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Posts posted by Moonbeam

  1. 2 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    In case restoring a backup is not an option, what about the the application's developer? Have you tried contacting them to see if they have an updated/compatible version?

    It's complicated. The original maker apparently transferred ownership to someone who removed it from the marketplace, and I don't know whether I'll be able to get it updated. So we may be be looking at recommissioning a whole new app, eventually.

  2. Ooh, I've been living a life of unconscious crime? No fair! I never even got a chance to enjoy that I got away with something illicit!

    That said, if the need arises, will I be able to upload a new version of the custom plugin? For instance, if it someday needs to be updated to make it compatible with a new release of IBS? 


  3. Earlier this year, I commissioned a custom plugin, which has been running happily on my Starter plan cloud site ever since. (I mean, I assume it's happy; it doesn't talk much about its feelings.) But now, I see that uploading custom plugins is listed as outside the scope of the Starter package. Did this drop off the Starter plan list of features recently? I assume it did, or I wouldn't have been able to upload the first one, unless I'm some sort of unconscious hacking genius. (Spoiler alert: I'm not.)

    I had envisioned commissioning additional plugins over time, but I have no intention of upgrading to the next plan anytime in the near future, since it would double the cost of running the site and I am nowhere near the membership level to justify it.

    I am sad.



  4. Earlier this year, I had an image plugin on my site's editor that was beyond the basic one; it was either Easy Image or Enhanced Image, can't recall. For life reasons, my site languished for much of this year as my group all had other concerns to deal with. So a few Invision updates took place before we resumed working on the site in the last month and a half.

    As I've been trying to make tweaks to the editor, I've found that adding certain plugins results in erasing every button, both on the "holding" toolbar and the live one. Basically, if I add certain ones, then everything is gone, and the only option is to hit Restore Default Configuration and start all over. I don't know what plugin originally caused this, but in the course of trying to restore a nicer-than-the-basic image button, I've identified that one of the many dependency plugins, Ajax Data Loading, is one of those that trashes everything on the toolbar.

    Is there a different process for adding that plugin? It's a required dependency of one of the required dependencies for the image plugins I want to use.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Charles said:

    Your API logs are using 9GB of space. Do you want me to delete them all and turn on pruning?

    Yes, please. And that is very interesting - I wouldn't have thought we'd have that much in the API logs when we've barely begun building stuff. Good to know, and I'll watch that in the future.

    4 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    Oh! This is for CIC.

    Maybe it'd be nice if we had tagging for CIC related things here when creating threads.

    Yes, sorry. Didn't occur to me to even look for such a tag.

  6. I have done a lot of searching, trying to hunt down the answer to this on my own, but I'm kind of stumped. Then again, I don't actually know what I'm doing, but hey - I never claimed otherwise.

    However, even I know that something's not right when we're still just goofing around, testing how we want to set things up, and have next to no content and only a handful of user accounts (all of which belong to the admin team and our socks) and we've somehow used 7.57 of 7.81 of our disk space. That shouldn't be happening with almost no content at all, right? What am I missing? I mean, other than disk space?

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