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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. We read virtually every piece of feedback we receive, even if we don't reply and we often see the same requests coming up. The ability to 'preview' the topic by viewing an excerpt from the first post is often requested and we've added this into IP.Board 3.1. We've made it a little more useful by also including the last time you read a topic (if applicable) and the number of unread posts so you can quickly review how much activity has taken place since you last read the topic. When you 'mouse over' a topic entry, you'll see a little 'pop-up' icon. Clicking this loads an excerpt from the first post along with some data underneath. This is very useful for moderators who can quickly review un-approved topics and well as being useful for normal members who can quickly decide whether they want to open the topic or not. Technical Details: - Icon appears for moderators / admins and normal members. If there are no moderator tools, it shows on its own. - When you mouse over the cell, the icon is "faded" until you mouse over the actual icon. - Data is loaded via Ajax to reduce mark-up required in the templates. - The post excerpt is stripped of all BBCode and mark-up to prevent it breaking out of the pop-up. This feature adds a little more functionality and polish to the forum index allowing you to perform your daily routine a little quicker and a little easier. View full blog entry
  2. The IP.Board 2 series introduced a number of new profile features designed to make your profile page a little more interactive. Besides the usual stats and figures, we introduced a personal photo and the ability to leave comments and list recent visitors. This made your profile page a little more personal and encouraged repeat visits. With the status updates feature in IP.Board 3.1, the profile page is becoming increasingly like a little user portal. With that in mind, we've extended the personalization options to include profile page background customization. You can allow your members permission to add a new background image or change the background color which instantly changes the feel of the page. Here's an example of my own profile: I've chosen a beach scene, so I've not tiled the image. This allows the image to not repeat and remain 'fixed' so that when you scroll, the background doesn't scroll with it. You'll note a new menu item in the User Control Panel: Naturally, you as the administrator can control which groups have permission to do this: When the user adds a profile background, the margins on the profile page increase so you can see the background image. If the user doesn't have a background image set, the profile appears as normal with minimal padding. You can adjust this by editing the profile page CSS as normal via the Admin CP. The profile page has undergone a few tweaks to make it a little neater. We've moved all the user's information into the left hand bar leaving more space to the right for other data such as the status updates, etc. We plan to develop user customization further in future releases. Technical Notes: - Group settings to enable / allow uploads / allow URL images / maximum upload size - Ability to disable on a per-user basis - Ability to tile an image, or to fix it (background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed)
  3. The IP.Board 2 series introduced a number of new profile features designed to make your profile page a little more interactive. Besides the usual stats and figures, we introduced a personal photo and the ability to leave comments and list recent visitors. This made your profile page a little more personal and encouraged repeat visits. With the status updates feature in IP.Board 3.1, the profile page is becoming increasingly like a little user portal. With that in mind, we've extended the personalization options to include profile page background customization. You can allow your members permission to add a new background image or change the background color which instantly changes the feel of the page. Here's an example of my own profile: I've chosen a beach scene, so I've not tiled the image. This allows the image to not repeat and remain 'fixed' so that when you scroll, the background doesn't scroll with it. You'll note a new menu item in the User Control Panel: Naturally, you as the administrator can control which groups have permission to do this: When the user adds a profile background, the margins on the profile page increase so you can see the background image. If the user doesn't have a background image set, the profile appears as normal with minimal padding. You can adjust this by editing the profile page CSS as normal via the Admin CP. The profile page has undergone a few tweaks to make it a little neater. We've moved all the user's information into the left hand bar leaving more space to the right for other data such as the status updates, etc. We plan to develop user customization further in future releases. Technical Notes: - Group settings to enable / allow uploads / allow URL images / maximum upload size - Ability to disable on a per-user basis - Ability to tile an image, or to fix it (background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed) View full blog entry
  4. When we were developing IP.Board 3.0 we were looking for ways to lower the barrier for registering. There are many single sign in providers but most of them required separate registration and set-up. Around this time, Facebook released their emerging API "Facebook Connect". We seized the opportunity to implement it within IP.Board 3 and adhered to all their guidelines. The first implementation of the Facebook Connect API was less of a point of authentication but more of a way to appear as a member of a site. This was slightly at odds with the concept of permanent registration at a forum and a few work-arounds had to be made. For example, there was no way to request your Facebook data without you actually being active on the board and connected (logged into Facebook). Also, Facebook did not allow you to request the Facebook user's real email address but instead had to make do with a long proxy email address that Facebook would use to forward mail to your Facebook account. Despite these limitations, it worked well in allowing users with a Facebook account to register almost instantly on your forum. Since then, Facebook have updated their API dramatically allowing so much more functionality. Naturally, we have taken the opportunity to update the integration within IP.Board. You can now request several different permissions to allow IP.Board to fetch your Facebook data without you being online. Furthermore, IP.Board can now store a permanent "key" to link your forum account to your Facebook account meaning that you shouldn't see the "Connect" button once you initially set up your forum account. As these permissions need to be explicitly granted, we have added a little section to the "Manage Facebook Connect" page to list the permissions IP.Board requires and whether or not such permission has been granted. If permission has not been granted, you will be give the option of requesting permission. You can now also publish your status updates directly to your Facebook account using the new API methods: This new implementation should clear up a lot of the current Facebook issues people experience, mostly due to authorization errors between IP.Board and Facebook caused by expired sessions. The new methods also allow the new sharing links system.
  5. When we were developing IP.Board 3.0 we were looking for ways to lower the barrier for registering. There are many single sign in providers but most of them required separate registration and set-up. Around this time, Facebook released their emerging API "Facebook Connect". We seized the opportunity to implement it within IP.Board 3 and adhered to all their guidelines. The first implementation of the Facebook Connect API was less of a point of authentication but more of a way to appear as a member of a site. This was slightly at odds with the concept of permanent registration at a forum and a few work-arounds had to be made. For example, there was no way to request your Facebook data without you actually being active on the board and connected (logged into Facebook). Also, Facebook did not allow you to request the Facebook user's real email address but instead had to make do with a long proxy email address that Facebook would use to forward mail to your Facebook account. Despite these limitations, it worked well in allowing users with a Facebook account to register almost instantly on your forum. Since then, Facebook have updated their API dramatically allowing so much more functionality. Naturally, we have taken the opportunity to update the integration within IP.Board. You can now request several different permissions to allow IP.Board to fetch your Facebook data without you being online. Furthermore, IP.Board can now store a permanent "key" to link your forum account to your Facebook account meaning that you shouldn't see the "Connect" button once you initially set up your forum account. As these permissions need to be explicitly granted, we have added a little section to the "Manage Facebook Connect" page to list the permissions IP.Board requires and whether or not such permission has been granted. If permission has not been granted, you will be give the option of requesting permission. You can now also publish your status updates directly to your Facebook account using the new API methods: This new implementation should clear up a lot of the current Facebook issues people experience, mostly due to authorization errors between IP.Board and Facebook caused by expired sessions. The new methods also allow the new sharing links system. View full blog entry
  6. Following on from our recent blog entry about Twitter Integration, I'd like to present our newest IP.Board 3.1.0 feature: Sharing Links. This new feature makes good use of our improved Facebook Connect integration and the new Twitter integration. As most Facebook and Twitter users have discovered, sometimes you see a link to a great article or topic and want to share it with your friends and followers. This new feature makes this very easy to do. You don't even have to leave the page to do it. The ease of use will encourage your members to share your links among their friends increasing the traffic to your forum. If you have connected your forum account to Twitter and Facebook, then clicking on the share link icon for those services loads a pop-up enabling you to tailor your content before sending it. Of course, there are many more places to share links which is why we've included a few other methods by default and made it very easy to add your own. Let's look at the feature in more detail. The screen shot below shows a typical topic and the new share icons underneath. In this case, we've just clicked on the "Twitter" icon: Now, lets hit "Share". We see a confirmation of our tweet and a link to it: Let's take a quick look on the Twitter site to confirm it. (I've removed some of the bit.ly URL in this screen shot) Now, let's hit the Facebook icon: A quick look on Facebook confirms the link has been added to my wall Of course, if you don't have your account linked to Twitter or Facebook, the standard "share" link is launched for each service. The other services act like this too, a new window is opened with the service's share page loaded and filled in. Developers will be pleased to note that adding share links to your own pages is incredibly easy. All you need to do is add one small line of code to your templates and it handles the rest. You don't need to load or parse any data directly, it's all handled for you. For example: Share this: {IPSLib::shareLinks( $documentTitle )} Wouldn't it be great to know which links were shared and how many times? You'll be pleased to know that IP.Board tracks the number of shares for each URL and service type and can show a log of this data in the Admin CP. We've also put together a side bar hook to process this data: This data is cached each time a link is shared, so it is very light to load and process. It is entirely abstracted so your own applications can make use of it. It's no secret how social media has improved how we share data to each other and this feature allows your board to gain more exposure using existing services. The seamless integration with Facebook and Twitter lowers the barrier for sharing your content. Here's a quick overview of the feature: - Global on/off switch to remove the share link icons and functionality - On/off switch per forum to remove the icons and functionality - Fall back to simple service's "share" page if member doesn't have JS enabled, or does not have their account connected - Admin CP options to add more services and to disable existing services - Sidebar hook uses cached data and can be disabled. Guests cannot see it. - Topics that are shared that you do not have permission to see have the topic title "Protected Topic" by default in the sidebar block.
  7. Following on from our recent blog entry about Twitter Integration, I'd like to present our newest IP.Board 3.1.0 feature: Sharing Links. This new feature makes good use of our improved Facebook Connect integration and the new Twitter integration. As most Facebook and Twitter users have discovered, sometimes you see a link to a great article or topic and want to share it with your friends and followers. This new feature makes this very easy to do. You don't even have to leave the page to do it. The ease of use will encourage your members to share your links among their friends increasing the traffic to your forum. If you have connected your forum account to Twitter and Facebook, then clicking on the share link icon for those services loads a pop-up enabling you to tailor your content before sending it. Of course, there are many more places to share links which is why we've included a few other methods by default and made it very easy to add your own. Let's look at the feature in more detail. The screen shot below shows a typical topic and the new share icons underneath. In this case, we've just clicked on the "Twitter" icon: Now, lets hit "Share". We see a confirmation of our tweet and a link to it: Let's take a quick look on the Twitter site to confirm it. (I've removed some of the bit.ly URL in this screen shot) Now, let's hit the Facebook icon: A quick look on Facebook confirms the link has been added to my wall Of course, if you don't have your account linked to Twitter or Facebook, the standard "share" link is launched for each service. The other services act like this too, a new window is opened with the service's share page loaded and filled in. Developers will be pleased to note that adding share links to your own pages is incredibly easy. All you need to do is add one small line of code to your templates and it handles the rest. You don't need to load or parse any data directly, it's all handled for you. For example: Share this: {IPSLib::shareLinks( $documentTitle )} Wouldn't it be great to know which links were shared and how many times? You'll be pleased to know that IP.Board tracks the number of shares for each URL and service type and can show a log of this data in the Admin CP. We've also put together a side bar hook to process this data: This data is cached each time a link is shared, so it is very light to load and process. It is entirely abstracted so your own applications can make use of it. It's no secret how social media has improved how we share data to each other and this feature allows your board to gain more exposure using existing services. The seamless integration with Facebook and Twitter lowers the barrier for sharing your content. Here's a quick overview of the feature: - Global on/off switch to remove the share link icons and functionality - On/off switch per forum to remove the icons and functionality - Fall back to simple service's "share" page if member doesn't have JS enabled, or does not have their account connected - Admin CP options to add more services and to disable existing services - Sidebar hook uses cached data and can be disabled. Guests cannot see it. - Topics that are shared that you do not have permission to see have the topic title "Protected Topic" by default in the sidebar block. View full blog entry
  8. IP.Board already has many moderation tools, including the ability to "approve" and "un-approve" posts and topics to make them hidden from the general community. IP.Board also has a "Trash Can" forum which collects all deleted topics and posts giving you a chance to keep them and manually move them back if you wanted to do so. Recently, we've had several requests for a "soft delete" option. This would work in a similar manner to the "approve" and "un-approve" system but with an extended permission set. Essentially, when you "soft delete" a topic or post, it vanishes for the general community (by default) but is still visible to moderators and administrators in-line. You can also add a reason why the item was deleted and it records the time stamp. If you have permission, then you can restore the post if desired with a click of a button. The permissions model works like this: Per Member Group: - Can Soft Delete All Topics - Can Soft Delete All Posts - Can Soft Delete My Topics - Can Soft Delete My Posts - Can See Soft Deleted Items - Can See Soft Deleted Content - Can Restore Soft-Deleted Topics - Can Restore Soft-Deleted Posts Per Moderator: (Will override member group selection in the forum(s) they moderate) - Can Soft Delete All Topics - Can Soft Delete All Posts - Can See Soft Deleted Items - Can See Soft Deleted Content - Can Restore Soft-Deleted Topics - Can Restore Soft-Deleted Posts This gives you many options. For example, you could allow your members to "soft delete" their own content allowing you the chance to restore it. Conversely, you may also want your members to see that some items have been deleted, but not see the actual content of what was deleted. The choice is yours. Here's a few screen shots detailing the feature: When the delete button is clicked, a new dialogue appears giving you the option to "remove from view" (aka, soft delete) or "Delete Now" which will either remove it from the database, or move it into the Trash Can forum if it is set up. How the deleted post looks if you have "See Deleted Items" permission. The toggle button is visible for those with "See Soft Deleted Content" permission. The forum's topic list shows a pink background with a delete icon for topics with "soft deleted" posts. Clicking the delete icon brings up a list of the deleted posts. Clicking on the delete icon (that appears when you mouseover the cell) brings up a dialogue similar to the post one. Showing the deleted item in the forum's topic list. Clicking the topic title link will take you to the topic if you have "See Soft Deleted Content" permission. This feature also works with the multi-moderation allowing you to "soft delete" or "restore" many posts or topics at once. Please keep in mind that the screenshots shown are based on a pre-beta build of IP.Board 3.1 and will likely receive a little polish before release.
  9. IP.Board already has many moderation tools, including the ability to "approve" and "un-approve" posts and topics to make them hidden from the general community. IP.Board also has a "Trash Can" forum which collects all deleted topics and posts giving you a chance to keep them and manually move them back if you wanted to do so. Recently, we've had several requests for a "soft delete" option. This would work in a similar manner to the "approve" and "un-approve" system but with an extended permission set. Essentially, when you "soft delete" a topic or post, it vanishes for the general community (by default) but is still visible to moderators and administrators in-line. You can also add a reason why the item was deleted and it records the time stamp. If you have permission, then you can restore the post if desired with a click of a button. The permissions model works like this: Per Member Group: - Can Soft Delete All Topics - Can Soft Delete All Posts - Can Soft Delete My Topics - Can Soft Delete My Posts - Can See Soft Deleted Items - Can See Soft Deleted Content - Can Restore Soft-Deleted Topics - Can Restore Soft-Deleted Posts Per Moderator: (Will override member group selection in the forum(s) they moderate) - Can Soft Delete All Topics - Can Soft Delete All Posts - Can See Soft Deleted Items - Can See Soft Deleted Content - Can Restore Soft-Deleted Topics - Can Restore Soft-Deleted Posts This gives you many options. For example, you could allow your members to "soft delete" their own content allowing you the chance to restore it. Conversely, you may also want your members to see that some items have been deleted, but not see the actual content of what was deleted. The choice is yours. Here's a few screen shots detailing the feature: When the delete button is clicked, a new dialogue appears giving you the option to "remove from view" (aka, soft delete) or "Delete Now" which will either remove it from the database, or move it into the Trash Can forum if it is set up. How the deleted post looks if you have "See Deleted Items" permission. The toggle button is visible for those with "See Soft Deleted Content" permission. The forum's topic list shows a pink background with a delete icon for topics with "soft deleted" posts. Clicking the delete icon brings up a list of the deleted posts. Clicking on the delete icon (that appears when you mouseover the cell) brings up a dialogue similar to the post one. Showing the deleted item in the forum's topic list. Clicking the topic title link will take you to the topic if you have "See Soft Deleted Content" permission. This feature also works with the multi-moderation allowing you to "soft delete" or "restore" many posts or topics at once. Please keep in mind that the screenshots shown are based on a pre-beta build of IP.Board 3.1 and will likely receive a little polish before release. View full blog entry
  10. I had previously blogged about the status update improvements coming in IP.Board 3.1.0. This blog runs through some exciting new integration features with Twitter. As IP.Board already has Facebook integration, it makes sense to also integrate Twitter. This further lowers the bar when registering a new account on your forum. If your visitors have have a Twitter account, they can use this to register a new forum account or to "connect" their existing account with their Twitter account. Integrating your Twitter account allows you to use your Twitter profile picture and description on the board. You can also import your latest Twitter status onto the board, or post your board status to Twitter. If your forum status is longer than 140 characters, it will cut the status off and automatically add a Bit.ly URL pointing to your forum status update. You may note that each status update on the forum has a little icon showing where the status originated. These improvements should increase registrations on your board and generate more traffic to it.
  11. I had previously blogged about the status update improvements coming in IP.Board 3.1.0. This blog runs through some exciting new integration features with Twitter. As IP.Board already has Facebook integration, it makes sense to also integrate Twitter. This further lowers the bar when registering a new account on your forum. If your visitors have have a Twitter account, they can use this to register a new forum account or to "connect" their existing account with their Twitter account. Integrating your Twitter account allows you to use your Twitter profile picture and description on the board. You can also import your latest Twitter status onto the board, or post your board status to Twitter. If your forum status is longer than 140 characters, it will cut the status off and automatically add a Bit.ly URL pointing to your forum status update. You may note that each status update on the forum has a little icon showing where the status originated. These improvements should increase registrations on your board and generate more traffic to it. View full blog entry
  12. I blogged just before Christmas about the improvements to the status update feature in IP.Board. A recent addition is the ability to locks a status update. A normal member can lock their status to prevent comments from other members, although a super moderator (and admin) can over-ride this and reply and/or unlock the status. When a super moderator (and admin) lock a status, it means that in addition to other members being able to reply, the status owner can not unlock it. I have also improved the sidebar hook to allow on-the-fly commenting, updating and deleting without leaving the page. You can see it in action, here: We feel these minor 'social networking' style features add interest and a secondary reason to re-visit your forum. Members can receive email notifications when a reply is made to their status, or a reply is made to a status they have commented on. This will continually drive traffic back to your site and encourage more interaction between members.
  13. I blogged just before Christmas about the improvements to the status update feature in IP.Board. A recent addition is the ability to locks a status update. A normal member can lock their status to prevent comments from other members, although a super moderator (and admin) can over-ride this and reply and/or unlock the status. When a super moderator (and admin) lock a status, it means that in addition to other members being able to reply, the status owner can not unlock it. I have also improved the sidebar hook to allow on-the-fly commenting, updating and deleting without leaving the page. You can see it in action, here: We feel these minor 'social networking' style features add interest and a secondary reason to re-visit your forum. Members can receive email notifications when a reply is made to their status, or a reply is made to a status they have commented on. This will continually drive traffic back to your site and encourage more interaction between members. View full blog entry
  14. As we near the release of IP.Blog 2.1.0 final, I wanted to run through some of the new features you can expect to see after upgrading. This is a very substantial upgrade that gives your blog a major facelift as well as drastically improving functionality. User Interface The user interface has had a complete facelift to bring it up to standard. The new look feels more 'bloggish' and enhances the experience. I've added drop down menus at the top so that you can quickly access common areas and start new entries where you have permission to. The post screen has been overhauled to add functionality. You should find the new version much easier to navigate and easier to use. Group Blogs This is a new feature that allows you, the admin, to set up a group-wide blog. This blog is a normal blog in every other way. For example, you could set up a blog for your staff and everyone in the staff group will instantly be able to start writing new blog entries and managing comments, etc. Blog This! This is a brand new feature that adds a "Blog This" button to every post. This allows you to use post content in your blog entry. Furthermore, the relationship is remembered and all linked blog entries appear at the bottom of the topic when viewed. Per-Entry Rating You can now rate each blog entry rather than just the entire blog itself. The blog rating is still shown on the homepage as an aggregate of all rated entries. Report Item and Reputation You can now report an entire blog entry, or just a single comment. You can now also give someone a reputation increase/decrease in comments. List View A common request was the return of a fully sortable and filterable list view for blogs that emulated a forum view. I have added this in. You'll notice you can click the table headers to sort on that column and click again to reverse the sort. There is also a "List Blogs" sidebar block to quickly filter and list the blogs. There's even a little 'preview the latest entry' icon that shows the entry excerpt in a pop-up so you don't have to leave the page to preview it. Dynamic Sidebar I've moved some the footer links (Top 10 bloggers, etc) into a dynamic sidebar along with Recent Entries. This makes it easier to locate and saves a bit of space. RSS Imports Another long requested feature was to be able to create entries from an RSS feed. This is now a feature. You can control which member groups have access to this as well as limit the number of items imported on each cycle. Banish Entries You can now banish entries from the front page to remove any 'clutter' such as 'testing' blogs or other unsuitable content. ACP Clean-up I've gone through and cleaned up some of the Admin CP pages to make them a little easier to understand and navigate. I've added explanations to the 'Headers' / 'Dynamic Headers' pages so it's clear what they do. Efficiency I've removed several slow queries and introduced several more caching layers to substantially reduce SQL overhead when dealing with large numbers of blogs. We hope you find the updates useful, and we look forward to your feedback to continue improving the product.
  15. As we near the release of IP.Blog 2.1.0 final, I wanted to run through some of the new features you can expect to see after upgrading. This is a very substantial upgrade that gives your blog a major facelift as well as drastically improving functionality. User Interface The user interface has had a complete facelift to bring it up to standard. The new look feels more 'bloggish' and enhances the experience. I've added drop down menus at the top so that you can quickly access common areas and start new entries where you have permission to. The post screen has been overhauled to add functionality. You should find the new version much easier to navigate and easier to use. Group Blogs This is a new feature that allows you, the admin, to set up a group-wide blog. This blog is a normal blog in every other way. For example, you could set up a blog for your staff and everyone in the staff group will instantly be able to start writing new blog entries and managing comments, etc. Blog This! This is a brand new feature that adds a "Blog This" button to every post. This allows you to use post content in your blog entry. Furthermore, the relationship is remembered and all linked blog entries appear at the bottom of the topic when viewed. Per-Entry Rating You can now rate each blog entry rather than just the entire blog itself. The blog rating is still shown on the homepage as an aggregate of all rated entries. Report Item and Reputation You can now report an entire blog entry, or just a single comment. You can now also give someone a reputation increase/decrease in comments. List View A common request was the return of a fully sortable and filterable list view for blogs that emulated a forum view. I have added this in. You'll notice you can click the table headers to sort on that column and click again to reverse the sort. There is also a "List Blogs" sidebar block to quickly filter and list the blogs. There's even a little 'preview the latest entry' icon that shows the entry excerpt in a pop-up so you don't have to leave the page to preview it. Dynamic Sidebar I've moved some the footer links (Top 10 bloggers, etc) into a dynamic sidebar along with Recent Entries. This makes it easier to locate and saves a bit of space. RSS Imports Another long requested feature was to be able to create entries from an RSS feed. This is now a feature. You can control which member groups have access to this as well as limit the number of items imported on each cycle. Banish Entries You can now banish entries from the front page to remove any 'clutter' such as 'testing' blogs or other unsuitable content. ACP Clean-up I've gone through and cleaned up some of the Admin CP pages to make them a little easier to understand and navigate. I've added explanations to the 'Headers' / 'Dynamic Headers' pages so it's clear what they do. Efficiency I've removed several slow queries and introduced several more caching layers to substantially reduce SQL overhead when dealing with large numbers of blogs. We hope you find the updates useful, and we look forward to your feedback to continue improving the product. View full blog entry
  16. Laurel resting isn't an activity we do at IPS and we're all very hard at work on IP.Board 3.1.0 now that we've finished primary development on our suite of applications. We've got lots of exciting things planned and progress has already been made on a few key features. As an early Christmas present to our community and to continue our honest and open development, I wanted to show you one of our already completed 3.1.0 features: Enhanced Status Updates During the latter stages of IP.Board 3.0.0's development, we added in very basic status updates in users profiles that was further enhanced by the index page sidebar hook. We've seen this feature get a lot of use on our own community and we wanted to take it to the next logical step and allow archived statuses and status replies. There is a new tab in a member's profile for recent status updates and recent status actions. As one would expect, this is all handled via Ajax with normal post operations for those who do not have javascript enabled. Replies appear instantly, comments are deleted instantly and even status updates are removed instantly. See it in action below: There is also a new page for all status updates: You can even receive email notification on any replies to your statuses or any replies to statuses you've replied to: This takes a minor feature and gives it a little more focus and should help increase traffic between user profiles and give more of a social feel to your bulletin board. Your status can also be updated automatically from Facebook if you are using Facebook connect. As always, please keep in mind these are early preview screenshots and may change between now and the first public release of IP.Board 3.1.0. As always, we'd love to know what you think.
  17. Laurel resting isn't an activity we do at IPS and we're all very hard at work on IP.Board 3.1.0 now that we've finished primary development on our suite of applications. We've got lots of exciting things planned and progress has already been made on a few key features. As an early Christmas present to our community and to continue our honest and open development, I wanted to show you one of our already completed 3.1.0 features: Enhanced Status Updates During the latter stages of IP.Board 3.0.0's development, we added in very basic status updates in users profiles that was further enhanced by the index page sidebar hook. We've seen this feature get a lot of use on our own community and we wanted to take it to the next logical step and allow archived statuses and status replies. There is a new tab in a member's profile for recent status updates and recent status actions. As one would expect, this is all handled via Ajax with normal post operations for those who do not have javascript enabled. Replies appear instantly, comments are deleted instantly and even status updates are removed instantly. See it in action below: There is also a new page for all status updates: You can even receive email notification on any replies to your statuses or any replies to statuses you've replied to: This takes a minor feature and gives it a little more focus and should help increase traffic between user profiles and give more of a social feel to your bulletin board. Your status can also be updated automatically from Facebook if you are using Facebook connect. As always, please keep in mind these are early preview screenshots and may change between now and the first public release of IP.Board 3.1.0. As always, we'd love to know what you think. View full blog entry
  18. Matt

    IP.Chat help!

    Also please, please, please keep in mind that you guys are the first to *ever* install this chat app. Also keep in mind this is the first time we've opened up our chat server publicly. We truly appreciate the testing but try not to get too wound up if it doesn't work for you. You guys are on the bleeding edge here, more so than usual. With our usual applications we know that the IP.Board framework is well tested so the worst that can happen is a SQL error here and there.
  19. That's correct. Features addition is done, it's just bugs and tweaks from this point onwards.
  20. You may have noticed that I've updated our blog installation again. This brings many new features sine the last update. This update pretty much wraps up principle coding for new features and although there are a fair few tweaks and bugs to be fixed, we should see a beta release fairly soon. The new feature highlights are: List View Returns A common request was the return of a fully sortable and filterable list view for blogs that emulated a forum view. I have added this in. You'll notice you can click the table headers to sort on that column and click again to reverse the sort. There is also a "List Blogs" sidebar block to quickly filter and list the blogs. There's even a little 'preview the latest entry' icon that shows the entry excerpt in a pop-up so you don't have to leave the page to preview it. Dynamic Sidebar Block I've moved some the footer links (Top 10 bloggers, etc) into a dynamic sidebar along with Recent Entries. This makes it easier to locate and saves a bit of space. RSS Imports Another long requested feature was to be able to create entries from an RSS feed. This is now a feature. You can control which member groups have access to this as well as limit the number of items imported on each cycle. Banish Entries You can now banish entries from the front page to remove any 'clutter' such as 'testing' blogs or other unsuitable content. ACP Clean-up I've gone through and cleaned up some of the Admin CP pages to make them a little easier to understand and navigate. I've added explanations to the 'Headers' / 'Dynamic Headers' pages so it's clear what they do. Please have a click around and let us know what you think. We've tried very hard to incorporate a lot of commonly requested features in this release and we'll continue to do so over several subsequent releases. As always, this is late alpha software so please report any bugs into the Blog bug tracker as normal.
  21. You may have noticed that I've updated our blog installation again. This brings many new features sine the last update. This update pretty much wraps up principle coding for new features and although there are a fair few tweaks and bugs to be fixed, we should see a beta release fairly soon. The new feature highlights are: List View Returns A common request was the return of a fully sortable and filterable list view for blogs that emulated a forum view. I have added this in. You'll notice you can click the table headers to sort on that column and click again to reverse the sort. There is also a "List Blogs" sidebar block to quickly filter and list the blogs. There's even a little 'preview the latest entry' icon that shows the entry excerpt in a pop-up so you don't have to leave the page to preview it. Dynamic Sidebar Block I've moved some the footer links (Top 10 bloggers, etc) into a dynamic sidebar along with Recent Entries. This makes it easier to locate and saves a bit of space. RSS Imports Another long requested feature was to be able to create entries from an RSS feed. This is now a feature. You can control which member groups have access to this as well as limit the number of items imported on each cycle. Banish Entries You can now banish entries from the front page to remove any 'clutter' such as 'testing' blogs or other unsuitable content. ACP Clean-up I've gone through and cleaned up some of the Admin CP pages to make them a little easier to understand and navigate. I've added explanations to the 'Headers' / 'Dynamic Headers' pages so it's clear what they do. Please have a click around and let us know what you think. We've tried very hard to incorporate a lot of commonly requested features in this release and we'll continue to do so over several subsequent releases. As always, this is late alpha software so please report any bugs into the Blog bug tracker as normal. View full blog entry
  22. Matt

    IP.Board 3.0.5

    Yes, you need to create a blog before you can "Blog This" :)
  23. The thumbs will display similar to the images you posted. Clicking on remotely linked images will simply expand them. Clicking on attached images will launch the lightbox.
  24. IP.Board is a framework, but we've tailored its implementation to serve up forum-ish content. It is a very flexible framework in that you can drop in new apps but we've made a deliberate effort to keep forums at the front as that the main module that 'ships' with the framework. To really make it a true framework (in the sense of zend, etc) would require epic levels of abstraction that would just add overhead to each request. That said, the tabs thing is just a presentation 'issue' in that that's how we coded the default templates. You can create your own templates to totally change the ordering and presentation.
  25. Ok.... You can now set a fixed size for resizing images. So, if you wanted images to be no bigger than 600px wide or 600px tall, you can now do that. " alt="" class="ipsImage" width="1000px" height="145px"> " alt="" class="ipsImage" width="1000px" height="651px"> I have also added a "save" button into the lightbox which opens the original image in a new window
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