IP.Board already has many moderation tools, including the ability to "approve" and "un-approve" posts and topics to make them hidden from the general community. IP.Board also has a "Trash Can" forum which collects all deleted topics and posts giving you a chance to keep them and manually move them back if you wanted to do so.
Recently, we've had several requests for a "soft delete" option. This would work in a similar manner to the "approve" and "un-approve" system but with an extended permission set. Essentially, when you "soft delete" a topic or post, it vanishes for the general community (by default) but is still visible to moderators and administrators in-line. You can also add a reason why the item was deleted and it records the time stamp. If you have permission, then you can restore the post if desired with a click of a button.
The permissions model works like this:
Per Member Group:
- Can Soft Delete All Topics
- Can Soft Delete All Posts
- Can Soft Delete My Topics
- Can Soft Delete My Posts
- Can See Soft Deleted Items
- Can See Soft Deleted Content
- Can Restore Soft-Deleted Topics
- Can Restore Soft-Deleted Posts
Per Moderator: (Will override member group selection in the forum(s) they moderate)
- Can Soft Delete All Topics
- Can Soft Delete All Posts
- Can See Soft Deleted Items
- Can See Soft Deleted Content
- Can Restore Soft-Deleted Topics
- Can Restore Soft-Deleted Posts
This gives you many options. For example, you could allow your members to "soft delete" their own content allowing you the chance to restore it. Conversely, you may also want your members to see that some items have been deleted, but not see the actual content of what was deleted. The choice is yours.
Here's a few screen shots detailing the feature:
When the delete button is clicked, a new dialogue appears giving you the option to "remove from view" (aka, soft delete) or "Delete Now" which will either remove it from the database, or move it into the Trash Can forum if it is set up.
How the deleted post looks if you have "See Deleted Items" permission. The toggle button is visible for those with "See Soft Deleted Content" permission.
The forum's topic list shows a pink background with a delete icon for topics with "soft deleted" posts. Clicking the delete icon brings up a list of the deleted posts.
Clicking on the delete icon (that appears when you mouseover the cell) brings up a dialogue similar to the post one.
Showing the deleted item in the forum's topic list. Clicking the topic title link will take you to the topic if you have "See Soft Deleted Content" permission.
This feature also works with the multi-moderation allowing you to "soft delete" or "restore" many posts or topics at once.
Please keep in mind that the screenshots shown are based on a pre-beta build of IP.Board 3.1 and will likely receive a little polish before release.