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Release Notes v5





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  1. Publish Fields > Publish Date > Permissions Pages > Articles > Permissions Database > Articles > Permissions
  2. Creating blogs and entries by members is fine. But the entries get published immediately without going through moderation. Members > Blog settings - Can create blogs? Maximum number of blogs Can create private blogs? Can moderate own blog entries? Can delete own blogs? Can comment on blog entries? Also checked Blogs > Settings and no setting there either. There is no permission that the blogs or entries need to be approved before publishing them.
  3. I see the Publish Date/Time for Admins in the front-end while posting an article but is not rendered for mods and members. Publish Fields > Publish Date permissions are set. Articles > Articles permissions are set. Still the Publish Date is not getting rendered for mods/members.
  4. Under Pages > Fields > Publish Fields, I see that field enabled but could not locate its related permission. I enabled permissions for it to all groups. I searched for "publish", "field" , "future" but no luck. I checked the permissions for Admin/Mod/Member but did not find it. Where can we set this permission? Menu path? "Can set a future publishing date"
  5. Please implement Publish Date/Time for Articles so we can schedule articles to be posted in the future. This option exists for blogs but not articles.
  6. It looks like any member can create a blog and start posting entries. I did not see the blog content go through moderation. While creating an article, it says "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator" but none for blogs/entries. I had another forum before on vB and all I used to get was blogs/articles posted by cleaning companies and such marketed by some SEO companies using some bots. If there are too many blogs/entries, it would become hard to identify spam from the clutter without moderation. At least there should be an option to auto-moderate for the first 5 entries and moderation gets removed.
  7. When configured, it is cross-posting the entire new article content as a new forum topic. Or is it just displaying the same article content inside topics? Does it not result as "duplicate" content (negatively) for search engines when same content is shown in more than one place? Maybe just post a topic with a link to the original article instead of repeating the entire article body?
  8. Blogs/entries have no moderation like Articles. Blogs/entries don't have an option to cross-post to topics alike Articles. Blogs can go unnoticed when people post advertising, spam content for SEO which is highly prevalent. Moderation feature for blogs/entries can control such spam. Additionally, if there is an option to cross-post any new blog content into topics (like Articles), people could see them in the Topic view and Report if anything is fishy.
  9. Also, the Events widget is showing events for the current month of NEXT year!
  10. Another related issue with the Fluid View Filters widget is - there is no easy way to filter out just one or two subforums from a list of about 20+ subforums. The user has to select all the subforums one at a time manually except those one or two subforums which is not a good UX. There could be a Select/Unselect All toggle checkbox (and maybe an Invert Selection toggle button too) on the top - the user could select all subforums with just one click (the WHERE clause will remain unchanged and remain the same as when all subforums are unselected) and then s/he could unselect those one or two subforums quickly to filter them out.
  11. Another point to note is - some sub/forums may have fewer topics worth keeping beyond the Purge/Archive Period. Would be nice to be able to config each sub/forum when to archive (or not) based on activity optimally - instead of globally based on number of years.
  12. I'm seeing a Support menu item with URL - /index.php?app=nexus&module=support&controller=home The "app=nexus" part seems odd and it doesn't go anywhere. Please advise...
  13. Do not again for - is set to: "[X] for the rest of the session" I remember I changed some settings here recently but not sure which one.
  14. I've just checked in the IP Address Tool and it shows multiple IP addresses used today which makes sense. I have a 1 GBPS connection and not sure why. This is only happening for the last one week. Need to call my ISP. Also, after re-login, ACP reverts to Light theme.
  15. It is annoying while actively using the ACP, the session gets logged out frequently on IC cloud. Even while using it continuously without a gap of more than a couple of seconds, it logs out on page submission which is strange. It is not sensing the active session and doing its own thing.
  16. This may be just an issue of displaying the year wrongly as 2023 for the next year's event in the Overview view because on the Detail page when we click on the card, it shows the year as 2024 correctly. If the Overview view is designed to show all recurring events for the chosen month for all recurring years, not sure why it is stopping at 2024 (just 1 year from today) and there are no more rows to load at the bottom (Show More Events button at the bottom gets disabled). It should load more recurring events for future years.
  17. My site on IC cloud is not ready yet. if you have a demo site, I can set up 2 events like so: Create a recurring event with todays's date. Create another recurring event with yesterday's date. On the Events > Overview cards layout, it will show today's event on the top and yesterday's event at the bottom (with 2023 year on it). If you click this yesterday's event card, it opens the detail view showing date as Nov 13, 2024 Apparently, the Overview will show all the events for the selected month for all future years including recurring ones but they show with a wrong/current year.
  18. Most of the CSS I created was to alter/enhance the appearance of the themes and make them interactive using predefined CSS variables to make them generic across the themes. And there are some custom tweaks specific to some themes. But I need to apply the same common CSS changes for each theme + custom changes for some themes every time I make changes/enhancements to CSS redundantly. Other successful web dev tools implement a global CSS and page-level CSS where we could upload files, specify file URLs or type out the code into a textarea box. It would be nice to have a global CSS common to all the themes and a theme-level CSS specific to themes where we could add URLs to these files or upload files or just type into text areas. CSS is purely client-side and safe to inject. I could live without theme-level JS but a global common JS would be nice. Will it work for all themes if I add the CSS and JS to Advanced Configuration > Body Code and Page View JS boxes under Settings? I've seen these settings before but haven't tried using them. What will be the order of execution when code is added to these boxes in conjunction with theme-level CSS specific to some themes? If theme-level CSS gets included at the end for higher precedence, that should work.
  19. Events > Overview If there are any recurring events for less than today for next year, they are showing in the current month with current year but when clicked on them, the date shows as yesterday next year. Eg: Today: Nov 15, 2023. Overview for Nov shows Nov 15, 2023 events at the top and Nov 14, 2023 events at the bottom When clicked on Nov 14, 2023 events, their date shows as Nov 14, 2024 Apart from the above glitch, it is as per the design to show events of next year's current month in this year's current month (under Overview)?
  20. Is there a place to add CSS and JS in one place that is common to all themes? I could not find a way to add CSS even at the theme level. Ideally, there should be a common.css application-wide and a custom.css for each theme. And the JS file similarly (common.js and custom.js). Otherwise, it will result in redundant CSS and JS for each theme. If there are a dozen themes, the work and redundancy multiplies as many times.
  21. Only the Guidelines and Privacy Policy have External Link properties under Settings > Terms & Privacy Policy. Terms and Cookies don't have the link properties unless I modify the footer template and change their links to pages. It would be graceful to have the sidebar optionally on all these pages.
  22. I saw in the APIs a column named registrationIpAddress which was the IP address recorded when the user registered. Under modcp, IP Address Tools, when we query a member, does it use the latest IP address or the registration IP Address or both to link all members who are using the same IP address?
  23. This suggestion is similar to multiple pinned topics on single rows suggestion (but this suggestion is for widgets) -
  24. In Page Builder, we should be able to insert placeholder components above and below of the content wide bar, like so: The 3-column placeholders in the left/wide bar would allow us to place widgets in it optimally without widgets looking too wide (widgets placed in the side bar are making it grow too tall)
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