2025 which I can edit some of their dates to create a new set of events for 2026 that become recurring events for 2027. This is the highly expected behavior even for US Calendars and this enhancement would add more muscle to the Events module and make it more powerful. ChatGPT says... Do holidays fall on the same day every year? No, not all holidays are on the same day every year. The dates of holidays can vary depending on the type of calendar used and the legislation of the state or country where the holiday is celebrated: United States federal holidays Some federal holidays, like New Year's Day, fall on the same day every year, while others, like Thanksgiving, are always on a specific day of the week. For example, Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday, while five other holidays are always on a Monday. If a federal holiday falls on a weekend, federal employees usually observe it on the closest weekday. For example, if Independence Day falls on a Saturday, it's observed on the Friday before. State holidays State governments decide the dates of holidays, and they can agree on the same date as a federal holiday, like Thanksgiving. Holidays based on other calendars Holidays based on calendars that use both the moon and seasons, like the Hebrew calendar, can change dates every year due to an 11-day shift between the two types of calendars. Holidays based on calendars that use only the moon, like the Islamic calendar, can also change dates on the Gregorian calendar because the two calendars are not in sync.
  18. After updating to 4.7.17, the issue got resolved.
  19. It's just some display values of some language strings modified in the default language pack but no new language packs are installed. The site is not updated to the latest version 4.7.17 yet but that should not break existing version (this is my point). "block_newsletter_signup" is not even found in lang strings to remove customizations. Could be a new lang key in 4.7.17.
  20. No language packs. It was working fine for months and suddenly appeared today.
  21. It is displaying this on CiC - block_newsletter_signup
  22. Yes. These are used by apps/plugins but blocked in the robots and hence crawling issues - sortby=, tab=, do, /*?&controller=embed I'm not sure what Google would or not do. Things like this altering the behavior dynamically has almost always resulted in heartache while dealing with Google as far as I know. Any other graceful solution? Like using a different parameter name to bypass the default name in robots?
  23. sortby is blocked by default robots.txt which was reported by GA as a crawling issue.
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