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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by virap

  1. Thank you Randy. did you do it following the process here? https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-upgrade.html Looks very complex process for me. Might need to hire someone unless there is a simpler guide on how to upgrade from elastic search 6.8 to 7.9
  2. so the minimum requirement is now 7.2.0. is there maximum? Will elastic search 7.9 work with ipb 4.6.9? Thanks.
  3. It is very sad to deal with the uncertainty of this project. It would be great to know if the project will be maintained, updated.
  4. Yes, I think that is the setup. Thank you.
  5. I think the forum app's default interface is set as home page. if it helps here is the link https://www.enotalone.com/
  6. Thank you, my home page shows topics from all forums. Also where is the setting controlling what is shown in the home page?
  7. Is there a way to sort the topic by start date on home page by default? Thank you.
  8. It appears the duplicate logger bans accounts when users try to sign in into the sign accounts using social sign-ins from Google, FB...? Why? Has to be a setting to prevent this happening or make it a selection.
  9. How is include/exclude list checked? like through a regular expression? I have about 100.000 urls to be excluded that might violate adsense tos. How adding such large list of urls will effect performance? Thank you.
  10. I have this code in the settings {{if request.app == 'forums' and request.module == 'forums' and request.controller == 'topic'}} {{$topic = \IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_item_item'];}} {{if $topic and $topic->topic_meta_data == 2}} 1 {{endif}} {{endif}} so it checks the topic_meta_data field in the topics table and if the value is 2 shows the ad code. While sometimes it works, there are many topics where the value is 2 and the ad code is now showing in the html. Thank you
  11. My members are alerting me that when an anonymous user quotes them or liked their post they can see the anonymous user's username in the notification. Give the nature of the feature I hope this will be addressed promptly.
  12. It appears the feature is not properly planned and integrated. My members alerted me that when an anonymous user quotes them or likes their post they can see the anonymous user's username. This needs to be addressed. I was very excited to implement it and make an official announcement only to learn that the feature does not actually work as it should at all.
  13. Can someone please help? This became a major issue and I simply don't know what might be causing it.
  14. Hello, it appears elasticsearch stops randomly in the last 2 days making activity search etc. unavailable. Attached is my elastic log but I can't find anything wrong there. And here is the /var/log/messages https://drive.google.com/file/d/16jvpgB8MO2gtJDQekcslfyNyujHFzVke/view?usp=sharing Can someone please help to troubleshoot this? Thank you ena.log
  15. I currently work on custom php block that retrieves topics from the API. How can I check if the a given topic has unread content for the end usr? I see that within templates this is used Can this somehow be used within custom php blocks? Thanks.
  16. Thank you so much. After I put the quotation marks it works.
  17. The above solution does not appear be working for php custom blocks. Anyone knows how to include a php file in a custom php block?
  18. Thank you very much. I work with a php block, is the syntax the same as for the template?
  19. In my custom php block I am simply trying to include a php file and echo a variable from the external file like this: But I include the path I get errors, see attached. If I don't include a full pth and simply say include (test.php); then there is no output from the variable. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
  20. Thank you. Is there a way to display the current forum name more prominently in fluid view?
  21. My forums h1 tags simply say topics. See the attached screenshot. IS there a way to display the actual forum name in h1 instead of simply saying topics? I see that invisioncommunity.com does it as it appears in the second screenshot. Thank you.
  22. There must a guide out there for ipb and cloudfront.
  23. Are there any guides on how to setup cloudfront? I found the s3 setup guide and everything worked out fine, but I can't find a guide for cloudfront. Thank you.
  24. After the upgrade everything appears to be working as expected. Thank you @CodingJungle!
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