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Posts posted by LIVIO

  1. Hi,

    Is it possible to moderate reviews and comments by user groups. Meaning:

    I want my paying members (specific user group) to be able to leave reviews on my posts and videos, but I don't want that reviews of my non paying members are automatically published (moderation).

    Is it possible to set up this ?

    Paying members (group 1): Can leave review and they are automatically published
    Non paying members (group 2): Can leave review but they need to be validated (by admin/moderator) before to be published.

    Thank you for your help.


  2. Hi,

    I already came with this idea few months ago, but i didn't follow up at this time. Now, this is pretty urgent for me:

    I'm looking for a developer to create an app/plugin which allow a selected group of members to sell event tickets directly via Events app.



    . Free or Paid Events: When they create an event, this selected group of users is able to choose between external or paid events directly on the platform.

    Meaning: If they choose external, they will be able to add an URL which redirect (via a button display on the frontend) to their external sales page.

    If they choose paid event, their will be ask to enter infos and price related to this paid event, which will be considered as a product in Commerce (with all datas/infos involve: price, quantity/stock, ...). In fact it will be a brand new product type: event tickets.

    No RSVP button available for this group, neither virtual event possibility.

    For the buyer: When someone buy a ticket, he will receive the classic commerce notification + a PDF ticket with unique QR code and/or serial number related to this ticket.

    For the event organizer: He will be able to see and download the list of buyers whenever he wants.

    On the frontend: All buyers will be displayed as attendees for this event.

    I may have forgotten some details about the plugin I'm looking for, but you have the idea.

    If you think you can help me with this, quite urgently, please PM me to see if we can work together on this.





  3. Hi,
    I'm looking for a developer to create a plugin so I can propose to my member to buy Giftcard that are product related.

    Example: I'm selling an annual subscription and I would like to propose to my current members to buy gift cards which are in fact an annual subscription. So they can give this annual subscription to their friends/relatives.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.


  4. Hi,
    My suggestions to improve Events and Commerce:

    . Events: The possibility for physical events to add an url field which is transformed in a button "more info" or "buy tickets" on the front end (like it's already the case for online event)

    -> so members/event organizers can have a CTA which redirect on their ticketing system.

    . Commerce: Possibility to sell ticket using Commerce (paid events linked to Commerce)

    -> so memberrs/event organizers can sell their events tickets directly via Commerce.

    I'm open to discuss also with developers to create an app for these features.



  5. Hi,

    I'm looking for someone who can help me with the following tasks:

    - Calendar: I want the event image to be displayed in 16x9 format with the text/title below the image (not inside). Currently the image is extremely cropped and the title hides most of the image/photo.

    - Checkout: invert the following blocks : Login <--> Create an account (from the right side of the page to the left side)

    Thank you in advance for your proposal by private message.


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